Loth-cats were non-sentient members of the tooka species, specifically of the feline variety, that were native to the planet of Lothal. They were frequently seen in the grassy plains of this Outer Rim world. These creatures were small and known to be temperamental. Though sometimes friendly, they were also skilled hunters equipped with sharp teeth and claws. As carnivorous animals, their diet notably included Loth-rats.

Being non-sentient and carnivorous, Loth-cats primarily hunted loth-rats and other small plant-eaters inhabiting Lothal's plains. These felines were very determined hunters, known for stalking their prey for extended periods, sometimes hours or even days. They generally lived alone, only gathering to reproduce and rear their young. When trapped, Loth-cats could be quite dangerous, fiercely defending themselves against potential predators, often targeting the face until they could escape or the attacker retreated. Typically, they avoided attacking creatures larger than themselves. Despite the difficulty, Loth-cats could be domesticated, making for decent, albeit destructive, pets. Given enough time and patience, they could even be trained to hunt and retrieve items for their owners.

Cats of the Loth variety populated Lothal's grasslands, utilizing the grass as concealment during their hunts for herbivores. One instance involved a Loth-cat being startled when a drink container fell upon its head, seemingly from nowhere. The container had actually dropped from the rebel ship, the Ghost, which was flying far above the grasslands.
On a separate occasion, Kanan Jarrus attempted to teach Ezra Bridger, his Padawan learner, to connect with the living Force through a Loth-cat. Ezra's attempt was unsuccessful, however, because he was distracted and annoyed by the fact that it was Empire Day, coinciding with his fifteenth birthday. Instead, the Loth-cat attacked Bridger.

At a later time, while scouting an Imperial Communications Center, Bridger showed that he had mastered the same technique by provoking a Loth-cat to attack an Imperial dwarf probe droid as a diversion, which enabled him and his allies to get away.
Later, two Loth-cats in the grasslands were caught off guard when the R4 courier droid 264 fell from the sky. The droid remained intact, righted itself, and found itself in the presence of curious creatures.
Bridger initially saw a rare white Loth-cat in a vision, which led him to believe that following it would provide clues about the fate of his parents. Later, Bridger and Sabine Wren attempted to gather intel on a TIE/D Defender Elite, only to witness the TIE's guards being attacked by a pair of loth-cats. Furthermore, a white cat appeared alongside a loth-wolf.

Around 9 ABY, a Loth-cat lived inside a common house located on the planet Sorgan. It growled at Grogu as he walked past, while hiding under a table.
Approximately around 34 ABY, Loth-cats were brought to the planet Batuu and sold as pets at the Creature Stall within Black Spire Outpost.
The Nexus of Power sourcebook, which supplements Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Force and Destiny roleplaying game, states that Loth-cats lived alone, only coming together to mate and raise their young. However, Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy, a reference book, suggests Loth-cats lived in family groups.