Sisay, a criminal of the female persuasion, headed a gang operating out of Tiquwe on the planet known as Aloxor. She was an adversary to Grand Admiral Savit's operations aimed at suppressing pirates within the sector, and she maintained a wary stance regarding spies and Imperial agents. When Eli Vanto and Brierly Ronan embarked on a mission to look into Project Stardust shipments originating from Aloxor, Sisay's crew encircled them along with their death trooper escort, who were in disguise. Vanto fabricated a story to explain their presence, which Sisay pretended to accept for a certain time, but she ultimately resolved to kill them. However, Dayja Collerand, an Imperial Security Bureau operative working undercover as the slicer known as "Mole," had been instructed to monitor Thrawn's mission, and she incapacitated Sisay's gang before brandishing a blaster at their leader. Sisay tried to retaliate, but Collerand opened fire before she could, resulting in Sisay's death.