A Trade Federation starship's blast doors
A secured door, referred to as a blast door or shield door, was implemented in a variety of locations, including starships and different types of military facilities.
During the Trade Federation's blockade of the planet Naboo, their Lucrehulk-class battleships utilized blast doors. A critical design flaw in these ships was that the external blast doors covering the reactor entrances would malfunction and open if the control tower sustained damage.
During the Clone Wars, Separatist Alliance forces infiltrated the blast doors at Rishi Station on the Rishi Moon during a brief battle.
The Galactic Empire used blast doors to secure the hangar bays of the Death Star, a large space station during its reign.
The sound effect of the doors opening and closing was achieved by manipulating paper in and out of an envelope. The book Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy established that "shield door" and "blast door" are interchangeable terms for the same object, citing the Echo Base shield doors and the Crait outpost shield door blast doors as examples.