The Ghost was a VCX-100 light freighter, a modified version, utilized by the rebel cell known as the Spectres during the Age of the Empire. It was owned by the Twi'lek Hera Syndulla. As a crucial asset in the rebellion, the Ghost participated in numerous missions and skirmishes against the forces of the Galactic Empire. Additionally, the Ghost featured an auxiliary spacecraft known as the Phantom, functioning both as a shuttle and a starfighter. After the Phantom was destroyed at Reklam Station, the Spectres acquired a replacement shuttle, the Sheathipede-class transport shuttle Phantom II.

Originally manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, the Ghost was a VCX-100 light freighter that had been modified. Hera named it for her skill in avoiding Imperial sensors. Despite its age and battle scars from encounters with the Empire, it remained a dependable vessel. The ship featured a turret gunner station with a dedicated seat beneath the cockpit, and a 360-degree dorsal laser cannon turret located midships. It possessed four primary cargo holds. The crew section was situated in the front half, with the two forward-facing cargo holds forming the ship's forward corners.
Like many Corellian light freighter designs, the Ghost was equipped with docking rings on both the port and starboard sides. In the absence of a nose gunner, the pilot could operate the nose turret from the cockpit. Moreover, the dorsal turret could be controlled from the cockpit via an astromech droid socket or through controls at the pilot's seat. Behind the cockpit were the crew quarters, which included four private rooms. Near the engine arrays were the two rear-facing main cargo holds, which constituted the ship's rear corners.
To minimize detection, the Ghost incorporated baffled engines, energy dampeners, and static jammers. These enhancements, along with over eighty-seven illegal upgrades to its stealth systems, allowed the freighter to simulate solar fluctuations or cosmic radiation on various sensors. The Ghost possessed sufficient forward firepower to destroy an Arquitens-class command cruiser. During its service in the early rebellion against the Empire, Captain Hera Syndulla frequently evaded Imperial forces by activating the hyperdrive without plotting a course using the onboard navigation computer, relying on luck to avoid collisions with asteroids or supernovae. The astromech droid C1-10P, known as "Chopper," often clashed with the Ghost's navicomputer when issuing commands, as the Ghost found the droid to be impolite and overbearing.
A VCX-series auxiliary starfighter named the Phantom rested on the ship's roof, at the back. This adaptable craft served as both a starfighter and a shuttle, and it also functioned as the Ghost's aft gun armament when docked tail-forward. Although the Phantom was destroyed during a mission to Reklam Station, the Spectres replaced it with the Phantom II, a Sheathipede-class transport shuttle acquired during a mission to Agamar.
Hera Syndulla, an idealistic daughter of Twi'lek resistance leader Cham Syndulla who headed both the Twi'lek Resistance and the Free Ryloth Movement, came to possess the Ghost at least six years before she harbored the Spectres, and eight years after the proclamation of the New Order. Hera and her astromech droid C1-10P "Chopper" journeyed throughout the galaxy aboard the Ghost, seeking out political activists and those who dissented against the Empire, hoping to eventually establish a resistance movement. Chopper typically remained on board whenever Syndulla left the ship, as was the case when Syndulla inadvertently encountered Caleb Dume, a survivor of the Great Jedi Purge known as Kanan Jarrus. During the Gorse Conflict, they ultimately saved the planet and its moon Cynda.
Following the conflict, the Ghost became home to Sabine Wren, a former student of the Imperial Academy, and Garazeb Orrelios, a former Lasan High Honor Guard Captain, who was recruited by Jarrus. Together, they formed the Spectres and launched a campaign of anti-Imperial actions on the remote agricultural world of Lothal. A starship dealer was once queried regarding a potential lead on the Ghost.

Around this time, the crew undertook a series of missions, primarily on Lothal. In one instance, Jarrus and Syndulla decided to raid an Imperial supply convoy. However, they were pursued by several TIE/ln space superiority starfighters, and the Ghost's shields were disabled during the engagement. While Chopper was instructed to repair them, the crew noticed that communications were down, which Chopper was also asked to fix. Jarrus, however, overruled the order and directed the droid to focus on the shields instead. During the battle, Jarrus managed to destroy one of the TIE fighters using the dorsal turret, while Syndulla, piloting the Ghost, outmaneuvered another and destroyed it with the forward cannons. Chopper then assumed control of the Phantom's cannons and destroyed the last fighter.
In another mission, the Ghost was captured and required an escape from the Imperials on Lothal. Wren infiltrated an airbase using the call-sign Spectre Five. She deployed a paint bomb, allowing the Ghost to evade detection. Ezra Bridger, a Force-sensitive orphan from Lothal, later joined the crew, earning his place by assisting in the rescue of several Wookiees from the spice mines of Kessel. The Ghost then traveled to Garel, where the Spectres stole a shipment of T-7 ion disruptor rifles from the Empire to sell to Cikatro Vizago, a crime lord and black marketeer. The Ghost subsequently rendezvoused with the Tantive IV to return R2-D2 and C-3PO to their owner.

While residing on the Ghost, Ezra shared a room with Zeb, and the two frequently argued. Following one such argument, Hera instructed Ezra and Zeb to purchase some Meiloorun fruit in the Lothalian town of Kothal. After encountering Imperial forces, the two stole a TIE starfighter and embarked on a brief adventure. After supposedly destroying the fighter, Ezra and Zeb returned to the Ghost as friends.
Later, while the Ghost hovered over Lothal, Kanan gave Ezra his first Jedi lesson. Because Ezra was not focused, he nearly fell to his death. After the lesson, the Ghost traveled to Stygeon Prime, where the Jedi Master Luminara Unduli was purportedly imprisoned in a fortified prison known as the Spire. While Chopper remained aboard the Ghost, Kanan and the other rebels flew to the planet in the Phantom. However, this turned out to be a trap set by the Grand Inquisitor, and the rebels narrowly escaped.
Following their adventure on Stygeon Prime, Hera and Kanan piloted the Ghost on a raid against a convoy of Gozanti-class cruisers transporting a large kyber crystal. While Hera flew the Ghost and attacked the cruiser carrying the crystal, Kanan flew the Phantom and distracted the TIE fighter escorts. Ezra, who had infiltrated the Academy for Young Imperials in Lothal's Capital City, aided Hera and Kanan. Later, the Ghost rendezvoused with the rest of the team outside Capital City, where they were joined by Jai Kell, a Force-sensitive cadet. Hera arranged for Kell and his mother to be moved into hiding.

Later, the Ghost participated in a rescue mission on the asteroid PM-1203 after Hera and Sabine were stranded there and surrounded by fyrnocks. The Phantom had sustained a fuel leak during a skirmish with TIE fighters. After evacuating Hera, Sabine, and the Phantom, the rebels fled into space. On Empire Day, the rebel crew used the Ghost to escape Lothal's Capital City after they disrupted the Empire Day celebrations and rescued Tseebo, a fugitive Rodian wearing a cybernetic implant containing vital information on Imperial operations in Lothal.
The Inquisitor then pursued the Ghost with TIE fighters. After sustaining some damage, the ship managed to jump into hyperspace due to Tseebo transmitting the coordinates. However, the Inquisitor had planted a tracking device on the Phantom, which was still attached to the Ghost. To protect Tseebo, Kanan and Ezra departed on the Phantom and lured the Inquisitor to PM-1203. Meanwhile, Hera rendezvoused the Ghost with Fulcrum, a mysterious rebel leader, who arranged for Tseebo to be moved into hiding.
While Ezra underwent his Jedi Trials at a hidden Jedi temple on Lothal, the other crew members of the Ghost waited. Following Ezra's Jedi trials, the crew of the Ghost took part in a job for Lando Calrissian, a "galactic entrepreneur," who, with Ezra's reluctant help, stole a puffer pig from the crime lord Azmorigan. After escaping Azmorigan, the Ghost had to navigate through the Imperial blockade around Lothal. During the journey, the puffer pig escaped and wreaked havoc on the ship. Several TIE fighters pursued the Ghost, but Kanan managed to evade them. After landing near Calrissian's farm, the rebels defeated Azmorigan and his henchmen, who had returned for revenge.

After the Empire captured Kanan Jarrus, Hera was aboard the Ghost when she received instructions from Fulcrum not to endanger the rest of the rebel cell by attempting to rescue Kanan. Defying Hera's orders, Ezra, along with Chopper, Sabine, and Zeb, embarked on a mission to discover Kanan's whereabouts. While Chopper distracted Hera, the other three rebels escaped on the Phantom. Meeting Vizago, the rebels learned that Kanan was imprisoned aboard Grand Moff Tarkin's Star Destroyer Sovereign, which was traveling to the Mustafar system. Because the Ghost was familiar to Imperial authorities, the rebels used a stolen Gozanti freighter to travel to Mustafar instead.
The rescue mission succeeded, and the Spectres killed the Grand Inquisitor and destroyed the Sovereign, forcing Tarkin to evacuate the ship. Later, the Ghost reappeared in the Mustafar system with two rebel network blockade runners. Fulcrum, who was actually Ahsoka Tano, the former Padawan, manned the dorsal turret of the Ghost. After picking up Kanan and his rebel comrades, Ahsoka revealed her identity to the rest of the Ghost crew and confirmed that they were part of a larger Rebellion.
Following the events in the Mustafar system, Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb used the Ghost in a successful mission to rescue Zare Leonis' sister Dhara Leonis from Area Null in Arkanis. Later, the crew of the Ghost joined the Phoenix Cell, which operated a fleet of starships. When the rebels agreed to rescue Maketh Tua, a defecting Imperial Minister, her crew left her with the Phoenix fleet because their ship was a familiar sight to Imperial authorities on Lothal. Their mission to rescue Tua failed because Agent Kallus had orchestrated her assassination and framed the Spectres. After escaping Darth Vader, the crew of the Ghost resolved never to return to Lothal to avoid endangering its people.
When Darth Vader caught up with them and attacked the Phoenix fleet, the Ghost participated in the defense of the Phoenix fleet. Vader's TIE Advanced starfighter destroyed the rebel flagship Phoenix Home and several A-wing starfighters, forcing the rebels to retreat into hyperspace. During the fighting, Ahsoka was aboard the Ghost when she realized that Vader was her former mentor, Anakin Skywalker. Two Star Destroyers followed Vader and almost trapped the Ghost in their tractor beam projector. However, the freighter managed to jump into hyperspace at the last moment.
Following the near-destruction of the Phoenix Squadron, the early rebellion faced a scarcity of bases and facilities. Ahsoka dispatched the crew of the Ghost to the desert world of Seelos to contact her old friend, Rex, a former Clone Captain. While Kanan, along with Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb, traveled down to Seelos, Hera and Chopper remained aboard the Ghost to repair the ship. The rebels successfully contacted Rex and his companions Wolffe and Gregor. Kanan gained the trust of Rex and Gregor, but Wolffe distrusted the rebels and secretly alerted Agent Kallus and Admiral Kassius Konstantine.
Hera and Chopper were aboard the Ghost when Admiral Konstantine and Kallus' Star Destroyer Relentless emerged from hyperspace above Seelos. To avoid detection, Hera shut down all of the ship's systems, enabling the Ghost to escape capture. The Relentless was forced to withdraw from the Seelos system after Vader ordered the ship to rendezvous with a shuttle carrying an Inquisitor. This withdrawal allowed the rebels and the clones to defeat Agent Kallus' force of AT-AT walkers and escape offworld aboard the Ghost. As a result, the rebel network not only discovered new bases but also gained new allies.
During one of Ezra's Jedi training sessions aboard the Ghost, Sabine and Chopper played a prank on Ezra by locking Chopper's feet to the ship's metallic floor. Despite Ezra's best efforts, he was unable to use the Force to levitate the astromech droid. When the Phoenix Squadron departed on a mission to Rinn, Ezra and Chopper were ordered to stay behind and clean the Ghost. However, the two rebels departed on an unauthorized mission aboard the Phantom after receiving a distress call from Vizago above Garel.
The Ghost later participated in a failed attempt by the Phoenix rebel fleet to break an Imperial blockade around Ibaar. The Phoenix rebels sought to deliver relief supplies to the Ibaarians, who were suffering after the Empire confiscated their rations and doubled their work quota. The Phoenix rebels suffered the loss of their commander and a transport ship. Later, the crew of the Ghost participated in a mission to contact Quarrie, a reclusive Mon Calamari engineer living on Shantipole, who had developed a new prototype heavy starfighter known as the Blade wing. Due to Shantipole's hazardous atmospheric conditions, the Ghost remained in space while Hera, Zeb, and Sabine traveled down to Ibaar in the Phantom.
Later, Kanan, Ezra, and Chopper took the Ghost to rendezvous with a transport ship and collect supplies for a second attempt to break the Imperial blockade around Ibaar. Due to its smaller size and maneuverability, the Ghost was designated as the new transport ship for the blockade run. Given the dire situation of the Ibaarians, Kanan could not wait for Hera and departed to rejoin the fleet. As the Ghost prepared for its blockade run, Kanan and his crew received a transmission from Hera instructing them to remain in their position. Shortly thereafter, the Phantom emerged from hyperspace dragging the Blade Wing in two. Piloting the Blade Wing, Hera destroyed an Imperial Arquitens-class light cruiser, clearing a path for the Ghost to deliver its relief supplies by airdrop to the Ibaarians. Following the mission to Shantipole, Hera was promoted to Phoenix Leader.

Prior to the Battle of Garel, Ezra had a Force vision of his parents, Ephraim and Mira Bridger, while sleeping in his bunk. He then persuaded Hera and Kanan to prepare for departure to Lothal to find his parents. Shortly thereafter, Sabine Wren, monitoring the Ghost's systems, detected an Imperial fleet departing from Lothal for an unknown expedition. The Phoenix Squadron was soon attacked by Imperial forces, including ground troops, Star Destroyers, and TIE fighters. After Zeb and Chopper rejoined them, the Ghost ascended into the skies above Garel.
Under the command of Phoenix Leader Hera, the other rebel ships followed the Ghost. During the fighting, Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper departed aboard the Phantom to continue their quest to find Ezra's parents. After Commander Jun Sato's corvette Liberator was trapped by the tractor beam projector of a Star Destroyer, Hera used the Ghost to execute a dangerous maneuver to disable the Star Destroyer's tractor beam. Despite having its frontal laser cannons disabled by an Imperial blast, Hera still managed to ram the projector. Zeb, who was manning the rear turret, narrowly avoided being crushed against the projector. After freeing Sato's corvette, Hera and the other rebel ships fled into hyperspace.
Following the escape from Garel, Senator Bail Organa sent his adopted daughter, Princess Leia Organa, to deliver three Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette to the Phoenix rebels. Because the Alderaanians could not directly send the ships to the rebels in space, the Organas arranged for the corvettes to be delivered to Lothal, an Imperial world. As part of the plan, the rebels would "steal" the ships while Princess Leia was on a "mercy mission" in Lothal. The crew of the Ghost were dispatched to rendezvous with Leia and "steal" the Hammerhead corvettes. However, they encountered an unexpected obstacle when Yogar Lyste, the Imperial Supply Master, attached gravity locks to the ships.
The Ghost successfully rendezvoused with Kanan, Ezra, Chopper, and Leia in Lothal's wilderness. They also encountered Ryder Azadi, the former Governor of Lothal, whom they rescued from being recaptured by an Imperial patrol. Subsequently, the Ghost was used during a successful operation to steal the Hammerhead corvettes from an Imperial depot near the town of Jalath. With Hera at the ship's helm, the Ghost harassed the garrison's AT-AT walkers while the other rebels disabled the gravity locks and took the corvettes into space. After obtaining the corvettes, the Ghost departed Lothal and rejoined the rebel fleet in space.

After Hondo Ohnaka, a pirate of the Weequay species, gave Ezra some information, the Ghost's crew journeyed to Nixus Hub 218. Their objective was to save two refugees taken prisoner by the Galactic Empire. These refugees were revealed to be Gron and Chava, Lasat survivors of the fall of Lasan. Following the rescue and escape from Nixus, the Ghost set course for Lira San, the fabled Lasat sanctuary situated in Wild Space. A collapsed star cluster isolated Lira San from the rest of the galaxy. During their voyage, Zeb skillfully employed his bo-rifle to guide the Ghost safely through the star cluster. Subsequently, they delivered the two refugees to Lira San, which they discovered was the original homeworld of the Lasat people.
Because the Ghost was running low on both fuel and power, the crew participated in a heist at a Mining Guild Asteroid Belt Gas Refinery. Their goal was to secure fuel for their vessel and the rest of the fleet. While en route to the planetoid that housed the refinery, the Ghost found itself surrounded by several purrgil, massive creatures that live in space and possess the ability to travel through hyperspace. Later, the crew of the Ghost assisted the purrgil when they came under attack by a pair of TIE/mg Mining Guild starfighters. With the purrgil's assistance, the rebels successfully stole several fuel canisters and destroyed the refinery. Following this, the Ghost accompanied the purrgil on their journey through hyperspace.
Later, the Ghost joined Phoenix Squadron on a mission to steal supplies from the Empire. A Hammerhead corvette belonging to the rebels managed to transfer a piece of cargo onto the Ghost via its docking ring. Simultaneously, rebel ships were under assault from an Imperial Star Destroyer along with numerous TIE fighters. "Phoenix Two," an A-wing starfighter from Phoenix Squadron, sustained damage from enemy fire, which crippled its hyperdrive. Phoenix Two attempted to dock with the Ghost, but was struck by enemy fire. Consequently, Hera and Kanan, with Commander Sato's approval, embarked on a mission to seize an Imperial carrier positioned above Ryloth. At a later time, the Ghost served as the location for a meeting between the Spectres and Cham's Free Ryloth Movement.
The Ghost was also involved in a mission to investigate an Imperial construction module orbiting Geonosis. While Hera, along with Chopper and Rex, remained on board the ship, Kanan and the other rebels entered the complex. Shortly thereafter, they were ambushed by Imperial stormtroopers commanded by Kallus, a recurring adversary of the rebels. The Ghost itself was attacked by All Terrain Defense Pod walkers. After a battle, most of the rebels managed to return to the Ghost, with the exception of Zeb. The Ghost was pursued by multiple TIE fighters, but managed to evade them by navigating through one of the construction modules, resulting in a TIE fighter colliding with an AT-DP walker. Subsequently, the Ghost was used in a search and rescue operation for Zeb. They located his transponder signal on the icy moon of Bahryn, where he and Kallus had forged an unexpected alliance to survive the harsh conditions and the bonzami creatures.

Several months later, Hera piloted the Ghost to a rendezvous point with the Phoenix in deep space. Kanan, Chopper, and Ezra had just returned from a mission to scout the planet Oosalon for a potential rebel base, during which they encountered the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister. To avoid endangering the fleet, Kanan had instructed Hera to meet them in deep space. The Ghost also provided a space for a meeting between Tano, Kanan, and Ezra. The three Jedi decided to visit the Jedi Temple on Lothal in order to seek guidance from Jedi Master Yoda on how to combat the threat posed by the Inquisitors. Hera, Sabine, and Zeb remained aboard the Ghost while the Jedi and Chopper traveled to Lothal on the Phantom.
The Ghost later participated in a heist to steal fuel from the Imperial depot located at Horizon Base. The group had planned to establish a base in the Yost system, but lacked the necessary fuel for the journey. While the other rebels raided the depot and stole the fuel, Chopper was tasked with guarding the ship. However, he became distracted by a droid leg being sold nearby, which resulted in him being stranded when the other rebels were forced to make a quick escape. The Ghost then returned to the rebel fleet, only to find it under attack by Imperial forces under Admiral Konstantine. He ordered his TIE fighters to prevent the Ghost from delivering fuel to the rebel fleet's fighter carrier. Nevertheless, the Ghost was saved by Ketsu Onyo, Sabine's friend, who used her starship Shadow Caster to provide cover. After receiving information from Chopper and AP-5, a former Imperial inventory droid, that the Imperials had set a trap in the Yost system, the rebels instead traveled to the planet Atollon, which had no Imperial presence.
Following the discovery of Atollon, the Phoenix rebels established a base known as Chopper Base on the planet. The Ghost assisted in the construction of the base by transporting supplies from the rebel fleet. After delivering a shipment of power generators to Chopper Base, the Ghost was parked next to a Sphyrna-class corvette. Later, the Ghost participated in a mission to rescue Sabine and Rex after they were attacked by spider-like creatures known as krykna. Sabine and Wren had gone to the northern perimeter after the disappearance of Dicer, a rebel lieutenant. During the rescue attempt, the Ghost became trapped beneath a krykna web, but the rebels managed to cut themselves free using their lightsabers. Following the skirmish, the Ghost returned to the safety of Chopper Base. The next day, the rebels erected a perimeter fence consisting of sensor beacons to protect the base from the krykna.
The Ghost remained at Chopper Base during Kanan, Ezra, Ahsoka, and Chopper's mission to Malachor. After Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper returned from the expedition, the Spectres were aboard the Ghost as they coped with the loss of Ahsoka and Kanan's blinding at the hands of Maul, a rogue Sith Lord. In Ezra's private quarters on the ship, the young Jedi accessed a Sith holocron that he had acquired from the Malachor Sith Temple.

Two years prior to the Battle of Yavin, the Ghost took part in a mission to rescue Hondo Ohnaka from the Imperial prison on Naraka. While Hera waited aboard the Ghost, Ezra and his team infiltrated the prison and freed Hondo and his cellmate Terba, who died during the escape. Due to the presence of Imperial troops and the mountainous terrain, Hera executed a "44 scoop" at Ezra's suggestion, and the rebels, along with Hondo, jumped onto the ship. Later, Ezra consulted his Sith holocron in his room on the Ghost. During the mission to Reklam Station, Hera and Kanan used the Ghost to rescue Ezra from the disintegrating orbital junkyard after losing the Phantom. The Ghost and the Phoenix battle cruisers then escaped into hyperspace with their stolen Y-wing starfighters.
Subsequently, Maul captured the Ghost and its crew, including Hera, Chopper, Zeb, and Sabine. Maul then attempted to force Kanan and Ezra to hand over the Sith holocron and Jarrus' holocron in exchange for the safe return of their friends. Maul then compelled Syndulla to give him a tour of the Ghost and show him Jarrus' quarters. There, he discovered the Jedi holocron and tried to open it, but failed. The crew then tried to subdue Maul, but were unsuccessful. The Ghost then traveled to Vizsla Keep 09, an abandoned Mandalorian outpost where Maul had established a base. Later, Maul instructed his modified tour guide droids to execute the prisoners in the cargo hold of the Ghost. However, Kanan intervened and stopped them.
Due to the Ghost's association with the rebellion, a simulated version of the ship appeared during a training exercise at Skystrike Academy, an elite institution. Captain Vult Skerris used this simulation to teach Wedge Antilles and Sabine Wren, an undercover rebel agent, the importance of following orders. Later, Hera and the Spectres used the Ghost to conduct a supply run to the Free Ryloth movement. After rescuing her father and Numa, a rebel fighter, the two rebel cells joined forces in an unsuccessful mission to retrieve the Syndulla Kalikori, an artifact, from Grand Admiral Thrawn. Despite failing to recover the object, the rebels managed to escape a trap set by Captain Slavin, Thrawn's second-in-command, and escaped aboard the Ghost.
Later, the Ghost transported the Spectres and Rex to Agamar on a mission to salvage proton bombs from a destroyed Separatist supply ship. Hera and Sabine left on the Ghost and raided an Imperial fuel depot. They evaded a plot by Governor Pryce to trap them, but remained in space awaiting further communications from Rex and the other rebels. Meanwhile, the other rebels allied with a Separatist holdout led by Kalani, a super tactical droid, to escape Imperial forces. Hera later reestablished contact with Rex and Kanan, who revealed that they had found the Ghost a new transport: Phantom II.
The Ghost was part of a Phoenix Squadron force that went to Mykapo to evacuate rebel sympathizers before an Imperial crackdown. The Ghost was briefly engaged in a dogfight with Imperial TIE fighters. After the skirmish, Hera docked the Ghost with Sato's Hammer, a YT-2400 light freighter that served as the home of a rebel cell known as the Iron Squadron. After failing to convince Iron Squadron to leave Mykapo before Imperial reinforcements arrived, Hera took the Ghost back to rejoin the rebel fleet. Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper stayed behind on the Phantom II in an attempt to persuade Iron Squadron. Later, the Ghost participated in a skirmish with Imperial forces under Admiral Konstantine and successfully transported Mart Mattin, the Iron Squadron captain, and his ship to safety. The Ghost also flew over Konstantine's Arquitens-class command cruiser, allowing Mart to drop a bomb on the ship. The Ghost and the rest of Phoenix Squadron then jumped into hyperspace just as Grand Admiral Thrawn arrived in an Imperial Star Destroyer.

Later, the Spectres used the Ghost to meet with Hondo's repurposed Imperial landing craft. Hondo and Azmorigan, his new business partner, persuaded the rebels to assist them in extracting treasure from an Imperial cargo ship that had become stranded in the stormy upper atmosphere of Wynkahthu. Hondo convinced the rebels to help by pointing out the presence of proton bombs, a necessary commodity for the rebellion. Hera and Kanan flew the Ghost while the other rebels boarded the derelict cargo ship. Following a dangerous mission, the rebels and their allies successfully obtained the treasure and weapons before parting ways.
Following a recon mission carried out by Ezra, Kanan, Chopper, and Azadi's rebel cell to steal the plans for Thrawn's new starfighter initiative, Hera assembled a strike team to attack the Imperial Armory Complex on Lothal. Before the mission could commence, Ezra succumbed to Force visions created by Maul. Later, Ezra awoke in his quarters on the Ghost and claimed that everything was fine. However, Ezra was removed from his role in the mission after he nearly killed a rebel trooper whom he mistook for Maul. On Kanan's advice, Hera departed on the Ghost to lead the attack on the Lothal Imperial factory.
Later, the Spectres and Rex traveled on the Ghost to Geonosis to search for Saw Gerrera, who had embarked on a mission to investigate the apparent disappearance of the Geonosian species. While Kanan, Ezra, Chopper, and Rex explored a Geonosian structure and Sabine and Zeb investigated a nearby deflector shield generator, Hera remained aboard the Ghost to watch over the ship. After Kanan's team found Saw and Klik-Klak, a Geonosian, and Sabine and Zeb obtained a deflector core, the Ghost shot down two Imperial TIE bombers that had been dispatched from Brunson's Arquitens-class command cruiser.
Hera then flew the Ghost into an air shaft to meet up with Kanan's team. Once Kanan's team and Saw arrived, an argument erupted between the Spectres, Rex, and Saw regarding the latter's harsh interrogation methods towards Klik-Klak. The rebels then joined forces to fight off an Imperial boarding party of Jumptroopers as the Ghost fled into the depths of Geonosis. Once underground, the rebels discovered several poison canisters, proving that the Empire had committed genocide against the Geonosians. After allowing Klik-Klak to escape into the depths of Geonosis with the Geonosian queen egg, the rebels used the Ghost to fight their way out of the air shaft before Brunson's light cruiser could collapse the structure on top of them. The Ghost also damaged the Imperial ship with proton torpedoes before escaping into space.
The Ghost later participated in a training exercise with other members of Phoenix Squadron. The ship then returned to Chopper Base after Hera received a report from Zeb about an Imperial infiltration attempt. Later, Fenn Rau visited Kanan to discuss the significance of the Darksaber, an ancient Mandalorian symbol of leadership and power. Fenn, Kanan, and Hera believed that Sabine could learn to wield the weapon and rally the Mandalorians to the rebellion. During a meeting in the ship's common room, Sabine reluctantly agreed to accept the challenge of leadership and combat.

Later, Captain Hera, Ezra, Zeb, and Chopper took the Ghost to deep space to meet with another rebel group, which turned out to be Mon Mothma, a former Imperial Senator, and Gold Squadron, a Y-wing squadron. The Ghost also destroyed an Imperial tactical infiltration pod, but failed to prevent its E-XD-series infiltrator droid from alerting the Empire. After docking with Chandrila Mistress, Mothma's Taylander shuttle, the Ghost crew proceeded to refuel several Y-wing fighters. The Ghost and Gold Squadron were then engaged in a skirmish with an Imperial light cruiser and a Gozanti cruiser.
After evacuating Mothma and her crew from their damaged ship, the Ghost and Gold Squadron traveled through the dangerous Archeon pass in an attempt to reach Dantooine. During the journey, the Ghost and its Y-wing escorts were attacked by a prototype TIE Defender. The Ghost also sustained some hull damage from the intense radiation of the Archeon Nebula. After exiting the nebula, the Ghost was intercepted by two Imperial Star Destroyers commanded by Governor Pryce and Admiral Konstantine. The rebels managed to free the Ghost from the tractor beam of Pryce's Star Destroyer when Hera convinced Jon Vander, Gold Leader, and Ezra to fire their proton torpedoes into the nebula. After reaching Dantooine, Mon Mothma delivered a speech aboard the Ghost announcing the formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Shortly thereafter, a rebel fleet joined the Ghost.
Following the formation of the Rebel Alliance, Hera, Ezra, and Zeb remained aboard the Ghost while Chopper departed with AP-5 and Wedge Antilles on an undercover mission to steal clearance codes from the Imperial Security Bureau station on Killun 71 for the upcoming attack on Lothal. During the mission, Chopper was hijacked by a team of Imperial slicers based on a Gozanti-class cruiser, who wanted to discover the location of Chopper Base. The hijacked Chopper trapped his fellow crew members in the Ghost's cargo bay and attempted to expose them to zero gravity space.
Chopper also installed a data spike into the Ghost's navigation computer. Before the Imperials could finish downloading the data, AP-5 managed to unseal the cargo bay from the outside. Despite being pushed into space by Chopper, the Spectres and Wedge managed to retake the ship and restore Chopper's original programming. In retaliation for harming her droid, Hera overloaded the Imperial cruiser with a large amount of data, causing the ship to explode. After repairing Chopper, the rebels rescued AP-5, who had found solitude in space.

During the Battle of Atollon, Hera piloted the Ghost while Rex and Zeb operated the ship's guns. The Ghost was part of a rebel starship attack formation that attempted to break Grand Admiral Thrawn's blockade of the Atollon system. The main objective of the mission was to facilitate Ezra and Chopper's escape aboard the Nightbrother, a Gauntlet fighter, so that they could call for outside help. This plan succeeded, but the rebel forces suffered heavy losses. Later, Hera, Kanan, Zeb, Rex, Jan Dodonna, a General, AP-5, and other rebels fled Chopper Base aboard the Ghost after the Bendu, a Force-wielding being, unleashed a destructive storm. The Ghost and the rebel convoy were able to escape into hyperspace after Ezra and Mandalorian reinforcements led by Sabine destroyed Thrawn's second interdictor vessel. After making three hyperspace jumps to mislead the Imperials, the rebels traveled to Yavin 4.
The Spectres then used the Ghost to travel on a mission to install a spike on the Imperial relay on Jalindi. For the mission, Hera, Kanan, and Zeb remained aboard the Ghost while Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper jumped onto the relay's satellite dish. The Ghost remained airborne, waiting to pick up the infiltration team. When Commander Brom Titus discovered the presence of the rebel infiltrators, the Ghost was involved in a brief dogfight with Titus' light cruiser Marauder, which deployed several TIE Defenders. While Hera led the Imperial fighters on a chase through nearby canyons, Zeb manned the ship's rear cannons. With Hera unable to see through the fog, Kanan used the Force to guide her.
After defeating the pursuing TIEs, Hera flew the Ghost back to the Jalindi relay only to find that Saw Gerrera had destroyed the relay station and rescued Sabine's team. Distrusting Saw, Hera followed the Partisan leader into hyperspace. Hera and her team traveled aboard the Ghost to the empty Tonnis sector, where Saw and Sabine's team had been unsuccessfully investigating the Empire's mysterious superweapon project. After an unstable giant kyber crystal destroyed a freighter and Slavin's Star Destroyer, the Ghost evacuated Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper, as well as several Imperial prisoners who had been kidnapped by the Empire. These individuals subsequently joined the Rebel Alliance.
While the Ghost was traveling to the Alliance headquarters on Yavin 4, Ezra experienced a Force vision of Jho and Azadi on Lothal. After the Ghost landed outside the Great Temple, the Spectres were greeted by Erskin Semaj, who summoned them for a meeting with Alliance leader Mon Mothma. Mothma assigned the Spectres on a mission to Lothal to gather intelligence on the Empire's new TIE Defender. While the Spectres infiltrated the planet, Rex and Alexsandr Kallus, an Imperial defector, were tasked with manning the Ghost in orbit above Lothal. The Ghost later returned to Yavin 4. After Hera returned to Yavin 4 on a U-wing with the stolen TIE Defender's hyperdrive, she parked the U-wing near the Ghost.

Following the demise of Kanan Jarrus and the happenings that transpired at the Lothal Jedi Temple, Hera, accompanied by Rex and Kallus, journeyed aboard the Ghost to Seelos. There, she enlisted Gregor, Wolffe, Hondo Ohnaka, Melch, and Onyo to aid Ezra in his mission to free his home planet from Imperial control. On their return voyage to Lothal, Hondo masterfully persuaded Hera and Kallus to secure the Ghost to the exterior of a class four container transport. After patiently awaiting their opportunity near a hyperspace lane's edge, the Ghost successfully attached itself to the container transport, enabling their passage through the imposing Imperial blockade.
Upon entering Lothal's atmospheric embrace, Hera skillfully piloted the Ghost towards the Lothal resistance's cliff dwelling, playing a pivotal role in coordinating the defense against Governor Pryce's encroaching forces. Hera executed a bombing run on Pryce's patrol transport before deploying reinforcements, including Rex, Gregor, Wolffe, and Kallus. Subsequently, Hondo and Melch strategically utilized the Ghost's turret cannons, effectively neutralizing two additional patrol transports. This decisive action significantly shifted the battle's momentum in favor of the Spectres and the Lothal resistance.
In the time before the assault on the "Dome," Ezra found a moment of quiet contemplation in the Ghost's upper turret, reflecting on the sacrifices made by his parents. After Thrawn's Noghri assassin Rukh commandeered the last remaining patrol transport, Mattin, along with Wolffe and Vizago, piloted the Ghost into Lothal's upper atmosphere under Ezra's direction, transmitting a crucial message on Frequency Zero. This signal served as a beacon, summoning a massive pod of hyperspace-traveling purrgil to converge upon Thrawn's fleet orbiting Lothal. Mattin and Wolffe then steered the Ghost towards the "Dome" and Thrawn's flagship, the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera. The purrgil, responding to the call, latched onto the Chimaera, carrying both Ezra and Thrawn away into the vast expanse of deep space.
With the Star Destroyers effectively neutralized, the rebels had a clear path to complete their mission. Wolffe and Mattin skillfully utilized the Ghost to evacuate the rebel strike team from the "Dome", a mobile Imperial Planetary Occupation Facility, as it ascended into Lothal's upper atmosphere. Following the successful evacuation, Sabine strategically deployed detonators, triggering the facility's destruction and eliminating Governor Pryce along with the majority of the Imperial garrison stationed there. In the aftermath, Hera instructed Rex to retrieve every star map charting Ezra's last known trajectory, only to have Chopper activate a pre-recorded holographic message from the Padawan. Ezra conveyed that while this was not his preferred course of action, it was a necessary one. Concluding his message, he assured the crew of his eventual return, emphasizing that they were his family. As the citizens of Lothal celebrated their liberation, the Ghost performed a ceremonial fly-over of Capital City.

In the year 1 BBY, the Ghost was among the vessels stationed at Base One. During this period, General Hera Syndulla was summoned to the command center, and Chopper was observed in various locations throughout the base.
Subsequently, the Ghost, under the command of General Syndulla, became an integral part of the Alliance Fleet that confronted Imperial forces in a significant battle above the planet Scarif. This conflict coincided with the daring theft of the plans for the Death Star superweapon, an operation spearheaded by the courageous members of Rogue One.
Throughout the intense engagement, the Ghost provided crucial covering fire for the flagship Profundity's bridge, successfully eliminating at least one TIE fighter. As the battle drew to a close, the Ghost skillfully retreated alongside the majority of the Rebel fleet, narrowly escaping the arrival of Darth Vader.

The Ghost played a role as part of the Alliance fleet during the Battle of Endor. Following the culmination of the battle, the Ghost was positioned adjacent to the Millennium Falcon, engaged in the process of unloading essential supplies for the Rebels stationed on Endor. While on Endor, the Ghost engaged two TIE starfighters that had managed to survive the Battle of Endor and was re-equipped with a VCX-series starfighter, replacing the Phantom II.
At a later time, Chopper, Syndulla, and her son, Jacen Syndulla, the child she had with Jarrus, embarked on a journey together aboard the Ghost.
Hera Syndulla's initial involvement in the Battle of Jakku was aboard her flagship, the Star Destroyer Deliverance. However, after the Deliverance sustained critical damage from the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing and the explosive planted by Palal Seedia detonated within the starship, Hera transferred to the Ghost to continue the fight.

The Ghost was among the vessels comprising the Citizens' Fleet, which was brought to Exegol by Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca during the battle of Exegol. It experienced a temporary disablement alongside the rest of the fleet when the resurrected Darth Sidious unleashed a massive surge of lightning into the atmosphere. However, it resumed its engagement with the Sith Eternal forces once Sidious shifted his focus to his granddaughter, Rey. Following the battle's conclusion, the Ghost landed on Ajan Kloss, where the Resistance was celebrating their victory over the Sith Eternal.
The Ghost was publicly revealed on July 27, 2013 at Celebration Europe II, as part of the series' conceptual artwork. Its unveiling was met with enthusiastic applause. Furthermore, several Rebel pins contained subtle clues that, when deciphered, led to online schematics of the ship. These clues ultimately directed users to the Blog's article titled "Seen a ghost?"
According to Star Wars author Paul Urquhart, the Ghost's cockpit design drew inspiration from the real-world Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress. The ship also made an appearance in the film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker; Amy Beth Christenson verified that the ship seen in the movie was indeed the Ghost during an interview with Wired.
The Ghost's cockpit was initially conceived for the Silver Angel, a starship intended for a sixth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars that was ultimately canceled. The production team decided to repurpose the cockpit, as they admired its design and believed it would otherwise remain unseen. However, the Silver Angel eventually made its debut when The Clone Wars was revived for a seventh and final season on Disney+ in 2020.