Myles Grint

After the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Myles Grint, a human male, dedicated fourteen years of service to the Galactic Empire. Grint, holding the military rank of sergeant major and bearing the title of taskmaster, operated on Lothal from Capital City, working alongside Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko. Their responsibilities included overseeing Imperial military activities on the planet and instructing cadets at the Academy for Young Imperials located on Lothal.

Grint and Aresko repeatedly tried to defeat the rebel crew aboard the Ghost without success. Ultimately, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin ordered the Grand Inquisitor to execute both officers due to their repeated failures.


Imperial service

Grint and Aresko bullying the merchant Yoffar.

Myles Grint, born sometime between 44 and 42 BBY, functioned as an Imperial commanding officer stationed at Lothal's Imperial Academy. Serving as an assistant to Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko, he possessed the title of taskmaster and the military rank of sergeant major. Some years before the Battle of Yavin, Grint and his superior Aresko were present at a gathering to celebrate Dhara Leonis's acceptance into the Imperial Academy. Dhara's parents, Leo and Tepha Leonis, were agricultural scientists employed by the Ministry of Agriculture who had recently moved to Lothal a month prior. Other important Imperial figures at the event included Governor Arihnda Pryce, Supply Master Yogar Lyste, and Lieutenant Piers Roddance. Later that same year, Cadet Leonis vanished mysteriously, with Imperial authorities claiming she had run away.

After Dhara's younger brother, Zare Leonis, was accepted into the Imperial Academy, Grint and Aresko attended his farewell party. In contrast to his sister's celebration, Zare's party was a more subdued affair because of his family's difficult situation. During the party, Grint and Aresko consumed most of the treats brought by the Leonises' nanny droid, Auntie Nags. Governor Pryce was also present, commending the family for their loyalty to the Empire and promising to continue searching for their missing daughter. Unbeknownst to Grint and the other Imperial guests, Zare planned to infiltrate the Imperial Academy to find Dhara and help the growing resistance against the Galactic Empire.

Later that year, Taskmaster Grint and Commandant Aresko were involved in the arrest of Jenkes, a corrupt Imperial Security Bureau lieutenant who had murdered his superior, Lieutenant Herdringer, and was running an illegal gladiatorial event at Monad Outpost. The bounty hunter Bossk and Ezra Bridger, a local street urchin, had exposed Jenkes's illegal activities to Imperial authorities on Lothal. Aresko and Grint also personally assured Bossk that Jenkes would never be heard from again.

Spark of Rebellion

Taskmaster Grint, Commandant Aresko, and their stormtrooper guards confronted Yoffar, a Gotal fruit vendor, for operating without a sales license. This check was part of a planned demonstration to show how quickly the Empire could respond to issues. During the incident, Grint took some of Yoffar's jogan fruit. When Yoffar protested, the two attempted to arrest him for treason. However, Ezra Bridger, a Force-sensitive street urchin, stole Aresko's comlink and used it to deceive the Imperials into responding to a false code red alarm in the main square. Grint, Aresko, and their stormtrooper guards fell for Ezra's trick, released the merchant, and went to the main square. Upon arrival, the Imperials realized they had been tricked. Amidst the confusion, a group of Spectres led by Kanan Jarrus, a former Jedi Padawan, stole several hover crates containing Imperial supplies. The Imperial authorities were unable to capture the rebels.

Rebels in the Ranks

Aresko and Grint at the Imperial Academy.

Later that year, Myles Grint was with Commandant Aresko when he spoke to the cadets at the beginning of the term's assessment phase. These cadets had finished the orientation phase and were deemed fit to continue their training at the Lothal Imperial Academy. Most assessments took place in the Well, a specially designed chamber that could be modified to simulate different obstacle courses and challenges. The assessment sessions were designed to test the cadets' physical strength, mental sharpness, leadership abilities, and strategic adaptability.

While Sergeant Currahee and Lieutenant Chiron oversaw most of the assessments, Aresko and Grint took charge of training squad LRC077 for a week near the end of the term. Squad LRC077 was considered the most capable group of cadets. The class included two young boys with hidden reasons for joining the Empire: Zare Leonis, who wanted to find his missing sister Dhara Leonis, and Ezra Bridger, who was using the false identity Dev Morgan. Ezra, having joined Hera Syndulla and Kanan's Lothal rebel group, had infiltrated the Academy to steal an Imperial decoder containing information about a powerful Kyber crystal. Zare and Dev excelled in their training, drawing the attention of Aresko, who then alerted his superior, the Grand Inquisitor.

After Zare, Dev, and their fellow Cadet Jai Kell performed well in a training exercise in the Well, Aresko rewarded them by allowing them to work at Imperial Headquarters. Meanwhile, the cadets who lost, including Nazhros Oleg, were "punished" by Taskmaster Grint, who assigned them some unspecified menial tasks. These Imperial training exercises were meant to encourage ruthlessness and self-preservation among the young Imperial Cadets, instilling in them the idea that victory should not be sacrificed for friendship. Unbeknownst to Grint and Aresko, Zare and Dev used their new clearance at Imperial Headquarters to obtain the decoder. In doing so, Zare and Dev learned that the Grand Inquisitor had taken a special interest in Dev and Jai and was coming to Lothal to inspect them. If they were found to be Force-sensitive, he would take them into custody.

Having learned of the Inquisitor's presence, Dev, Kell, and Zare Leonis began planning their escape from the academy. Following another training exercise in the Well, Aresko and Grint rewarded the winning cadets Kell, Leonis, and Oleg with a ride aboard an AT-DP walker. The rebels then put their plan into action and began attacking imperial targets. Grint and Aresko did little more than stand aside commenting on the unfolding chaos and issuing orders to their men. Following the escape, Leonis stayed behind undercover in order to continue his quest to find his missing sister. The Grand Inquisitor also discovered that Dev was actually Ezra Bridger, the young rebel he had encountered earlier on Stygeon Prime.

Aresko and Grint's failure to stop the rebel escape was considered a "black mark" on the Academy's reputation. Following the rebel attack on the Academy, Grint was present when Commandant Aresko summoned Squad LRC077 and announced that they would begin the next phase of their training following the winter break by assisting Imperial operations on Lothal. In the light of the rebel attack on the Academy, Aresko also announced that the entire squad would be questioned about their own conduct and their knowledge of sedition and disloyalty among their fellow cadets.

Empire Day

Grint and Aresko used a roadblock in a failed attempt to apprehend the Spectres.

That year, Myles Grint and Cumberlayne Aresko were present at the annual Empire Day parade in Lothal's Capital City. The parade was attended by both Lothal citizens and a large number of Imperial personnel. During the parade, Grint encouraged several civilian attendees to cheer for the Empire. In Governor Pryce's absence, Maketh Tua, Lothal's Imperial Minister, presided over the parade and used the opportunity to showcase the latest starfighter from Lothal's Imperial shipyards: a Sienar Fleet Systems prototype TIE Advanced v1. During the firework displays, Kanan, the Lothal rebel, planted a bomb that destroyed the TIE Advanced fighter.

Later, Taskmaster Grint and Commandant Aresko participated in a manhunt to capture the Spectres, who had successfully located the Rodian fugitive Tseebo and hijacked an Imperial Troop Transport. In response, Aresko and Grint gathered a large force of stormtroopers, armed transports, and walkers to block the exits of Capital City. Grint and Aresko were present at a roadblock that attempted to stop the rebels and their stolen troop transport. However, the rebels broke through the blockade and knocked down an AT-DP walker in the process, slowing down Alexsandr Kallus, the ISB agent, and his transport. Grint and his superior officer survived the incident but suffered another embarrassing setback in their efforts to capture the Lothal rebel group.

The Assessment

The Imperial authorities noticed Grint's and Aresko's series of failures. As a result, Potalla, an Assessor, was sent from Coruscant to evaluate Aresko and Grint's competence. Potalla questioned Grint and Aresko about their multiple failures, but Aresko defended them, claiming they had learned from their mistakes. Realizing they were in danger of being replaced by Potalla's aide Dunum, Aresko assured a nervous Grint that they had worked too long and hard to lose their positions and would have to ensure the assessor saw them in a positive light by any means necessary. He decided to frame Officer Dunum for treason, thus eliminating their rival and making themselves look good in the process.

With Aresko's approval, Grint arranged for a lapse in the Academy's security system, allowing the rebel Sabine Wren to obtain access codes that allowed her to infiltrate the Academy. Grint also programmed a probe droid to stun Dunum, who had Wren at gunpoint. Following the attack, Aresko provided this fabricated evidence, implicating Dunum for treason. He immediately had the officer arrested for treason and claimed this act would make a difference in her final report. Grint and Aresko believed they were reprieved and walked away from the assessment feeling smug and relieved. However, Potalla reported to Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin that they had become complacent in their duties and suggested that he intervene personally.

Final failure and death

Shortly after Grand Moff Tarkin arrived on Lothal, Taskmaster Grint and Commandant Aresko made one last attempt to trap the Lothal rebel group. Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, and Sabine Wren had ambushed Taskmaster Myles Grint's weekly convoy and made off with several supplies on their speeder bikes. The two Imperial commanding officers pursued the rebels in their Imperial Troop Transport, accompanied by five Imperial troopers on military-grade bikes. Their pursuit took them through the streets of the town of Jalath. When the rebels entered a small town, Aresko gave orders for his biker troops to flank them and prevent them escaping. The plan failed as the rebels subdued all of his men in the streets of Jalath. This incident in Jalath marked Grint and Aresko's last failed attempt to apprehend the Spectres.

Taskmaster Grint and Commandant Aresko's latest failure did not escape the notice of the visiting Grand Moff Tarkin. The following morning, Tarkin summoned Grint and Aresko along with their Imperial comrades Minister Maketh Tua, Agent Kallus, and the Inquisitor for a private dawn meeting. Grint and Aresko were the last to arrive for the meeting and timidly sat at the front of Tarkin's desk. Settling down immediately to business, the Grand Moff questioned the two officers about their experience in dealing with the Lothal insurgents. Aresko readily admitted this was the case while Grint informed Tarkin about their latest failed attempt to apprehend the rebels in the outlying town of Jalath.

Aresko also admitted that the operation was a failure and reported that the rebels had stolen some supplies and escaped on speeder bikes. However, he added that the rebels did not inflict any casualties on his men, which led the Grand Moff to concur that the Lothal rebel band was more principled than other rebel cells. Grint and Aresko were genuinely bemused to learn from Tarkin that there were other rebel cells, tribes, and factions operating in the Galaxy. Tarkin then went on to discuss the presence of the Jedi known as Kanan in that cell. Aresko acknowledged that this was indeed the case and commented that the Jedi lived up to his reputation. During the meeting, the Inquisitor hovered over the two Imperial commanding officers.

Tarkin orders the Inquisitor to execute Aresko and Grint.

Tarkin then chastised Taskmaster Grint and Commandant Aresko for their repeated failures to apprehend the Spectres since that allowed the rebels to inspire hope in the Lothal public and to undermine the Empire's security. To demonstrate the consequences of any further failures from the other Imperials, Tarkin ordered the Inquisitor to behead the two Imperial officers with one swift stroke of his lightsaber. Tarkin's ruthless execution of Grint and Aresko horrified Tua and unsettled Kallus, who had regarded the two men as incompetent but loyal Imperials. The Grand Moff then used this execution as an opportunity to remind his remaining Lothal subordinates that failure from then on would have consequences.

Personality and traits

Taskmaster Grint bullied the local Lothalians.

Grint was generally quiet and reserved, letting his partner Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko do most of the talking. However, when he did speak, he was known to be loud, obnoxious, and aggressive. He served the Empire for its cause but also enjoyed abusing his power, as shown by his bullying of Lothal citizens who protested the Empire's authority and his taunting of their inability to resist the Empire. Despite his oafishness and bullying tendencies, he seemed to care about the Lothal citizens' view of the Empire, as he actively encouraged spectators to show their enthusiasm for the Imperium on Empire Day.

Sabine Wren described him in her personal journal as "Aresko's flunky" and "an idiot." She noted that he was mean-spirited and enjoyed laughing when hurting others. Fearing punishment for their incompetence, he and Commandant Aresko once conspired to frame the Imperial aide Dunum to make themselves look better. According to Agent Kallus, Myles had a bulky frame that did not meet Imperial fitness standards. He and Aresko were also not well-informed about current events and were genuinely surprised to learn from Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin that there were many other Rebel cells, factions, and tribes throughout the galaxy.

Behind the scenes

David Shaughnessy provided the voice for Myles Grint, as well as his partner Cumberlayne Aresko, in Star Wars Rebels. Initially, the original script for the episode "Call to Action" did not include the Grand Inquisitor executing Grint and Aresko on Wilhuff Tarkin's orders, but Dave Filoni added it later to introduce Tarkin to a new, younger audience.

