The following notable occurrences happened during the time frame of 6 ABY in the standard galactic dating system, which corresponds to 3283 LY in the Lothal Calendar and the year 7983 as reckoned by the C.R.C. calendar. You can read more about the standard year here.
- The individual named Terex undertook a journey to the planet Kaddak. [3]
- Luke Skywalker successfully located and revealed the hidden repository belonging to Jocasta Nu. [8]
- Data pertaining to the criminal organization known as the Pyke Syndicate was extracted from the Imperial-class Star Destroyer named Deliberator, which was located in proximity to the Kessel system. [9]
- The person known as Phasma was born. [10]
- The individual known as Siv was born. [10]
- Paige Tico came into the world. [1]
- The birth of Simero Quonit occurred. [2]