Leia Organa's keepsake chest

Senator Leia Organa possessed a special keepsake chest. Her father, Bail Organa, placed it within the Great Hall of Birren. Lord Mellowyn, the supreme governor of Birren, then safeguarded it. Inside, there was a miniature doll, a delicate soft blanket woven from fine gillendown, and a lock of dark-brown hair that once belonged to Kier Domadi, secured at both ends with a ribbon. Also included was a tiny ring and a hexagonal mirrored music box that played "Mirrorbright," a beloved Alderaanian lullaby, alongside a recording of Bail's voice. In this recording, Bail revealed Leia's true lineage – that her father was Anakin Skywalker and her mother was Padmé Amidala – and recounted her history.

In 3 BBY, on the eve of the ceremony where she was to be formally recognized as the crown princess of Alderaan, Leia returned the chest to Bail, indicating she had matured beyond its use. Bail subsequently entrusted the chest to Mellowyn sometime in the following years, thereby ensuring it survived the destruction of Alderaan.

Eventually, the chest came into the possession of Carise Sindian, who was the supreme governor of Birren at that time. She exploited it to damage Leia's standing, due to their opposing political parties. Consequently, Sindian violated a oath she had sworn, a decision that ultimately backfired when Leia convinced the ruling council of the Elder Houses to strip Sindian of her noble titles.

Bail Organa's message

