Mission to the Ring of Kafrene

In the year 1 BBY, General Airen Cracken tasked Captain Cassian Andor with a mission: to discover the reason behind the Galactic Empire's widespread shipment of kyber crystals throughout the galaxy. This investigation led Andor to the Ring of Kafrene, where he met with an intelligence asset, Tivik. Tivik revealed that Bodhi Rook, a defector from the Empire, possessed information concerning an impending weapons test.


General Airen Cracken had previously instructed Andor to investigate reports of kyber crystals being transported to both Patriim and Horuz. During this investigation, Andor journeyed to Corulag and Coruscant, where he discovered that kyber crystal shipments were being concealed within civilian freighter convoys. Furthermore, Andor uncovered that these crystals were being shipped to Kafrene from somewhere within the Unknown Regions, although their final destination remained unknown.

The mission

Contacting Tivik

To further probe the mysterious kyber crystal shipments, Andor made his way to Kafrene. Once there, Andor sought out Tivik, a trusted source of intelligence. Tivik was waiting at the end of a dead end in section nine and appeared more agitated and on edge than Andor had seen him in the past. Tivik informed Andor that Bodhi Rook, an Imperial cargo pilot, had defected just a day prior. Galen Erso had persuaded Rook to seek out Saw Gerrera and his Partisans on Jedha to relay information to the Rebel Alliance about an impending weapons test planned by the Empire. Tivik explained that this weapon was powered by kyber crystals and possessed the destructive capability to obliterate entire planets.


Cassian Andor killing the stormtroopers

As Tivik and Andor stood in the dead end, two stormtroopers approached, demanding identification. Feigning a search for his "gloves," Andor instead drew a hidden blaster and killed the troopers. He then attempted to flee with Tivik. Realizing that Tivik was wounded and unable to scale the dead end's wall before more stormtroopers arrived, a regretful Cassian shot Tivik in the back to prevent his capture by the Empire. Subsequently, Andor fled Kafrene and returned to Base One on Yavin 4 for a debriefing.


In the wake of his escape from Kafrene, the Alliance liberated Jyn, Galen Erso's daughter, from Imperial imprisonment on Wobani.

