Jalindi Station

The Jalindi Station, alternatively referenced as the Jalindi relay or Jalindi outpost, functioned as a communications hub for the Imperial forces, strategically positioned on the planet of Jalindi.


The Jalindi relay dish among the world's rocky mountains

Equipped with a substantial relay dish engineered by the Galactic Empire, Jalindi Station served as a communications outpost perched on one of the mountain peaks of the world Jalindi. This Jalindi outpost enhanced the range of communications, enabling the Empire to broaden its surveillance capabilities across adjacent sectors, facilitating extensive distribution of information, observation of transmissions, and the obstruction of rebel activity.


In the vicinity of 1 BBY, the group known as the Spectres received deployment orders to emplace a spike on the Jalindi relay, with the aim of the rebellion gaining access to the Imperial network, and monitoring Imperial fleet operations. The presence of the rebels was detected upon the arrival of an Arquitens-class command cruiser, specifically the Marauder, which compelled them to abort their mission by obliterating the Imperial relay dish, an act Saw Gerrera brought about upon his arrival.

