The eleventh episode of the Star Wars Rebels animated TV show's second season, titled "Legacy", serves as its mid-season conclusion. Overall, it is the series' twenty-sixth episode. Disney XD aired the episode initially on December 9, 2015.
While asleep in his bunk aboard the Ghost, Ezra Bridger has a Force vision featuring his parents in a correctional facility, a white Loth-cat, and a battle against Imperials on the planet Garel using his lightsaber. Ezra is startled awake by this vision, falling from his bunk as Garazeb Orrelios, still sleeping, snores loudly. He interrupts a meeting between Phoenix Leader Hera Syndulla and Kanan Jarrus, who are discussing plans to establish a permanent rebel base. Ezra tells Hera and Kanan about his vision, which leads the two older rebels to reveal Tseebo's information about his parents. Hera and Kanan disclose that Ezra's parents were imprisoned within a vast network of Imperial prisons spread across the galaxy. Despite seeking information from numerous informants, smugglers, pirates, and even Senator Organa, they were unsuccessful in locating the prison where his parents were held.
Simultaneously, on the Star Destroyer Relentless orbiting Lothal, Admiral Kassius Konstantine informs the Inquisitors Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister that no rebel activity has been detected on Garel, which is under Imperial control. The Fifth Brother questions Konstantine's doubt in their word, and the Admiral replies that he awaits tangible results. Agent Kallus enters and reports that the Inquisitors are correct, having independently verified their theory. He explains that the rebels are utilizing various spaceports to conceal their ships, a strategy he finds quite clever. The Seventh Sister expresses surprise that the Imperial Security Bureau agent respects the rebels, despite their being a "constant failure" for him. Kallus counters that collaborative effort will lead to the rebels' capture and directs Admiral Konstantine to deploy the Imperial fleet to Garel.
Ezra is on Garel, looking at a hologram of his parents in the Ghost's upper turret when Hera summons him to the common area. Upon entering, he discovers Kanan and Hera displaying a list on the holoprojector. Hera explains that Commander Jun Sato, aware of her interest in Imperial prisons, provided her with information intercepted by his contact in the Core concerning a mass escape that occurred the previous night. She informs Ezra that the list contains the names of the prisoners involved, which the Empire has redacted to maintain secrecy. Ezra quickly concludes that his vision is linked to the escape attempt and insists that his parents were participants. Kanan demonstrates an old Jedi technique, using the Force to focus on the list. He cautions Ezra to perceive the truth as presented by the Force, even if it is unpleasant. After envisioning the white Loth-cat and a helmeted figure, Ezra focuses on Prisoner X-10, who was arrested on Lothal for treason.
Ezra uses this new information to insist on going to Lothal. Kanan cautions that Force visions can be easily misinterpreted, but Ezra rushes to his cabin to find his helmet. Sabine Wren overhears the conversation and suggests that now is the ideal time to go, as she heard that the Imperial fleet left Lothal's orbit that morning. Ezra interprets this as a sign. Kanan hands Ezra his helmet, reassuring him that he doesn't have to go alone, and Hera adds that the crew is family. Sabine inquires, "Speaking of family, where are the delinquents?" Meanwhile, Zeb and Chopper are shopping for supplies in the market when they receive instructions to return to the Ghost. Zeb's report of no Imperial patrols alarms Sabine, who reveals that the Empire typically withdraws patrols before a major offensive. Hera orders Zeb and Chopper to return immediately, as a fleet of Star Destroyers appears above Garel.
Zeb is in the marketplace, pondering Hera's message as the rebels' comm signal is jammed. A blast door opens, revealing a large contingent of stormtroopers, answering Zeb's question. Hera instructs Sabine to disrupt the Empire's jamming system while awaiting Zeb and Chopper's return, and Kanan and Ezra depart to assist them. Pursued by stormtroopers, Zeb and Chopper take cover behind crates, just as Kanan and Ezra arrive to rescue them. The rebels proceed down the hallway, but Chopper retreats to the original crates after spotting Agent Kallus and more stormtroopers approaching from the opposite direction, creating a crossfire. Ezra, frustrated, charges out of cover as Kanan calls after him. Igniting his lightsaber, Ezra attacks Kallus, deflecting blaster shots and using a Force push to knock Kallus into a wall, incapacitating him. The Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister then arrive, and the Mirialan Inquisitor attempts to provoke Ezra into attacking her. Ezra charges at them, but Kanan shoots the control panel for the blast doors, sealing them off. Frustrated, Ezra lashes out at Kanan, saying he doesn't understand, and Kanan agrees, stating that he never knew his parents. Ezra apologizes, and Kanan says it's okay, as it's too late for him, but maybe not for Ezra. Onboard the Ghost, Hera and Sabine manage to contact Commander Sato, who is calling Phoenix Squadron to report. He informs Hera that they are initiating Escape Plan Delta and asks if she's ready. Seeing Kanan, Ezra, Zeb, and Chopper running towards the ship, pursued by stormtroopers, Hera confirms their readiness, and the Ghost takes off once everyone is aboard.
Hera directs Phoenix Squadron to adjust their deflectors and follow her lead. Onboard the Relentless, Konstantine is informed that several rebel ships are attempting to escape. A Taylander shuttle is destroyed as the rebels evacuate. Kanan tells Ezra that if he wants to go to Lothal, they must leave now, and the two of them and Chopper board the Phantom. Meanwhile, Zeb operates the Ghost's upper turret, destroying a TIE fighter. Kanan detaches the Phantom from the Ghost and shoots down another TIE. Konstantine orders his subordinates to target the rebel command ship with a tractor beam, ensnaring the Liberator, Commander Sato, and Rex's CR90 corvette. Hera instructs Kanan and Ezra to leave, as she turns back to rescue the command ship. The Phantom and other rebel ships escape. Sabine targets the Relentless' tractor beam projector with the ship's proton torpedoes, but the Ghost is thrown off target by a TIE fighter. Hera executes a dangerous maneuver, ramming the Star Destroyer's tractor beam dish with the Ghost's side, disabling it and causing it to strike a pursuing TIE. The Ghost, the Liberator, and the remaining rebel ships jump to hyperspace. Sabine asks Hera whether they're going to Lothal or staying with the fleet, and Hera responds that they're sticking with the fleet. When one of Admiral Konstantine's underlings reports that Agent Kallus would like to know the location of the rebel fleet, the Admiral responds that he would also.
The Phantom exits hyperspace above Lothal. Kanan expresses relief at the absence of Star Destroyers and comforts Ezra by sharing that when he lost his master, he was alone, and he didn't want Ezra to experience that. Upon landing in Capital City, Kanan and Ezra visit the Bridgers' former home, which has been destroyed by the Empire. Chopper remains aboard the Phantom. Ezra is distressed, wondering about his parents' whereabouts if they are not there. A white loth-cat, matching the one in Ezra's vision, then appears from the cellar. Ezra pursues the cat through the city streets, but it escapes on a speeder bike. Ezra informs Kanan that he can track it, clarifying that he placed a tracker on the animal. They follow the signal to a remote location, where they find the loth-cat and the speeder bike.
Kanan and Ezra are immediately forced to seek cover when they are confronted by a helmeted figure who fires at them. Ezra identifies the man as X-10, the prisoner from his Force vision, and asks him to stand down. The man, mistaking them for bounty hunters, growls that "X-10" is not his name. Ezra manages to placate him by revealing that he is the son of Ephraim and Mira Bridger, suspecting that the man knows his parents. The man removes his helmet and introduces himself as Ryder Azadi, confirming that he knows Ezra's parents. At Ryder's hideout, Ezra remarks that he looks familiar and asks if he knows him. Ryder mentions that Ezra was young at the time and explains that he was the Governor of Lothal, imprisoned by the Imperials for supporting the Bridgers' broadcasts. He expresses surprise at Ezra's presence, stating that he was planning to seek him out, but Ezra found him first. Ryder reveals that Ezra's parents had heard his broadcast from Lothal's Imperial Communications Center, recognizing Ezra from his words, which inspired them to organize a breakout at their prison. Ezra quietly asks if they're dead, and Ryder confirms it. He explains that they were separated during the escape, and the Bridgers refused to leave until everyone else had escaped, resulting in their deaths. Ezra begins to cry, and Kanan embraces him.
Later that night, while watching the moons, Ezra has another Force vision in which he is visited by his parents. As the three observe an idealized Capital City, Ephraim and Mira express their pride in Ezra's accomplishments and urge him to remain strong. As the vision ends, Kanan approaches Ezra, noting that morning is approaching. After Ezra shares the vision, Kanan tells him that the Jedi teach that life does not end with death but transforms. He assures Ezra that his parents will always be with him. The two watch Lothal's moons set.
During and after its production, "Legacy" was originally known as "The Secret of Prisoner X-10". The title was changed to its final form in September 2015.