The following notable occurrences unfolded around the year 3 BBY, which is also equivalent to 3274 LY as per the Lothal Calendar and the year 7974 within the C.R.C. system.
- Following several years of prototype deployment [12], the Empire formally introduces the TIE/IN interceptors into active service. [13, 12]
- Princess Leia Organa observes her Day of Demand . [14]
- After successfully completing her Challenge of the Heart , Challenge of the Mind , and Challenge of the Body , Princess Leia is officially invested as the crown princess of Alderaan. [14]
- Kongo, known as the Disemboweler, is contracted to maintain the dolovite mine tunnels on Mustafar, ensuring they remain free from infestations of lava fleas and xandanks . [11]
- In a clandestine operation, Princess Leia delivers three Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvettes to the Phoenix rebels stationed on Lothal. [5]
- The Mandalorian Protectors grant the Phoenix rebels safe passage through the Concord Dawn system . [15]
- The rebels rediscover the Lasat ancestral world of Lira San . [16]
- The rebels of Lothal, working alongside the Ryloth freedom fighters under the leadership of Cham Syndulla , successfully hijack an Imperial bomber carrier . [4]
- Kanan Jarrus achieves the rank of Jedi Knight . [2]
- Phoenix Cell establishes a base of operations on Atollon . [6]
- Maul is located residing on Malachor . [7]
- Thane Kyrell and Ciena Ree gain acceptance into the Royal Imperial Academy situated on Coruscant . [17]
- Barion Raner begins his service under the command of Antoc Merrick . [18]
- Attack on Calderos [14]
- Strike on Onoam [14]
- Arrests on Christophsis [14]
- Evacuation of Paucris Major [14]
- Auction on Cantonica [19]
- Skirmish on Freerago's Satellite Diner and Motel [19]
- Revolt in an Imperial prison [3]
- Battle of Garel [3]
- Mission on Lothal [5]
- Mission to Garel [20]
- Dogfight over Concord Dawn [15]
- Mission to the third moon of Concord Dawn [15]
- Rediscovery of Lira San [16]
- Heist at the Asteroid Belt Gas Refinery [21]
- Mission to Ryloth [4]
- Ambush on an Imperial construction module [22]
- Duel on Oosalon [2]
- Attack on Phoenix Squadron [6]
- Mission to Malachor [7]
- Taryai Akagarti [23]
- Quarsh Panaka met his end on Onoam [14]
- An unnamed prime minister [14]
- Kier Domadi perished within the Paucris system [14]
- Cli Pastayra died on Cantonica [19]
- Mira Bridger [3]
- Ephraim Bridger [3]
- Yushyn [21]
- During the Mission to Malachor [7] Seventh Sister[24] Fifth Brother[24] Eighth Brother[24]