Mission to Ryloth (Phoenix Squadron)

In the year 3 BBY, the Phoenix Cell rebels embarked on a mission to the planet of Ryloth. Their objective was to seize an Imperial carrier for the growing rebel fleet. General Cham Syndulla and his Twi'lek freedom fighters aided them in this endeavor. However, the Twi'leks harbored their own intentions: to obliterate the carrier, using its destruction as a symbol to ignite resistance against the Empire among the people of Ryloth. Ultimately, with Cham's assistance, the rebels successfully commandeered the cruiser. Furthermore, they annihilated a light cruiser to fulfill Syndulla's overarching aims.


Phoenix Cell was experiencing unsustainable losses in pilots and starfighters. In response, Commander Jun Sato suggested a daring plan: to steal the Liberator, an Imperial Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier reported to be in orbit above Ryloth, the Twi'lek homeworld situated in the Outer Rim Territories. To accomplish this risky undertaking, the Spectres sought the cooperation of the Free Ryloth Movement, led by Cham Syndulla, who was also the father of Hera Syndulla, the captain of the rebel vessel Ghost. Hera and her father Cham had been estranged for years, their relationship strained by differing perspectives on Ryloth's struggle and the broader rebellion.

Cham agreed to assist, seeing as the Imperial cruiser-carrier was actively involved in the Imperial occupation of Ryloth. He journeyed to meet the Ghost in the depths of space aboard a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle, accompanied by two fellow Twi'lek rebels, Gobi Glie and Numa. Cham advocated for the destruction of the Imperial cruiser-carrier, aiming to demonstrate the Ryloth rebels' strength and put an end to the Imperial bombardment. In contrast, Hera's objective was to capture the ship, providing the rebellion with a much-needed fighter carrier to house its starfighters. Her strategy involved infiltrating and hijacking the warship using a stolen TIE bomber. After a heated debate, the Jedi Kanan Jarrus successfully persuaded Cham to set aside his destructive intentions and instead lend his support to their cause.

Though publicly endorsing Hera's plan, Cham secretly communicated to his followers his intention to proceed with their original plan of destroying the Imperial cruiser-carrier. As the two rebel factions made their way to Ryloth, Cham and his loyalists worked to gain the trust of Hera's rebel crew, who held Cham in high regard for his heroic actions during the Clone Wars.

The Execution

Conflicting Objectives

Arrival of the A-wings

Upon emerging from hyperspace, the two rebel groups boarded the stolen TIE bomber and advanced toward the cruiser-carrier. Hera orchestrated a staged attack, deploying two A-wing starfighters to target their own bomber. By feigning distress and claiming to be an Imperial vessel under attack, the rebels successfully gained permission to land in one of the Imperial ship's hangar bays. Hera executed a controlled crash-landing, ensuring the safe delivery of all passengers. Immediately, Cham and his rebels initiated their plan, stunned the Spectres. Subsequently, they eliminated a squad of stormtroopers dispatched to the hangar. While Numa and Globie proceeded to strategically place detonators within the ship's munitions storage, Cham made his way to sabotage the ship's hyperdrive.

After regaining consciousness and freeing themselves, the Spectres quickly realized the urgent need to prevent the Ryloth rebels from destroying the ship. Sabine Wren and Garazeb Orrelios hurried towards the munitions rack to intercept Numa and Gobi, while Hera, Kanan, Chopper, and Ezra Bridger advanced towards the command bridge with the aim of seizing control of the vessel. Overcoming resistance from numerous stormtroopers, the four rebels successfully forced their way into the command bridge. Once there, Ezra employed a mind trick to compel the Imperial captain to issue an order for his crew to abandon ship.

In the meantime, Sabine and Zeb found themselves caught in the crossfire of a fierce gun battle between Numa, Gobi, and several stormtroopers. After Zeb apprehended a mouse droid, Sabine equipped it with a detonator, incapacitating Numa and Gobi. The rebels then took the two Twi'leks into custody. Simultaneously, the remaining Spectres managed to corner Cham on the command bridge. Cham had successfully sabotaged the ship's hyperdrive. Following an extended and impassioned discussion, Hera managed to sway her father by sharing how his actions had inspired her to become a rebel leader. Upon receiving intelligence regarding the approach of Imperial reinforcements, Cham resolved to collaborate with the rebels in order to steal the ship from the Empire. Numa and Gobi complied with their leader's decision.

United Front

As multiple TIE bombers and an Imperial landing craft converged on the cruiser-carrier, the rebels forged a united front to thwart the Empire's attempts to reclaim the vessel. While Chopper worked diligently to repair the hyperdrive, Zeb, Sabine, Numa, and Gobi manned the ship's laser cannons, unleashing a barrage of fire upon the approaching Imperial ships. The TIE bombers retaliated with torpedoes, damaging the ship's stabilizer and compelling Hera to execute evasive maneuvers. Combining their skills, Hera and her father managed to regain control of the ship. Concurrently, the other rebels successfully neutralized the TIE bombers and the landing craft, preventing them from inflicting further damage or landing on the vessel.

The Quasar-class is hit

However, the rebels' challenges were far from over, as an Arquitens-class command cruiser suddenly materialized from hyperspace. Before the cruiser could launch an attack on their hijacked ship, Cham, along with Ezra and Sabine, strategically propelled a TIE bomber into the path of the warship. Cham then opened fire on the bomber, triggering an explosion that engulfed both the bomber and the magazine compartments of the Imperial light cruiser. Engulfed in flames, the light cruiser plummeted into Ryloth's atmosphere. This dramatic destruction was witnessed by numerous Twi'leks, who were emboldened by the spectacle of the space battle. With the cruiser-carrier now repaired, the rebels successfully executed a daring escape into hyperspace.

After the Battle

The successful theft of the Imperial cruiser-carrier significantly bolstered the rebellion's capabilities, providing Phoenix Cell with a secure location to land and maintain their starfighters. The repurposed Imperial vessel was renamed Phoenix Nest, becoming the flagship of the Phoenix fleet. This rebel triumph also served to reignite the spirit of the Ryloth rebels. Cham reconciled with his daughter Hera, acknowledging her vital role in the rebellion. Subsequently, he and his followers parted ways with the Spectres on amicable terms.

Behind the Curtain

The Ryloth mission was initially depicted in the Star Wars Rebels episode entitled "Homecoming," which premiered on Disney XD on February 17, 2016.

