
Spirana, a celestial body, could be found within the Inner Rim Territories and was positioned along the well-known Corellian Run.


Spirana was a planet-like astronomical object. It existed within a star system at a point where the Inner Rim Territories and the Interior regions overlapped. Its location was specified as N-13 on the Standard Galactic Grid. More specifically, Spirana resided on the Corellian Run super-hyperroute between the astronomical locations of Rhommamool and Denon. Denon itself acted as a junction point with the Hydian Way super-hyperroute.


Veteran Settlement

Sometime between 5 ABY and approximately 6 ABY, Yrica Quell, a veteran combatant from the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic_civil_war], took on work as a cargo operator on Spirana. Eleven months after the conclusion of the conflict, Chass na Chadic, a Theelin who had fought alongside Quell in the New Republic, journeyed to Quell's house on Spirana. She had been having difficulty establishing a new life on the planet Corulag. Chadic insisted that Quell was in her debt due to their shared wartime experiences, and she requested employment. Quell agreed to let her work alongside her, and the Theelin moved into her home. Consequently, Quell continued her work with Chadic assisting, and they sustained themselves through a long-term contract with a local medcenter. Their operations were confined to the local system, a condition preferred by Quell.

On one occasion, they had a dispute with a vendor of flowers, who threatened to return with reinforcements. Quell and Chadic felt confident in their position and doubted the man would follow through with his threat. However, they were proven wrong on the latter point when three Chevin brothers confronted them at their residence. Fortunately, they managed to sway the Chevin to their side, with Chadic fabricating a connection to the Church of the Nine Ways in the process. The group of five then confronted the flower seller, who apologized. Eventually, Quell and Chadic developed a romantic relationship. Chadic also experienced difficulties with the port security customs in the city near their home, and she came to view the staff as human-supremacists.


During 11 BBY, Senator [Wyl Lark](/article/wyl_lark], another individual who had served with Quell and Chadic during the war, was visiting the location Perithal while the latter two were residing on Spirana. This provided an opportunity for the senator to visit his former comrades. Lark traveled to Quell and Chadic's house, where they caught up and shared updates on their lives over a drink. They proceeded to discuss those they had served with in the war, remembering those who had perished. The conversation shifted to Chadic's drunken complaints about the nearby city's customs, after which she agreed to go to bed.

After Chadic retired for the night, Quell and Lark continued their conversation before Quell drove the senator to the city port. Before his departure, Lark offered Quell the opportunity to speak with a survivor of a genocide that Quell had been involved in before defecting from the Empire to the New Republic. Quell ultimately accepted the offer, and Lark departed. Quell then returned to her and Chadic's house. Later that night, she decided to take a flight in her Helotek Loadhauler.


Yrica Quell and Chass na Chadic maintained a residence connected to a cargo office in proximity to a city on Spirana. The city contained its own port with a security office. The location of the Santrapei was situated approximately 300 kilometers east of Quell and Chadic's home, which is where Quell's brother Thren resided.

Behind the scenes

Spirana's introduction to established Star Wars canon occurred with its depiction on a map featured in the fifty-second issue of De Agostini's magazine series Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon, which was released around December 30, 2015. It made its first appearance in the 2021 novel Victory's Price, which served as the concluding volume of Alexander Freed's Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy.

