The events detailed below transpired around the galactic year of 1 BBY, which is also identified as 3276 LY using the Lothal Calendar. Furthermore, this corresponds to the year 7976 within the C.R.C. system.
- Ellian Zahra becomes the apprentice of Wilhuff Tarkin after she triumphed over Hannevik and Beldin. [15] (Approximate date) [16]
- The Galactic Empire commences its kyber crystal mining operations on the planet Jedha. Simultaneously, the journalist Calliope Drouth attempts to alert the Rebellion to this activity utilizing encrypted messages. (Approximate date) [16]
- Following the abandonment of Dantooine base, Alliance High Command establishes a base on the moon Yavin 4. [17] [18] Although Yavin 4 was already in use as a base by the time of the Battle of Atollon, [19] the consolidation of various rebel groups on the moon became the foundation for High Command. [18]
- The period known as the Hunt for Vader unfolds. [5] [16]
- A series of conflicts, collectively termed the trade wars, erupt between the Hutt Clan and the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Jabba Desilijic Tiure orders Greedo to Mygeeto in order to capture a Givin codebreaker from the Vice Chairman of the Banking Clan, Anolo. However, the mission fails due to the codebreaker's death. Dok-Ondar later agrees to purchase Ki-Adi-Mundi's lightsaber, which Greedo had retrieved during the mission, thereby saving Greedo from Jabba's anger. [9] [20]
- Alrich Wren is successfully rescued. [21]
- Darth Vader's endeavors to revive Padmé Amidala by means of the Bright Star are thwarted. [6] [16]
- Sabine Wren bestows the Darksaber upon Lady Bo-Katan Kryze. [21]
- Ezra encounters a Loth-wolf. [2] [22]
- Lothal achieves liberation from the control of the Galactic Empire. [10]
- The Rebel Alliance succeeds in liberating Jyn Erso. [4]
- The Galactic Empire carries out the inaugural test of the Death Star's weapon on Jedha, resulting in the complete destruction of Jedha City. [4]
- Open conflict begins in the Galactic Civil War. [4]
- Rogue One's actions at the Battle of Scarif, where they stole the plans to the Death Star, allows the Alliance to Restore the Republic to secure its first significant triumph against the Galactic Empire. [4] [23]
- An armed confrontation occurs at the Shootout at BG-RT's Tavern and Spirits. [5]
- The Hunt for Vader takes place. [5] [16]
- A mission is undertaken to Ushruu. [16]
- The Rebel Alliance launches a Mission to Mustafar. [16]
- A minor engagement occurs within Fortress Vader. [16]
- The Battle on Mustafar is fought. [16]
- A Mission to Mygeeto is executed. [9] [20]
- A Mission to Mandalore is undertaken. [21] [16]
- An unidentified supply mission is carried out. [1] [3]
- A Mission to Jalindi is launched. [1] [3]

- A Mission to Faos Station is conducted. [1] [3]
- A Raid on a suspected rebel cell is executed. [24] [3]
- The Theft of the TIE Defender Elite is accomplished. [2] [22]
- The Hijacking of Crawler 413-24 occurs. [16] [25]
- An Attack on Lothal is launched. [16] [26]
- A Rescue of Hera Syndulla is undertaken. [27] [16]
- An attack is carried out on a mobile way station. [7] [16]
- A battle unfolds in the Kurost sector. [7] [16]
- An Attack on a Grysk warship is executed. [7] [16]
- A Skirmish with Grysk warships takes place. [7] [16]
- A Skirmish against the Third Fleet occurs. [7] [16]
- The Excavation of the Lothal Jedi Temple is performed. [28] [16]
- A Mission to the Lothal Jedi Temple is undertaken. [28] [16]
- The Liberation of Lothal is achieved. [10]
- Saw Gerrera's Partisans conduct various Campaigns, including the Jedha insurgency. [4] [4]
- A Mission to the Ring of Kafrene is undertaken, leading to the Liberation of Erso. [4] [4] [29]
- Operation Fracture is executed, including the Battle on Jedha, the Destruction of Jedha City, and a Mission to Eadu. [4] [4] [4] [4]
- The Battle of Scarif is fought. [4] [16]
- Armitage Hux is born on Arkanis. [16]
- Fern is born (approximate date). [30]
- KB is born (approximate date). [30]
- Jacen Syndulla is born on Lothal. [31] [32]
- Neel is born (approximate date). [30]
- Wim is born (approximate date). [30]
- Farnay's mother passes away. [33]
- During the Hunt for Vader [16]: Arr-Nine-Nineteen[5], Honnah[34], Chio Fain[34] die.
- On Mygeeto [9] [20]: Anolo[9][20], Takvaa[9][20], and a Givin codebreaker[9][20] are killed.
- On Mustafar [6]: Vylip F'alma[6], a Priestess (Mustafarian)[6], and Gable Karius[6] perish.
- Tiber Saxon dies aboard his Star Destroyer on Mandalore. [21] [16]
- Brom Titus is killed on Jalindi. [1] [3]
- During the mission to Faos Station [1] [3]: Wells[1][3], Slavin aboard his Star Destroyer[1][3], 3-6[1][3], DT-F16[1][3], and others aboard Freighter 2716[1][3] die.
- Jho is killed. [24] [3]
- During the Hijacking of Crawler 413-24 [25] [16]: Seevor[25][16] and Proach[25][16] are killed.
- During the Attack on Lothal [26] [16]: Duke[26][16], Cleat[26][16], Vult Skerris[26][16], and R3-A3[26][16] die.
- During the Rescue of Hera Syndulla [35]: LS-261[35][16] and Kanan Jarrus[35][16] perish.
- Maliss dies during an Attack on a mobile way station. [7] [16]
- A Grysk is killed. [7] [16]
- Another Grysk is killed. [7] [16]
- Sissay dies during the Mission to Aloxor. [7] [16]
- A Grysk commander is killed. [7] [16]
- Veris Hydan dies during the Mission to the Lothal Jedi Temple. [36] [16]
- During the Liberation of Lothal [10]: An Imperial technician[10], Rukh[10], Gregor[10], and Arihnda Pryce[10] die.
- Zorahda dies on Wobani. [37]
- Tivik dies on the Ring of Kafrene. [4]
- On Jedha [4]: Jimmon Arbmab[4], Warda Gojun[4], Edrio[38], Saw Gerrera[4], JK-027[39], JN-092[39], JN-093[39], Meggone[39], Larn Siliu[39], Huika Siliu[39], and Pendra Siliu[39] are killed.
- On Eadu [4]: Sirro Argonne[4], Rasett Milio[4], Vlex Onopin[4], Ames Uravan[4], Feyn Vann[4], Uyohn[4], and Galen Walton Erso[4] perish.
- On Scarif [4]: Cassian Jeron Andor[4], Bistan[4], Jyn Erso[4], Pedrin Gaul[4], Vangos Grek[4], Chirrut Îmwe[4], K-2SO[4], Orson Callan Krennic[4], Lentra[40], Baze Malbus[4], Taidu Sefla[4], Ruescott Melshi[4], Antoc Merrick[4], Pao[4], Bodhi Rook[4], Stordan Tonc[4], Sotorus Ramda[4], Danbit Brun[4], Niles Gavla[4], and Criden Valdas[4] are killed.
- Raddus dies aboard the Profundity. [41]
- A fleet trooper dies aboard the Profundity. [4]
Prior to the launch of Star Wars: Timelines, it was understood that Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and the conclusion of Star Wars Rebels took place in 0 BBY. However, Timelines re-positioned these events to 1 BBY, thereby leaving Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope as the sole event within 0 BBY.