Call to Action

title: "Call to Action"

The thirteenth episode of the animated series Star Wars Rebels is entitled "Call to Action," and it belongs to the first season. In the overall series, it holds the position of the thirteenth episode.

Steward Lee directed this episode, while executive producers Greg Weisman and Simon Kinberg handled the writing. It initially became available on and the WatchDisneyXD app on February 2, 2015, before its broadcast premiere on Disney XD on February 9th.

The narrative of the episode revolves around the rebels' endeavor to infiltrate and manipulate an Imperial transmission tower. Their goal is to disseminate a motivating message of hope to the inhabitants of Lothal. However, their actions bring them into conflict with Imperial forces, who are now driven to eliminate the rebels due to the arrival of a significant figure: Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, the Governor governing the Outer Rim Territories.

Official description

Having demonstrated their effectiveness in their attacks against the Empire, the Ghost crew attracts the attention of a formidable new adversary.

Plot summary

Tarkin's arrival

Grand Moff Tarkin arrives on Lothal

Wilhuff Tarkin, who is the Imperial Governor of the Outer Rim and also holds the title of Grand Moff, arrives on Lothal, landing at the Imperial Complex. Minister Maketh Tua greets him upon his arrival, expressing her surprise at his unexpected visit. Tarkin then proceeds to scold her for her failure to safeguard Imperial industrial interests, citing the unchecked growth of a Rebel Cell under her watch. He also criticizes Agent Kallus for allowing the Rebel cell to launch attacks against Imperial soldiers, damage Imperial property, and disrupt Imperial trade operations. Kallus responds by informing Tarkin that he has exhausted all available resources in his attempts to capture them. Tua then reveals to Tarkin that the rebel leader is a Jedi. The Grand Moff then ridicules the Grand Inquisitor's lack of success. He voices his skepticism about the rebel leader's Jedi status, asserting that all Jedi had been eliminated. Tarkin then declares his intention to capture "this criminal" and disprove the claim that he is a Jedi.

The speeder pursuit

Ezra outrunning Imperial forces

In a parallel sequence, several members of the Spectres, specifically Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, and Sabine Wren, have absconded with a crate of supplies and are subsequently being pursued by a group of Imperial speeder bikes led by Commandant Aresko and Taskmaster Grint. The rebels guide their Imperial pursuers into the settlement of Jalath and strategically separate to divide Commandant Aresko's forces. Sabine's pursuer collides with a wall, while Kanan successfully employs his blaster to neutralize another pursuer. After regrouping at a junction, the rebels find themselves pursued by the remaining three speeder bikes.

The biker in the lead instructs his subordinates to continue the chase while he attempts to "cut them off." The rebels successfully evade their Imperial pursuers by concealing their bikes at a rubbish dump. After taking down two of the Imperial combat drivers, Ezra manages to incapacitate the leading biker. Having successfully evaded their pursuers, the rebels then make their way back to the Ghost. After observing Senator Gall Trayvis publicly declare his loyalty to the Empire and condemn them on HoloNet, Kanan devises a strategy for the rebels to seize control of Lothal's Imperial Communications Center in order to disseminate their version of events.

Rising stakes

Tarkin executes Aresko and Grint

Following his interrogation of Commandant Aresko and Taskmaster Grint regarding the Lothals situation, Tarkin instructs the Inquisitor to execute the two Imperial officers due to their demonstrated incompetence. This brutal execution deeply shocks Agent Kallus and fills Minister Tua with horror. After issuing a warning that future failures will not be tolerated, Tarkin orders Agent Kallus to deploy probe droids in order to locate the rebels. While infiltrating the area surrounding the main communications tower, Kanan, Sabine, and Ezra detect a probe droid. Concerned about being detected, Ezra decides to utilize the Force to summon a loth-cat to attack and disable the Probe. Despite inflicting damage on the droid, it manages to transmit footage of the rebels' presence.

Upon discovering their location, Tarkin instructs Kallus to refrain from reinforcing Imperial presence. His intention is to allow the rebels to maintain the illusion of having the element of surprise, which will enable the Empire to ambush them. Ezra expresses skepticism about the plan's potential for success and voices his fear that the rebels will suffer the same fate as his parents. In response, Kanan reminds them that their fear of potential losses should not prevent them from being willing to make sacrifices for a greater purpose. He also reminds his apprentice that his master attempted to impart the same lesson to him as Ezra, a lesson that he did not fully comprehend until he himself became a teacher.

Springing the trap

Kanan fighting the Grand Inquisitor

Later that evening, the crew of the Ghost successfully infiltrates the control tower and subdues the meager stormtrooper garrison. However, they soon realize that Imperial forces are closing in and that they have unwittingly walked into a trap. While Kanan remains behind to delay the Imperials, Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper ascend the tower to meet up with Hera Syndulla in the Phantom. After a brief exchange with Agent Kallus, Kanan is ambushed by the Grand Inquisitor, who engages him in a lightsaber duel.

In the meantime, Ezra and the other rebels find themselves cornered by a patrol transport, but Sabine manages to destroy it by launching an explosive device. Back on the ground, the Inquisitor offers Kanan the opportunity to surrender himself and his comrades. He also informs Kanan that someone is interested in meeting him. However, Hera arrives and successfully evacuates the other rebels. Despite Hera's objections, Kanan orders her and the other rebels to depart in order to prevent their capture by the Imperials. Despite Ezra's protests, Hera reluctantly complies with Kanan's orders, and the remaining rebels escape into the night.

Hope amidst defeat

Ezra's message of hope

As dawn breaks, Agent Kallus and the Inquisitor present Kanan to Tarkin, who has arrived to meet the "Jedi." Kanan pledges to withhold any information from his Imperial captors. However, Tarkin's triumph is overshadowed when he discovers that the rebels are remotely controlling the communications tower. Ezra delivers a passionate speech, urging the people of Lothal to resist the Empire. In response, Tarkin orders his police gunships to destroy the communications tower. Aboard his gunship, Tarkin informs Kanan that the Jedi may lack the understanding of what it takes to win a war, but he possesses that knowledge. Back on the Ghost, Ezra inquires of Hera whether their actions were worthwhile and whether anyone heard their message. In response, she expresses her belief that they did. When Ezra asks if this is over, Hera assures him that their struggle was not over.


