A breath mask, which can also be called an oxygen mask, breathing mask, respirator, or gas mask, was a piece of equipment that provided breathable air to the person using it. It sometimes functioned as a [life support](link url) system, especially for individuals with significant [cybernetics](link url).
A standard [oxygen](link url) mask was a compact, easily carried device that enabled oxygen-breathing individuals to survive in [atmospheres](link url) with low oxygen levels. While not appropriate for use in [realspace](link url), these hands-free masks were vital equipment for deep-space voyages where activity outside a [starship](link url) might be necessary.

[Tognath](link url) who had to leave their home planet, [Yar Togna](link url), needed to use a breath mask, as [many were forced to](link url) following the [conquest of Yar Togna](link url). By the time of the [destruction of Jedha City](link url), [Saw Gerrera](link url) relied on a breath mask because he had suffered extensive injuries, and he frequently had to use it to replenish his air supply. Two of his followers were the Tognath [Edrio](link url) and [Benthic](link url), and they both wore their own breath masks. When he stayed behind on [Jedha](link url) to face the oncoming destruction from the [Death Star](link url), Gerrera tore his breath mask off of his [armor](link url), knowing that he was going to [die](link url) no matter what.
On the [occupied](link url) planet [Skako Minor](link url), [stormtroopers](link url) wore a type of breath mask that was attached to their helmets. The [Sith Lord](link url) [Darth Vader](link url), the [Sith](link url) identity of the fallen [Jedi Knight](link url) [Anakin Skywalker](link url), wore a [suit of cybernetic armor](link url) that included a breathing mask. After he returned to the [light side of the Force](link url), he asked his son, [Luke Skywalker](link url), to help him remove his mask, acknowledging that he was already dying and that it was his final opportunity to see his son's face without the mask obstructing his view.