Rishi Station

Rishi Station, also known as Rishi Base, served as a listening post that was situated on the Rishi moon. Its purpose was to provide early warning to Kamino regarding any approaching Separatist assaults. During the Clone Wars, a battle took place there, culminating in its destruction by clone trooper Hevy who sacrificed himself to send a warning to the Republic.


Rishi Station's command center

During the Clone Wars' second year, a battle occurred at the station. BX-series droid commandos eliminated four clone troopers, including Sergeant O'Niner, who was the commanding officer. However, rookie clone troopers Hevy, Fives, and Echo, under the leadership of Captain Rex and Commander Cody, successfully reclaimed the base. Unfortunately, General Grievous' suspicions were aroused by the lack of communication, leading to the arrival of reinforcements. The clones attempted to detonate the base using Tibanna gas and thermal detonators, but the remote detonation system failed. To disable the All Clear signal and alert the Galactic Republic, Hevy heroically manually triggered the explosives, destroying the listening post and sacrificing his own life.

Rishi Station is destroyed.

