Mission to Garel

During the Galactic Civil War, Princess Leia Organa, a senator, embarked on a secret undertaking that brought her to the planet of Garel. Her purpose: to deliver a data-tape containing vital intelligence regarding the Empire's base locations to the rebel Spectres group, thereby bolstering their fight. Eluding her Imperial protectors, Organa successfully established contact with Sabine Wren, a key member of the Spectres, guiding her to the hidden data-tape. However, their acquisition was interrupted by the arrival of IG-88, a droid bounty hunter also seeking the data-tape. A brief confrontation ensued, after which Organa returned to her stormtrooper escort. IG-88, facing overwhelming odds, was forced to withdraw. Wren then departed with the data-tapes, while the Empire remained oblivious to Organa's true allegiance.


As the Galactic Civil War raged on, Princess Leia Organa, a [senator] (/article/senator) within the Galactic Empire, secretly allied herself with the rebellion. This involvement led her to secure a data-tape detailing the locations of Imperial installations. Contacting the Spectres rebel cell, Organa arranged to transfer the data-tape on Garel, specifically within Garel City. Instead of carrying the tape directly, Organa discreetly concealed it within the Garel City Spaceport.

The mission

IG-88 attacks Wren and Organa

Protected by an Imperial stormtrooper contingent, Organa navigated the Garel spaceport while awaiting her rebel contact. Suddenly, the group was surprised by a female figure clad in Mandalorian armor. The stormtroopers were incapacitated by a paint bomb, and Organa was swiftly abducted by the Mandalorian, who the soldiers assumed was a bounty hunter. After a bay door sealed behind them, the Mandalorian revealed herself as Sabine Wren from the Spectres. This "kidnapping" was merely a ruse to isolate Organa from her escort, enabling the data-tape retrieval to proceed. Meanwhile, the stormtroopers began using an arc welder to breach the door, its controls having been disabled during the staged abduction.

Organa escorted Wren to the tape's hiding place, but their retrieval was disrupted by the droid bounty hunter IG-88, who had apparently tracked them through the spaceport, seeking the data-tape for himself. Wren deployed another paint bomb as a diversion, allowing Organa and Wren to escape back to the stormtroopers, who had just finished cutting through the door. Wren concealed herself, and Organa identified IG-88 as their attacker. The stormtroopers opened fire, forcing IG-88 to retreat.

Meeting again at a different location, Organa passed the data-tape to Wren. Exchanging words of encouragement, the two parted ways, their mission successfully concluded.


IG-88 survived this encounter and continued his career as a bounty hunter. Meanwhile, Organa resumed her duties as an Imperial senator until the Imperial Senate's dissolution in 0 BBY, at which point her rebel affiliation became public knowledge.

Behind the scenes

This mission forms the core narrative of "Bounty of Trouble," a Star Wars Forces of Destiny short that debuted on YouTube on July 9, 2017.

