Pikka Adren

Pikka Adren, a human female contractor during the High Republic Era, was married to Joss Adren. She collaborated with him on the construction of the Starlight Beacon space station. When the [Great Hyperspace Disaster](/article/great_hyperspace_disaster] occurred, she and her spouse volunteered their services to the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order to aid in rescuing the Hetzal system from impending destruction.


Construction of the Starlight Beacon

During the [High Republic Era](/article/high_republic_era], Pikka Adren and her husband, Joss Adren, worked as contractors. In the months preceding the dedication of the space station, Starlight Beacon, Pikka and Joss were brought on board as project managers to help finalize the construction.

After the completion of their work, Pikka made plans for a vacation for herself and Joss. They packed their belongings and prepared to depart the station. While checking her datapad, Pikka identified a power anomaly on the station and brought it to Joss' attention. He concurred that they should investigate it together. On their way, they encountered a group of dignitaries being led by Shai Tennem, the station administrator. Pikka found Tennem to be a very meticulous man and knew he would not be pleased with the power issue. Tennem then invited the Adrens to accompany them on the tour, and Pikka worried she would have to disclose the problem in front of everyone. Before she could speak, Jedi Knight Nib Assek stepped in and suggested that the Adrens should be allowed to enjoy their remaining free time on the station. Pikka wondered if the Jedi had sensed her unease but quickly continued towards the location of the power anomaly. Upon arriving at Conduit 398-GX14, she discovered that a resistor hub had burned out, creating a feedback loop. Joss described a solution, but his arm was too large to reach the wires. Pikka inserted her arm into the conduit and followed Joss' instructions to fix the problem. They proceeded to the hangar and boarded the Third Horizon for their journey to Coruscant. During the flight, she composed an incident report about the wiring and sent it to Tennem. Admiral Pevel Kronara announced over the intercom that a system-wide mass casualty event was unfolding in the Hetzal system, requesting volunteers to assist in rescue operations. Pikka and Joss immediately offered their assistance.

The Great Hyperspace Disaster

The couple volunteered to support the joint effort of the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order to save the Hetzal system from the wreckage of the [Great Hyperspace Disaster](/article/great_hyperspace_disaster]. Joss, her husband, piloted the Republic Longbeam cruiser Aurora III above the Fruited Moon of Hetzal Prime, while Pikka served as his co-pilot.

After the Battle of Kur

Following the Battle of Kur, Pikka and her husband went back to Starlight Beacon. They were called to a debriefing led by Chancellor Soh to discuss the Adrens' actions during the battle. The dignitaries were impressed by Joss' piloting skills and inquired if the tactics he employed during the fight could be implemented more broadly. Admiral Kronara played a hologram of the battle, which caused Pikka great anxiety as she recalled the stress of the engagement. After reviewing the battle footage, Kronara questioned the Adrens to understand why they, among the non-Jedi pilots, were uniquely capable of effectively reacting to the Nihil ship's micro-jumps during combat. Joss attempted to attribute it to either the Force or his natural piloting talent, but the council remained unconvinced. Pikka then allowed him to reveal that she had sliced the security systems for the Longbeam's operational code.

This gave Joss the ability to decouple the ship's thrusters from their computer controls. The ability to use them independently significantly improved the ship's maneuverability. RDC officials reprimanded the Adrens, stating that they could have damaged the ship, but Pikka countered that she had complete faith in his piloting abilities. The Adrens were dismissed and returned to their quarters on the Starlight Beacon.

Pikka decided to grab a bite to eat with her husband. However, before they could leave, Admiral Kronara arrived at their door and asked to come in. The officer explained that the Republic was not convinced that the Nihil threat was over and that the RDC was forming a special task force to hunt them down. He requested that the Adrens join the group. To Joss' surprise, his wife declined, stating that they had a vacation planned to Amfar. She agreed to join the task force after a two week holiday.

The Fall of Starlight Beacon

Later on, Pikka and her husband returned to Starlight Beacon after an accident damaged the hyperdrive on their [skiff](/article/skiff]. She encountered Stellan Gios in the docking bay and expressed her preference to remain on Starlight Beacon until the Nihil threat was resolved. She and her husband joined a group of travelers who were bartering for parts and supplies. She inquired if anyone knew how to fuse a new coupling, and Affie Hollow responded. Hollow and the Adrens decided to work together. Pikka shared a moment with Hollow's crewmate Geode, which made her husband jealous.

Pikka ran into Hollow in the docking bay and told her that Koley Linn had been snooping around the Vessel. She offered to assist Hollow if her crewmates weren't around. Pikka sensed that something was troubling Hollow, who confided in her about the situation on Starlight Beacon. Pikka returned to her ship and continued with repairs. She grew more concerned as the stranded people on the station became restless and wanted to leave. She also felt some guilt because she and her husband had worked on the docking bay door installation. Hollow reassured her that she wasn't responsible for the doors' failure.

The Jedi aboard the station requested assistance from non-Force users to seal off sections of Starlight Beacon, and Pikka volunteered. As Bell Zettifar explained the process, Adren sarcastically questioned if the padawan realized the assembled group were all experienced spacers. While the team worked to seal off the station, Zettifar devised a plan to use ships already in the cargo bay to escape the failing station. Arden inquired whether people would be forced to leave or if they could stay behind with their ships in hopes of escaping later. While preparing the cargo bay for decompression, Adren and others inspected the ships. Several were listed as carrying rathtars, and Adren suggested they could be ejected into space without any issues. The animals were accidentally released, and one chased down Adren. With the help of Zettifar, she managed to kill it with her blaster. She escaped the cargo hold and returned to her husband.

Hollow came up with a plan to salvage power cores from abandoned ships to power escape pods. Adren assisted her in wiring the power cores so they could launch the pods. When they were finished, she tried to convince Hollow to abandon the station, but Hollow refused to leave her ship. Pikka and Joss boarded an escape pod and landed on Eiram. They later met up with the crew of the Vessel and agreed to help repair the ship in exchange for passage off Eiram.

Personality and traits

Pikka Adren had brown hair, dark skin with freckles, and blue eyes. She had a fondness for puzzles and enjoyed solving problems.

