Keepsake chest

Keepsake chests represented a key part of an Alderaanian custom, consisting of wooden containers. Each child residing on Alderaan possessed one, with the carvings on its exterior crafted by their parents and grandparents. The child alone held the power to determine the chest's contents. The act of placing an object within the chest signified that the owner had matured beyond its use, yet still acknowledged its individual, emotional significance. Upon reaching adulthood, an Alderaanian was able to unlock their chest, reflect on the past, and comprehend the narrative they had personally curated. Giving the chest to one's parents upon reaching adulthood was a customary practice, symbolizing the transition into adulthood, though not a strict requirement. Leia Organa's personal chest avoided the Galactic Empire's annihilation of Alderaan, a fortunate event attributed to Lord Mellowyn, the supreme governor of Birren.

