Quarsh Panaka's chalet

A chalet on Onoam, a moon orbiting the planet Naboo, belonged to Quarsh Panaka, who was an Imperial Moff. This impressive building, constructed from substantial, elaborately patterned red wood beams, featured a terrace that provided a view of a slender river. The moff's workspace boasted a high-reaching ceiling and expansive windows, offering a panoramic view extending to the horizon in all but one direction. Despite this opulence, the room was otherwise quite austere. In 3 BBY, Leia Organa and Queen Dalné made a visit to the chalet to confer about the miner labor disputes occurring on the moon, but Saw Gerrera's Partisans detonated explosives at the location in an assassinate attempt targeting Panaka, resulting in the chalet's destruction.

