The Partisans of Saw Gerrera carried out a bombing operation, known as the Strike on Onoam, on Onoam in 3 BBY. The objective was to assassinate Imperial Moff Quarsh Panaka. Shortly before the explosion, Queen Dalné of Naboo and Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan had departed from Panaka's chalet, only minutes prior.
As Organa entered the chalet, she observed a civilian employee wearing a breath mask. Following the explosion, she witnessed the same employee running away. Leia's adoptive parents, Viceroy Bail and Queen Breha, expressed their displeasure at Panaka's death. Despite his allegiance to Emperor Palpatine, they considered him a respectable individual and believed collaboration was possible to aid at-risk civilians. His passing, however, stopped Panaka from informing Palpatine of his concerns that Leia, the adopted daughter of the House of Organa, was actually the offspring of the late Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo.