Corulag, a planet located in the Core Worlds, held considerable sway within the Galactic Republic. This influence was demonstrated when Corulag assisted Eriadu, bringing it out of debt and establishing its presence on the galactic-map. During the era of the Galactic Empire, the [Corulag Military Academy](/article/corulag_military_academy], an Imperial Academy situated there, achieved a degree of success through its innovative approach of strategically pairing training instructors, such as Commandants Angor and Bedgar.
The arrest location for the criminal known as "Liana Hallik," was listed as Corulag, following her apprehension in the Five Points system during 1 BBY. Around that year, Captain Cassian Andor of the Rebel Alliance traveled to Corulag while investigating the Empire's kyber crystal shipments, but departed for the Ring of Kafrene after being summoned by his informant.
After the fall of the Empire in 5 ABY, New Republic veteran Chass na Chadic took up residence in the city of Curamelle on Corulag, where she underwent therapy for a period. She later moved to [Crullov](/article/crullov] on the same planet, but her life as a veteran came to an end when her building was raided by security forces, leading to Chadic's eventual relocation to Spirana.
Corulag was a terrestrial planet that occupied a space in [the Interior](/article/the_interior] region of the Core Worlds. Its position was at coordinates L-9 on the Standard Galactic Grid, placing it along the [Perlemian Trade Route](/article/perlemian_trade_route] super-hyperroute between the worlds of Chandrila and Coruscant.

Subsequent to the defeat_of_the_sith in 1032 BBY, Corulag emerged as a significant member world within the Galactic Republic, wielding considerable authority in the Republic's Galactic Senate. During this epoch, business leaders from Corulag intervened to rescue the inhabitants of Eriadu, a planet situated in the Outer Rim Territories, from their indebtedness to the [InterGalactic Banking Clan](/article/intergalactic_banking_clan], which had extended loans for the expansion of Eriadu's lommite mining operations. Furthermore, Corulag's senatorial influence facilitated the routing of the Hydian Way, a hyperspace_route initially established in 3705 BBY, through Eriadu space, thereby integrating the Outer Rim world into the galactic-map. The Core World entrepreneurs who assisted Eriadu, in turn, compelled the planet to augment its lommite provision and claimed a substantial portion of the profits. This transformation led to the conversion of extensive regions of Eriadu into environmentally compromised industrial zones and impoverished urban centers.
In 19 BBY, the Republic became the Galactic Empire, and Corulag became the location of the Corulag Military Academy, an [Imperial Academy](/article/imperial_academy]. Despite being perceived as less esteemed than institutions such as the Raithal Academy, Corulag nonetheless produced a number of highly regarded Imperial graduates. This accomplishment can be attributed, in part, to their strategy of pairing training instructors based on shared abilities. The partnership between Commandants Angor and Bedgar, recognized for their expertise in relevant combat strategy classes and the intricacies of military administration, respectively, serves as a prime illustration of this approach.

In 1 BBY, Imperial Admiral Bethava Rocwyn apprehended the criminal Jyn Erso, who was operating under the alias "Liana Hallik," within the Five Points system, resulting in her incarceration at the Wobani Labor Colony. Her arrest record, designated as file / 7976.994.5., explicitly stated Corulag as the location of her arrest, a detail that was also included in her intake record at the Wobani Labor Camp. This latter document was subsequently incorporated into The Rebel Files, a repository of non-electronic documents compiled by Hendri Underholt, an archivist affiliated with the rebel movement.
Around that same year, the Rebel Alliance's intelligence branch began investigating reports indicating that the Empire was transporting kyber crystals to the Horuz and Patriim systems. General Airen Cracken tasked Captain Cassian Andor with the responsibility of conducting these investigations. Andor's inquiries led him to Coruscant and subsequently to Corulag. While on these worlds, he uncovered rumors suggesting that the Empire was utilizing convoys of civilian freighters to conceal kyber shipments, with some of these shipments passing through the Ring of Kafrene trading outpost from the direction of the Unknown Regions. During his time on Corulag, Andor received a communication from Tivik, his informant within the extremist rebel faction known as the Partisans, summoning him to a meeting at the Ring of Kafrene.
In 4 ABY, [Luke Skywalker](/article/luke_skywalker], the aspiring Jedi, engaged in a conversation with the Force ghost of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi during a visit to the swamp planet Dagobah. In that dialogue, Kenobi conveyed to Skywalker that the destiny of Corulag, along with numerous other planets, hinged upon a final confrontation between Skywalker and the Sith Lord Darth Vader.

Following the fall of the Empire in 5 ABY, Chass na Chadic, a seasoned pilot within the New Republic, established her residence in the city of Curamelle on Corulag. There, she attended therapy sessions at a medcenter, where she was treated by a bearded snake-woman therapist. However, Chadic discontinued her therapy after missing an appointment and being unable to reschedule with the snake-woman for a month. Remaining on Corulag, she eventually relocated to [Crullov](/article/crullov], another location on the planet, in search of more affordable housing, residing in a cramped apartment within a complex known for its population of scrappers and death stick addicts. One night, however, Chadic indulged in alcohol while enjoying the musical performances at the Little Orto street fair, only to return to her building to find it being raided by security forces. This event marked the end of her life as a New Republic veteran, prompting her eventual move to the astronomical object Spirana.
Imperial Archives maintained a section dedicated to the "Corulag Imperial Military Academy," which included the file "Combined Officer's Curriculum 27" that detailed the pairing of Commandants Angor and Bedgar. After reviewing this file, Beaumont Kin, a historian, summarized the Imperial Academy's curricular achievements in his book The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire, published in 35 ABY.
Corulag served as the homeworld of Baron Lero Danthe. Agias Rikton, a human, was also raised on this planet, developing a stronger connection with his grandfather, a Republic veteran, while struggling to relate to his parents, who ultimately severed ties with him when he chose to join the Empire. Merei Spanjaf participated in kicker within the grav-ball youth league on Corulag. By the time she departed for Lothal, the planet had undergone significant alterations due to the influence of the Galactic Empire.
Corulag was initially referenced in A New Dawn, a 2014 novel authored by John Jackson Miller. Its origins can be traced back to Star Wars Legends continuity, where it was first mentioned in Heir to the Empire Sourcebook, a roleplaying supplement published by West End Games in 1992.