Revolt in an Imperial prison

In the year 3 BBY of the Imperial Era, Ephraim and [Mira Bridger](/article/mira_bridger], revolutionary figures held captive, spearheaded a rebellion within the confines of an Imperial detention center. The Bridgers, incarcerated previously for disseminating anti-Imperial propaganda on Lothal, were spurred into action upon hearing their son, Ezra Bridger, broadcast a message of rebellion across the galaxy. Although dozens of [prisoners](/article/prisoner] successfully fled, including former Lothal Governor Ryder Azadi, the Bridgers themselves met their deaths. Following his escape, Azadi made his way back to Lothal to locate Ezra and relay the tragic news about his parents.


Ezra Bridger broadcasts a message of rebellion to Lothal, which was heard by his parents in prison

During the year 4 BBY, amidst the uprising against the Galactic Empire on the Outer Rim planet of Lothal, the rebel crew aboard the starship Ghost infiltrated the planet's Imperial Communications Center. Their aim was to transmit a message of rebellion directed towards the inhabitants of Lothal and neighboring star systems. This message was delivered by Ezra Bridger, a young Padawan among the crew. Within his address, he reassured the people of Lothal that, contrary to the Empire's assertions, he and his companions were not criminals, but rather rebels committed to liberating Lothal. He implored the populace to recognize the oppression inflicted upon their world by the Empire and to bravely resist, regardless of the potential sacrifices involved.

While the intended audience was the citizenry of Lothal, the broadcast also reached [prisoners](/article/prison] held captive by the Galactic Empire. Among these prisoners were Ezra's own parents, Ephraim and Mira Bridger, who had been previously imprisoned for similar acts of disseminating revolutionary messages on Lothal. Though Ezra refrained from explicitly identifying himself, his parents recognized his voice and were deeply moved by his words. Throughout their confinement, they consistently championed the cause of their fellow [prisoners](/article/prisoner], particularly after hearing their son's powerful message.

The revolt

The message from Ezra served as a catalyst for his parents, inspiring them to decisive action. They galvanized numerous fellow prisoners, orchestrating an attempt to break free from their captivity. Among those prisoners was Ryder Azadi, the former governor of Lothal, who had previously supported the Bridgers' broadcasts and subsequently faced charges of treason. During the ensuing revolt, a considerable number of prisoners managed to secure their freedom. However, the Bridgers became separated during the chaos of the prison break and selflessly refused to leave until all others had escaped. According to Azadi's account, by the time the remaining prisoners had successfully fled, the Bridgers had tragically been killed.


Ezra sees his parents through the Force

The prison escape triggered a vision within Ezra, revealing glimpses of his parents and Azadi, which prompted him to journey back to Lothal in search of answers. Azadi, too, returned to Lothal, driven by the desire to locate the boy and convey the tragic fate of his parents. Ezra eventually encountered Azadi on Lothal, where Azadi recounted the events that transpired, providing Ezra with the long-sought-after truth regarding his parents' destiny. Although they were no longer physically present, Ezra experienced a connection with his parents through the Force, where they expressed their pride in him and urged him to remain resilient.

Behind the scenes

The Imperial prison escape was initially alluded to in "Legacy," an episode featured in the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Rebels. This event provided closure to the storyline concerning the fate of Ephraim and Mira Bridger, a narrative thread that commenced in the first season episode "Empire Day."

