Empire Day (episode)

title: "Empire Day"

The eighth episode of the Star Wars Rebels animated television series' first season is called "Empire Day". As a whole, it is the series' eighth episode.

Steven G. Lee directed the episode, while Henry Gilroy penned it. On November 10, 2014, WatchDisneyXD.com made the episode available on demand, and on November 17, it debuted on Disney XD.

The Galactic Empire's fifteenth anniversary of the Emperor's rise to power is celebrated in the episode on Empire Day. The rebels exploit this opportunity to destroy a new experimental TIE fighter, which prompts the Imperials to resume their hunt for them. While on the run, they come across Tseebo, a Rodian technician who is aware of crucial details regarding the Empire and the destiny of Ezra Bridger's parents.

Official description

While the crew of the Ghost uncovers vital Imperial intelligence on Empire Day, which is also his birthday, Ezra grapples with unresolved issues from the past.

Plot summary

Master with apprentice

The rebels visited the town of Jhothal.

Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, and Garazeb Orrelios are seen strolling toward Old Jho's Pit Stop in the Lothalian settlement of Jhothal. Meanwhile, in a nearby field, Kanan Jarrus, a Jedi, is instructing his apprentice, Ezra Bridger, on how to interact with other living things. Ezra is instructed by Kanan to toss a rock into the towering blades of grass, which startles a loth-cat. Ezra makes an attempt to communicate with the animal, but it is aggressive. Ezra becomes annoyed and considers using Kanan Jarrus' lightsaber to kill the loth-cat.

Kanan emphasizes to Ezra that the goal of this lesson is to show him that he is not alone, but rather connected to every living thing in the cosmos. Kanan claims that in order to find that, Ezra must release his history and let down his guard, something the youngster is unwilling to do. Kanan inquires as to what is wrong when Ezra says that he might never become a Jedi. Ezra informs him that he is concerned about Empire Day. Just as three TIE fighters fly by, the loth-cat snarls upon hearing that. Kanan and Ezra make their way back to Jhotal.

Jho's Old Pit Stop

Old Jho's Pit Stop

As Kanan and Ezra enter Old Jho's Pit Stop, which is managed by the Ithorian known as "Old" Jho, the three TIE fighters touch down in Jhothal. The cantina is entered by three TIE fighter pilots. Kanan advises his apprentice to avoid fighting. One of the TIE pilots stares at Hera and Zeb, but his coworkers summon him as they look for a Rodian customer. The TIE pilots are looking for a Rodian fugitive whom Ezra recognizes as Tseebo, an old acquaintance of the family. The TIE pilots determine that the Rodian is not Tseebo and leave him alone. One of the Imperial pilots approaches Old Jho and insists that his cantina always broadcast Imperial HoloNews.

Jho reluctantly agrees. Alton Kastle, an Imperial broadcaster, declares that today is the fifteenth anniversary of Empire Day, which honors the day that Emperor Palpatine brought the Clone Wars to an end and established the Galactic Empire. He claims that Governor Pryce has planned a parade in Capital City. However, the Imperial broadcast is cut short by Gall Trayvis, the self-described "Senator in Exile," who begs the populace to abstain from the festivities. The TIE pilots depart after haggling with Jho.

Old Jho informs Kanan that the Imperials have shut down the spaceport and enforced a complete planetary blockade. Sabine is relieved that the Empire is not after them for once. Kanan alludes to their strategy to disrupt the Empire Day celebrations. Ezra wants to be left alone and is curious as to why the Empire is looking for Tseebo. Ezra enters his former apartment at LothalNet comm tower E-272 and touches a keycard. He has a Force vision of his parents discussing standing up to the Empire. Ezra understands Tseebo's whereabouts.

Gatecrashing Empire Day

The Spectres blew up a prototype TIE fighter.

The Imperials put on a parade of Imperial Troop Transports and AT-DP walkers through Capital City's streets that night. Minister Maketh Tua and Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko have been given the task of organizing the events. Tua becomes enraged when Commandant Aresko refers to the parade as a "spectacle." Minister Tua informs the audience via a hologram that Governor Pryce is attending the celebrations in Coruscant. Baron Valen Rudor, an Imperial ace pilot, is also present. Taskmaster Myles Grint makes an effort to encourage a number of Ugnaughts while Agent Kallus of the Imperial Security Bureau looks for Tseebo.

The Spectres blend in with the throng as Minister Tua presents Sienar Laboratory's new TIE Advanced v1, which Baron Rudor will be flying as part of the celebration. Hera and Kanan talk about their plan to detonate the starfighter. Sabine and Zeb divert the audience by launching fireworks into the air. Minister Tua believes they are Commandant Aresko's creation. Kanan hides beneath the TIE Advanced v1 to place explosives. He is seen by a stormtrooper while sneaking away, but he pretends to be inebriated. Ezra poses as Kanan's son and escorts his "dad" away.

Ezra claims he has been "making some connections" when Kanan asks where he has been. Kanan instructs Ezra to watch as the TIE Advanced v1's platform explodes, crippling the fighter. The Spectres take advantage of the chaos to flee while Minister Tua is furious. Zeb considers settling scores with Agent Kallus, but Kanan instructs him to eliminate the Grand Inquisitor. Zeb fires his bo-rifle, but it misses and strikes the destroyed TIE Advanced v1, setting the wreckage on fire. Before the Grand Inquisitor can see them, the rebels flee.

Kanan gets in touch with Hera to arrange their rendezvous, but Hera replies that the Empire has blocked the streets. Ezra directs them to his former family household as Zeb makes arrangements to meet Hera at the market. Kanan and the others proceed to Ezra's residence and make arrangements to provide Hera with their new rendezvous coordinates. Meanwhile, Agent Kallus requests schematics of the city's sewer systems as the Grand Inquisitor issues orders to lock down Capital City. Minister Tua, enraged, demands that the rebels be punished. Kallus, however, replies that their top priority is Tseebo, the Rodian.

Confronting the past

Tseebo, an old friend of Ezra's parents

Ezra and the others arrive to the old Bridger home later that night, which the Empire has designated as off-limits. Kanan understands that this was formerly Ezra's residence. Ezra discovers a terrified Tseebo hiding in the basement. Tseebo is mumbling as Ezra introduces him to Kanan. Sabine understands that the Imperials have outfitted Tseebo with an AJ^6 cyborg construct. Sabine clarifies that low-level employees are increasingly having their personalities sacrificed for the sake of productivity. Ezra clarifies that Tseebo began working for the Imperial Information Office after the Empire took his parents away. Ezra continues, saying that he has been living alone since he was seven years old.

Sabine clarifies that Tseebo is providing details about Imperial fighter deployments on Lothal when Tseebo mumbles. Kanan understands that Tseebo possesses knowledge that the Empire wishes to keep hidden. Sabine makes an attempt to access the information while an upset Ezra descends. Tseebo claims that Ezra is the son of Ephraim and Mira Bridger and was born on this day fifteen years ago. Sabine understands that Empire Day falls on Ezra's birthday. Ezra touches a holodisk from a holotransmitter and has a flashback of Tseebo pleading with Ezra's father not to put his son in danger. Mira claims they are fighting for Ezra's freedom, but Tseebo believes the war is unwinnable.

Sabine discovers Ezra in the basement, and he informs her that his parents used to broadcast underground messages urging the people of Lothal to oppose the Empire. Ezra is still dissatisfied. Sabine is able to utilize Ezra's parents' equipment to activate Tseebo's holo-emitter, which begins to display secret Imperial data, including Imperial specs on the new TIEs and walkers, troop movement schedules, tactics, strategies, and a five-year plan for Lothal and every other world in the Outer Rim. Ezra observes that the information is causing Tseebo's brain to short out. Kanan understands that they must smuggle Tseebo off-world because of the secrets contained within his mind. Sabine adds that the Empire has now sent forces to look for Tseebo.

Escaping with Tseebo

Commandant Aresko and Taskmaster Grint manned the roadblock.

An Imperial combat driver orders men to conduct a door-to-door search outside the Bridger home. Sabine ambushes two stormtroopers, shooting one and knocking out the other with her fist. Kanan forces his way inside an Imperial Troop Transport and tosses the driver out. Ezra leads a disoriented Tseebo aboard the Troop Transport. Later, Commandant Aresko and Taskmaster Grint are commanding a roadblock at the main gate leading to the southern highway. Agent Kallus orders Aresko not to let anything through. Sabine drives the Troop Transport towards the Imperial roadblock.

Commandant Aresko orders his men and the AT-DP walkers to open fire on the hijacked transport. One of the walkers tries to crush the rebels' transport but Sabine ploughs through Aresko's transport, overturning the walker and wrecking the transport. The rebels flee on the highway with Kallus' Troop Transport and two 614-AvA speeder bikes in hot pursuit. Via comlink, Kallus informs the Grand Inquisitor that the rebels have broken through the main gate and are heading south. The Grand Inquisitor and two TIE fighter pilots climb into a waiting TIE Advanced v1 and two TIE fighters.

Back on the southern highway, one of the Imperial combat drivers uses a grenade to blow open the left door of the Spectres' Troop Transport. The combat driver attacks Ezra but Kanan fights back. The man throws Kanan to the floor and tries to apprehend Tseebo. However, Kanan uses the Force to hurl the driver at the the second combat driver, knocking out the second bike.

The Spectres escaped aboard the Ghost.

Kallus orders his drivers to get him closer to the hijacked Troop Transport, and climbs on top of his Troop Transport and leaps onto the hijacked vehicle. Kallus' transport shoots at the Ghost when it appears, but Chopper uses the ship's rear cannons to shoot at the pursuing Troop Transport, overturning it. Zeb opens the entry ramp and shoots Kallus off the transport. Kallus manages to cling to the back of the transport and attempts to shoot the rebels as they transfer Tseebo and themselves onto the G_host_. The rebels escape and Kallus, via comlink, informs the Grand Inquisitor that Tseebo is aboard the Ghost.

Into the vastness of space

The Ghost takes to the skies above Lothal after Kanan and his crew are rescued, but the Grand Inquisitor and his TIE escorts are hot on their tail. Chopper is struck by an explosion while manning the rear cannon, knocking him unconscious. Zeb hurries to man the rear gun. Tseebo informs Ezra and Sabine that he is aware of what transpired to Ezra's parents before Sabine can go to the nose gun. The screen then pans out with the message "To be continued...", laying the groundwork for the events of "Gathering Forces."


