
Glimmik represented a certain type of music. In the age of the Imperial Era, Theelin individual Chass na Chadic came into possession of a datachip filled with glimmick music files. This occurred after she bartered with a young woman who gathered music from those killed by the forces of the Galactic Empire. Later, by the time of 4 ABY, Chadic, then a New Republic pilot, had lost her memory of possessing the glimmik datachip. She briefly thought about taking the chip to the planet Pandem Nai to listen to the music in her B-wing starfighter while participating in the approaching battle against the Empire, but she ultimately decided it was overly sentimental.

Behind the scenes

The term Glimmik made an appearance within current Star Wars canon inside the 2019 novel called Alphabet Squadron. This novel was the initial entry in the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron series, penned by Alexander Freed. The concept of Glimmik initially appeared in the Star Wars Legends continuity. Its debut occurred in the book titled Star Wars Episode I Who's Who: A Pocket Guide to the Characters of The Phantom Menace, written by Ryder Windham during 1999.

