Phasma, a captain in the First Order and a stormtrooper female human, spent her formative years as part of the Scyre clan on the nuclear-ravaged Parnassos. She evolved into a fearsome warrior there, ultimately taking on the role of the clan's military leader. Eager to escape her world, Phasma assisted General Brendol Hux of the First Order in locating his ship, which involved betraying her own brother, Keldo, and the rest of her clan. After being saved, Phasma decided to leave her old life behind and join the First Order.
As time passed, Phasma climbed the ranks within the First Order, eventually becoming the head of their stormtrooper training program. She collaborated with Brendol's son, General Armitage Hux, to assassinate her former benefactor. This resulted in Cardinal, Brendol's one-time protege, attempting to murder her after the assassination was successfully executed. Having solidified her standing in the First Order, Phasma became a member of an informal ruling group that included Armitage and Kylo Ren, the dark warlord of the First Order.
Phasma, as a high-ranking officer, led First Order troops in their struggle against the Resistance. Acting on orders from Supreme Leader Snoke, she also oversaw their search for a galaxy map that would reveal the location of the last Jedi, Luke Skywalker. During this search, Phasma took part in a massacre in a village on Jakku, an act of brutality that inspired a First Order stormtrooper, FN-2187, to abandon his post and join the Resistance.
After the Hosnian Cataclysm, FN-2187, along with Han Solo and Chewbacca, a pair of smugglers, ambushed Phasma at Starkiller Base. She was then forced to lower the base's shields, which ultimately led to the base's destruction. Phasma survived the following battle and blamed Lieutenant Sol Rivas for the base's demise. She then initiated a mission to track him down after he uncovered the truth. During the pursuit of the Resistance fleet, Phasma engaged in combat with FN-2187, who now went by the name Finn, aboard the First Order's flagship, the Supremacy, which had recently sustained heavy damage from a hyperspace ramming. Finn and his ally, Rose Tico, managed to defeat Phasma during the fight, causing her to fall to her death into a raging fire that was engulfing the crippled ship.

Parnassos, a planet in the [Unknown Regions](/article/unknown_regions], was the place of birth for Phasma in 6 ABY. Phasma and her older brother Keldo were a part of a small, vulnerable family that lived near the Nautilus, the ancestral home of the Scyre clan, before she joined them. Phasma and Keldo spent their childhood defending their family's territory against raids from the Scyre and the Claw. Phasma, one day, plotted the deaths of her own clan, including her father and mother, to guarantee her and Keldo's survival and continued residence in the Nautilus.
She accomplished this by stabbing Keldo in the foot with a knife and pushing him into a [cave](/article/cave], incapacitating him and claiming that the family had been attacked and she had saved him. After the fight, Egil, the Scyre leader, offered Phasma and Keldo the option to join his tribe. To survive, Phasma and Keldo pledged allegiance to the Scyre by painting themselves with oracle salve, prepared by Siv and her mother Vala using their parents' remains. In reality, both Keldo and Phasma were aware that she had conspired with the Scyre to murder their family.

Phasma spent her days wearing protective gear and scavenging for weapons and supplies from crashed starships due to Parnassos' challenging environment and lack of technological progress. By the time she was sixteen, Phasma was recognized as a skilled warrior. She also took on the role of leader for the Scyre clan's warriors, believing herself to be the strongest warrior on Parnassos. Her followers included Torben, Carr, Siv, and Gosta.
When she was sixteen, a young upstart named Porr mortally wounded Egil, the Scrye leader, and declared himself the clan's leader. He also demanded that Siv bring the detraxor to extract nutrients from the dying Egil. Keldo opposed Porr, criticizing him for attacking their leader without challenging him to a fight. Phasma supported her brother when Porr defied Keldo.
Porr offered Phasma the position of his deputy if she submitted to him. However, Phasma and her loyal warriors refused to accept Porr's leadership. Phasma and Porr fought for control of the Scrye, with Phasma using a spear and Porr a long dagger. Eventually, Phasma managed to knock Porr to the ground. Before Phasma could finish him off, Keldo sliced Porr's ankle tendons, permanently hobbling him.
Keldo forced Porr to submit to him and his sister Phasma. Porr accepted defeat, and Phasma ordered Siv to use the detraxors on the fallen Egil. Phasma and Keldo became co-leaders of the Scrye. Keldo, who was crippled, served as the clan's political leader, while Phasma served as their military leader.

Two years later, the Scyre clan had a five-year-old child named Frey, the daughter of Ylva. Frey assisted the clan by scavenging for frogs, urchins, and eggs. Phasma also taught Frey how to fight and made a child-sized ax out of stone and driftwood. Children were highly valued by the people of Parnassos due to the high infant mortality rate. Frey attracted the attention of the Claws, who were led by the Dug Balder.
Balder and the Claws attacked the Scyre territory on a moonless night. After a fierce battle, the Scyre, under Phasma's leadership, drove back the Claws, killing twelve of them. Phasma also fought Balder, wounding him by slicing off one of his ears. Ylva realized Frey was missing after the fight. However, Phasma untied her bulky coat, revealing that she had carried Frey throughout the fight.
Despite the victory, tensions arose between Phasma and Keldo. Keldo was angry that Phasma had kept her secret toxic lichen weapon from the rest of the clan. When Phasma advocated attacking the Claws and wiping them out, Keldo objected, arguing that they only used military force for self-defense. Following a vote, most of the Scyre, except for Phasma and her warriors, voted in favor of Keldo's proposal to negotiate a peace settlement with Balder. Phasma saw this as a betrayal, which sowed the seeds of animosity between the two siblings.

After Keldo's truce with the Claws, an escape pod crashed near the border with the Claw territory. Phasma advocated traveling to the crash site to salvage supplies, but Keldo was unwilling to break the truce with Balder. Keldo agreed to Phasma leading a party to recover supplies, provided she did not provoke a resumption of conflict with the Claws.
However, upon reaching the borderlands, Phasma instructed her warriors to disregard Keldo's orders. Gosta killed a Claw sentry under Phasma's orders. When the Scyres reached the Claws' encampment, they discovered the Claws gathered to greet five strangers. These turned out to be General Brendol Hux of the First Order, three stormtroopers PT-2445 ("Pete"), LE-2003 ("Elli"), and HF-0518 ("Huff"), and the droid DDM-38.
Hux introduced himself as an officer of the First Order, who had been on a mission to recruit the strongest warriors in the galaxy for the First Order's military when his ship was shot down by Parnassos' automated defense system. Needing assistance to reach his ship, Hux promised them a life of glory and wealth in the First Order.
Phasma seized her opportunity to leave the planet, stepping forward, removing her mask, introducing herself, and offering to help Hux find his crashed ship. Balder protested Phasma's presence as a violation of the truce. As compensation, he demanded that the Scyres hand over Frey. Phasma pretended to seek dialogue with Balder but instead stabbed him to death, starting a fight. During the fight, Phasma persuaded Hux and his stormtroopers to follow her and the Scyres back to their territory.

Phasma took the opportunity to endear herself to General Hux while traveling back to Scyre territory. Phasma and Hux also discussed the unknown calamity that had turned Parnassos into a post-apocalyptic world. Phasma was intrigued to learn that Hux's troops had numbers instead of names. She was also fascinated by the First Order, a political and military organization much larger than her clan.
Upon returning to the Nautilus, Phasma attempted to appease Keldo with a leg from Hux's disintegrated droid. She also informed Keldo about the offworlders and the technological and material benefits of helping Hux reach his ship. However, Keldo was angry with his sister for breaking their peace treaty with the Claws. While Phasma was captivated by the First Order's technology and wealth, Keldo was skeptical of the First Order's power, dismissing their inability to disable Parnassos' orbital defense system.
Despite Phasma's efforts, Keldo refused to allow her and her warriors to accompany Hux and his people to find their ship, arguing that it was beyond Balder's territory and that they had suffered casualties during their confrontation with the Claws. Unable to reason with her brother, Phasma stole the tribe's food, tools, and water supplies. She then left that night with Hux, his stormtroopers, and her four closest warriors Torben, Siv, Gosta, and Carr.

After leaving the Nautilus, Phasma and her companions made sure to avoid traveling through Claw territory. The group climbed and descended a mountain, eventually reaching a sandy desert composed of half mineral and half volcanic ash. Carr was bitten by a gold and green beetle upon reaching the sandy ground. After avoiding more beetles, Phasma convinced Hux's stormtroopers to cover their armor in volcanic ash for camouflage.
As the group continued their journey, Carr's condition worsened, and his body began to swell. The group was then attacked by a raiding party riding sleds pulled by large lizards. After killing the raiders and their lizard mounts, Phasma and her party looted their equipment and harvested their minerals and liquids. Before they could evacuate Carr on a sled, his body disintegrated and exploded into water, leaving behind shriveled organs, tubes, and bones. The beetles then emerged from the ground, devouring his remains.
While examining the raiders' looted equipment, Phasma discovered that they wore carved wooden boxes around their necks containing venomous beetles. Phasma realized that they could be used as a weapon to kill unsuspecting enemies. Continuing their journey through the dunes, Phasma and her companions were attacked by a pack of skinwolves that had been feeding on a dead creature.
Phasma and her companions fought and killed the skinwolves with their weapons. However, Brendol was bitten in the arm and wounded. As the group made camp, Brendol praised Phasma for her skills as a warrior and believed that the First Order would find her valuable. Brendol's condition worsened that night due to the skinwolf's venomous bite. During the night, the group was visited by the protocol droid TB-3, who came from Con Star Mining Corporation's Terpsichore Station, their former primary mining facility on Parnassos.
TB-3 guided Phasma, Brendol, and the other travelers into Terpsichore Station. Inside, Phasma and the others agreed to let the droids treat Brendol in the station's medbay. While Brendol was being treated, TB-3 requested that the group pay Brendol's medical bill. Since the group lacked credits to pay for Brendol's bill, TB-3 forced them to work for the next sixty days to pay it off. Phasma convinced the stormtroopers and her warriors to comply with the droid's request, promising that she would plan their escape.
TB-3 then played a ConStar video promoting Parnassos as a lush, mining colony. From the video, Phasma and the others learned about the history of Parnassos before the planet's cataclysm. While the others were curious about Parnassos' history, Phasma insisted that they focus on getting out of there and completing their mission. When another droid called D473 informed Phasma and the others that they would be working as miners, Phasma and her companions attempted to overpower the droid, but the group was incapacitated by a sleeping gas.
After waking up, Phasma and the others were put to work as miners. Taking charge in Brendol's absence, she instructed the group to comply with the droids until Brendol had recovered, at which point they would turn the tables on the droids. As Brendol recovered, Phasma briefed him on the situation. Brendol devised a plan to disable the droids by locating the control room.
After two work shifts, the group put their plan into action and managed to gain access to the control room. Hux disabled the main power generator and shut down the droids. While the group was discussing droids, Phasma expressed an interest in learning how to operate them if they joined Hux's people. The group then salvaged a Ground assault vehicle and several speeder bikes from the Terpsichore Station garage.
While searching through the station's clothes and boots, Phasma obtained a helmet but discarded most of the clothes and boots because they were unsuitable for the harsh desert climate. When Siv expressed curiosity about their ancestors and their clothes, Phasma countered that the planet was dying and promised that they would make a new life in the stars. Since the group was lost, Phasma took a gamble on the direction they should travel.
While traveling through the desert, the group approached a city built around Arratu Station. As they approached the city, they found their path blocked by a ditch filled with pikes. One of the stormtroopers, Elli, crashed her speeder bike into the ditch and suffered a broken neck. After a brief struggle, the group was captured by several warriors calling themselves the Arratu, who used abandoned Con Star technology.
Phasma and the others were imprisoned in a crowded cell by their captors. Brendol, lacking the modern technology to treat Elli's broken neck, decided to abandon the comatose woman and allowed Phasma to wear her helmet. The group was befriended by a bearded man named Vrod, who was in charge of the prison. He informed them that Arratu Station was a former fabrication plant and that the city's ruler, the Arratu, regularly staged arena fights as a way to reward prisoners with food and freedom.
The following day, Phasma and Torben were forced to fight a large man named Wranderous and a pack of skin-wolves without weapons. Under Phasma's leadership, the group defeated the skin-wolves, impressing the Arratu, who rewarded them with food. On the second day, Phasma, Torben, and Siv managed to defeat Wranderous in combat, mortally wounding him. Phasma ordered Siv to kill Wranderous, but the warrior took pity on the broken man, leaving him to die of his wounds.
Using Torben as a springboard, Phasma catapulted herself into the Arratu's box and killed him and his men. Phasma's actions drew applause from the crowd. Vrod tried to convince Phasma to serve as the next Arratu, but she was determined to continue her mission and rejected his offer. When Vrod refused to reason with her, Phasma stabbed him to death with her sword. After obtaining supplies, Phasma, Brendol, and the other travelers fought through the Arratu sentries and escaped into the desert on several stolen GAVs.

After escaping into the desert, the group, now reduced to seven, rested for the night. The following day, Brendol confronted Phasma about how her decision to lead the group toward the city had cost them time and almost their lives. Phasma countered that they had escaped and that the Sentinels were unlikely to pursue them into the desert. Brendol reminded her that he had the power to get her offworld and warned her to submit to her superior's will. While Brendol reasoned that she would not make a good soldier, he reassured her that she had potential as a leader and trainer of troopers.
Sensing another party following them, the group continued their journey. They encountered a Gand named Churkk, who lived with hundreds of Parnassos beetles. Churkk warned them not to enter the "dead lands," telling them that the lands were radioactive due to a great accident in the past. Brendol convinced the group to proceed by telling them that the First Order had medbays that could cure every disease, including radiation sickness, and that he could summon reinforcements within hours.
The group was then attacked by Phasma's brother Keldo, who had gathered all of the Scyre and Claws to hunt down Phasma. The group fled through a fence, but the wounded Gosta was unable to escape and was killed along with several of the pursuers when Brendol's stormtroopers opened fire on them. As they fled deeper into the Dead Lands, they passed an abandoned amusement park. While sheltering in the amusement park, Phasma and Brendol speculated that ConStar had abandoned Parnassos following a nuclear disaster in what became the Dead Lands.
Struggling against the effects of radiation sickness, the group finally reached Hux's wrecked ship. While Brendol contacted the First Order for help, Phasma and her warriors, along with the two stormtroopers, fought off Keldo's combined Scyre and Claws. Phasma and her companions defeated the attacking force, but at the cost of Torben and the two stormtroopers.
In the end, only Keldo remained with Frey, the sole Scyre child. Keldo blamed Phasma for destroying the peace they had with the Claws. However, Phasma countered that he had thrown away his chance to save their people by not helping Hux reach his ship. Realizing he was wrong, Keldo pleaded with Phasma to call the First Order for help as he began to succumb to radiation sickness. However, Phasma shot Keldo dead, killing the last member of her family. Phasma and Siv also retrieved Frey, with Phasma and Brendol agreeing that the First Order could use "strong children."
Following the skirmish, Phasma and the others took shelter inside Brendol's wrecked ship while fighting off the radiation sickness. After some time, the First Order arrived with a Star Destroyer and an Atmospheric Assault Lander. A First Order landing party led by Brendol's son Armitage Hux emerged from the troop lander and greeted Hux, Phasma, Siv, and Frey. Brendol permitted Phasma and Frey to join them but barred Siv, regarding her as "too soft" for the First Order.
When Siv pleaded with Phasma, Phasma chastised her for disobeying her order to kill Wranderous. Taking pity on Siv, Phasma told her to travel to the nearby Calliope Station, which had medical supplies. Siv reached Calliope Station where she had her radiation sickness treated by medical droids and later gave birth to a child named Torbi. After boarding the First Order shuttle, Phasma comforted the frightened Frey, reassuring the child that they were going into space to become "good soldiers" for the First Order.
Once the shuttle had reached the space above Parnassos, Brendol unleashed the ship's laser cannons on the Scyre territory and Arratu, destroying the two settlements as a display of the First Order's power. Brendol then warned Phasma about the First Order's power. Phasma was shocked and horrified but maintained her composure and responded that the First Order was powerful indeed.

Due to the advanced healing methods of the First Order, Phasma, along with Brendol and Frey, made a recovery from radiation poisoning. General Hux accompanied Phasma and Frey on a journey to the Absolution, a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, which functioned as a mobile headquarters and training facility for the First Order's stormtroopers. Recognizing Phasma's aptitude for military leadership and instruction, Brendol divided the First Order's stormtrooper training duties between her and Captain Cardinal, his own prized pupil. Upon completing her training, Phasma assumed responsibility for the adolescent and adult trainees, while Cardinal continued to oversee the new and younger recruits. In addition, Brendol designated Phasma as his new bodyguard, replacing Cardinal in this role.
One year after enlisting in the First Order, Phasma piloted her TIE fighter back to Parnassos. She journeyed to the location of Hux's crashed vessel, where she retrieved a Parnassos beetle and salvaged the chrome plating from Hux's ship, formerly Palpatine's preferred yacht. Subsequently, she flew her TIE fighter across the ocean to Cleo Station, where she utilized a synthicator to craft her distinctive chromium armor.
Frey, a fellow Scyre and stormtrooper trainee, adopted the designation UV-8855 and underwent training under Cardinal's supervision. She excelled in her training and, upon reaching adulthood, graduated from the junior program to join Phasma's training regimen. Over time, Phasma ascended to the rank of Captain and became a prominent figure in the First Order's propaganda campaigns. Her true identity and history remained shrouded in mystery for most of the First Order, known only to Brendol and his son, Armitage Hux.
However, a conflict arose between Phasma and Cardinal, who harbored resentment towards the Parnassos warrior for displacing him as Brendol's favored apprentice. This rivalry was exacerbated by their contrasting training philosophies. Phasma opposed Cardinal and the elder Hux's reliance on simulator-based training, advocating for live combat exercises. Conversely, Cardinal disapproved of Phasma's more severe indoctrination methods, fearing that she was transforming recruits into unthinking killers. Cardinal sought to remove her, but struggled to find sufficient evidence of misconduct to persuade his superiors.

Later, Captain Phasma colluded with Armitage to orchestrate the murder of Brendol Hux, who had been both his father and her benefactor. Armitage harbored deep animosity towards his father, who had subjected him to abuse and mistreatment during his childhood. Acting on Armitage's instructions, Phasma assassinated Hux by poisoning him with a venomous Parnassos beetle. Hux fell ill and his body swelled, displaying symptoms similar to those experienced by her former comrade, Carr. After enduring several days of intense agony, Hux suffered an implosion while immersed in a bacta tank, leaving behind only hair, shrunken organs, and translucent bones. Following his demise, General Armitage Hux assumed control of his father's training program and forces. Brendol's death was classified as a state secret, with First Order records attributing it to an unidentified illness.
To further conceal her past, Phasma also eliminated Frey, who was a cadet within her training program. Frey's death was attributed to a weapons malfunction during a training exercise. However, Cardinal challenged Phasma's official account, suspecting that she had deliberately killed Frey. Despite Phasma's efforts to eradicate all those who possessed knowledge of her past, Siv, unbeknownst to her, had survived their separation and was residing with her child, Torbi, at Calliope Station. Siv later shared Phasma's origins with Vi Moradi, a Resistance spy who had infiltrated the First Order under the guise of an independent trader. Siv also uncovered evidence implicating Phasma in the death of the elder Hux.

A decade after Phasma's induction into the First Order, Cardinal saw an opportunity to remove her in the form of Vi. The Absolution had captured Vi and her vessel. Cardinal secretly interrogated Vi, demanding damaging information that would lead to Phasma's downfall. Vi recounted Phasma's life story to Cardinal, providing circumstantial evidence linking Phasma to Brendol's demise.
Cardinal presented this information to General Hux, only to discover that the younger Hux had been complicit in his own father's murder. Having developed a degree of respect for Vi, Cardinal sought her assistance in eliminating Phasma. After Vi recounted Phasma's role in the deaths of her parents and the crippling of her brother Keldo, she provided him with one of Phasma's poisoned knives and a Parnassos beetle encased in a plastoid container. Despite declining Vi's invitation to join the Resistance, he intentionally left the interrogation room unlocked, facilitating her escape.
Cardinal attempted to present these items as evidence to Hux and several senior officers at a high-level assembly. However, Armitage altered the door code, preventing Cardinal from accessing the meeting. Phasma attended the meeting with Armitage, and the two discussed Cardinal's "departure from reality," which Armitage attributed to his simulator training program. While Armitage did not explicitly reveal that Cardinal was aware of her involvement in Brendol's death, he implied to her that Cardinal had become a liability to their position within the First Order.
The following day, Cardinal confronted Phasma while she was engaged in training within the simulation room. Upon seeing him, Phasma dismissed Cardinal's simulations and Armitage's automated regimens as inferior to live combat. When Cardinal accused her of intending to send their trainees to kill civilians and each other, Phasma countered that she was merely fulfilling the First Order's mandate to train her recruits into killers.
When Cardinal denounced her as a murderer, Phasma labeled him a coward. Overwhelmed by anger, Cardinal attacked Phasma with a Z6 riot control baton, but she evaded his attack and retaliated with her own baton. As they exchanged blows, Cardinal accused her of murdering Brendol and her own brother, questioning her loyalty to the First Order. Given Phasma's extensive combat experience and her familiarity with all of Cardinal's programs, she was able to match his movements.

Cardinal managed to momentarily distract Phasma by throwing his baton at her head and tackling her to the ground. Cardinal attempted to stab her with the knife, but was unable to penetrate her chromium armor. Phasma then trapped him in a neck lock, preventing Cardinal from attacking. Phasma taunted Cardinal about his "departure from reality" and suggested eliminating his game room once he was gone. Phasma then flipped Cardinal onto his back and knocked off his helmet.
Mocking Cardinal for his devotion to Brendol, Phasma then stabbed him beneath his shoulder pauldron. Having learned that Vi had obtained a knife from Parnassos, Phasma remarked that she would make another visit to investigate who had survived. She also boasted about deleting recordings while driving the knife deeper into his body. Phasma also shot Cardinal's droid Iris, eliminating a witness to their confrontation. While Phasma was preoccupied with killing the beetle he had smuggled, Cardinal attempted to reach for his blaster, but Phasma kicked his hand away.
As Cardinal began to succumb to the effects of the laced knife, the two exchanged insults. Phasma then removed her helmet, revealing her face to Cardinal. Before departing the room, Phasma informed Cardinal that she embraced her identity as a monster and murderer. She then exited the room, intending to create the impression that Cardinal had died in a training accident. However, Cardinal was rescued by the Resistance spy Vi, who smuggled him to safety.

Following Cardinal's removal, Phasma secured complete authority over the First Order's training program, collaborating with Armitage Hux as a leader of Project Resurrection, the Order's initiative to abduct infants and train them as soldiers. As part of this project, Phasma and Hux enlisted Jinata Security to provide assistance. Despite holding the rank of captain, Phasma's actual influence surpassed her formal title. She was a member of the unofficial commanding triumvirate, alongside the dark enforcer Kylo Ren and Hux.
Phasma was assigned to Starkiller Base, where she oversaw the training of the First Order military and the stormtrooper ranks. Phasma sought to ensure that only the most capable soldiers were permitted to wear the First Order's stormtrooper armor, and she strived to keep politics out of the ranks to prevent any decline in effectiveness. Phasma also maintained that a stormtrooper's allegiance should primarily be to the First Order, rather than to any individual or comrade, despite her personal philosophy of prioritizing her own interests.

Shortly after the events of Operation: Sabre Strike, which resulted in the capture of Senator Erudo Ro-Kiintor, a First Order collaborator, by members of the Resistance, Phasma contacted Agent Terex aboard his corvette Carrion Spike. She assigned him a mission to locate pilot Poe Dameron and retrieve Ro-Kiintor's information. Appearing to Terex via hologram, Phasma expressed her annoyance at the agent's habit of keeping nonhumans as his personal slaves, and discussed Terex's mission with him after he dismissed his servants. She praised Terex's sources, surprised that he knew the term "Starkiller," and warned him against failing in his mission to find Dameron.
Terex's search led him to Megalox Beta, where Dameron evaded capture after escaping the Megalox prison. Phasma contacted him after learning that the Carrion Spike had departed the Megalox system with significant damage, and ordered the agent to return to First Order space for debriefing. Despite Phasma's threat of severe disciplinary action, Terex deactivated her hologram and refused to report in. Phasma continued to attempt to contact the rogue agent, demanding an after-action report, but Terex persisted in his disobedience, disabling the ship's communications, engines, and weapons systems.
After Terex and his Ranc Gang associates seized control of the Carrion Spike, Terex informed the disapproving First Order corporal that Phasma, Supreme Leader Snoke, and Kylo Ren regarded him as a criminal, but that he would prove them wrong by destroying the entire Resistance. After Terex contacted her, Phasma objected to his actions and questioned his unfamiliar attire. Terex responded that he was wearing the armor of the Lord-General of the Ranc Gang and that she knew that when she recruited him. Phasma then reminded Terex that he had been ordered to report to First Order Space to report for his failure to obtain the information from Grakkus the Hutt. She warned Terex that Ren had taken an interest in his "missteps."
Terex remained unfazed and responded that he had once encountered Darth Vader, whom he described as a "terrifying magical strongman." Terex then briefed Phasma about his plan to deceive Dameron into delivering a droid purportedly carrying crucial First Order intelligence to the Resistance base. Terex intended to track Dameron and the droid to the base and destroy the Resistance with his fleet. Phasma immediately objected to Terex's plan, citing the Supreme Leader's prohibition against any open hostility between the First Order and any forces aligned with the New Republic. Terex retorted that he was not solely a First Order officer and that the Ranc Gang answered solely to him. He vowed to accomplish what Phasma, Hux, and Ren could not.
Phasma responded that this "errant action" was the reason why Terex had not been given the status in the First Order which he believed he deserved. She warned him that the consequences of pursuing this action would be dire. Terex mocked her for doing nothing but making threats and boasted that his plan would hand them the Resistance. Terex told Phasma to go and polish her armor before terminating the transmission. Phasma tried to protest but the transmission was severed. The First Order subsequently dispatched forces under Commander Malarus who destroyed Terex's flagship Carrion Spike and the Ranc Gang fleet. Terex was then handed by Dameron to Malarus. As a result of his failure, Phasma had the operative given cybernetic control implants.
Some time later, Terex and Malarus managed to secure Lor San Tekka. Terex, having grown tired of the implants controlling him, temporarily disabled them and contacted Phasma via hologram in order to bargain for their removal.
At some point shortly before the outbreak of war between the First Order and the Resistance, Phasma was deployed aboard the Star Destroyer Silencer to patrol a hyperspace transit point between the Core Worlds and the Unknown Regions. Phasma and the forces under her command were tasked with identifying Resistance spies attempting to infiltrate the Unknown Regions to gather intelligence on the First Order. During this assignment, the Silencer encountered a group of adventurers who had fled the planet Jakku aboard the ship Sunstrider, and Phasma attempted to apprehend them.

When the First Order expressed interest in seizing control of the Colossus refueling station on Castilon, Phasma, in collaboration with Major Elrik Vonreg, arranged for Kragan Gorr and his pirates to attack the Colossus. This assault was intended to evaluate the Colossus' defensive capabilities. Following the attack, Phasma and Vonreg consulted with Gorr regarding the operation.
Phasma received a communication from Imanuel Doza, the captain of the Colossus. She initially assumed that Doza had accepted the First Order's offer, but Doza inquired about the large bounty placed on two children. Phasma informed him that the children belonged to a very privileged family with ties to the First Order. Doza then displayed a symbol worn by the children that was not associated with the First Order. Phasma clarified that they were not military personnel and came from a wealthy family. Doza granted her permission to send a detachment to retrieve them, but reminded her that it was his station.
Phasma was subsequently contacted by Commander Pyre, who informed her that the children had jumped to their deaths. Phasma expressed satisfaction with the outcome, believing that the Resistance would remain unaware of their plans and the Massacre on Tehar. Later, after the First Order seemingly resolved Torra Doza's abduction, Pyre arrived at the station to oversee security preparations. Phasma prepared to dispatch a garrison to secure the entire station for their use.
After receiving an intruder alert from a First Order sentry droid, Captain Phasma, accompanied by Vonreg and several stormtroopers and TIE fighters, departed to demolish Station Theta Black, an abandoned First Order dedlanite mine and processing facility located in the Unknown Regions. The Resistance pilots Poe Dameron, Kazuda Xiono, and BB-8 had discovered the station.
Phasma landed inside the station's hangar with a contingent of stormtroopers. A stormtrooper reported that the hangar was empty and speculated that the intruders had already left. However, Phasma disagreed, stating that there were life signs moving to the upper level. She instructed her troopers to strategically place explosives throughout the station and to search for the intruders.
Four of Phasma's stormtroopers soon encountered Poe and Xiono in the control room. A firefight ensued, triggering several explosives. A stormtrooper informed Phasma that the intruders were on Level Two and were heading back to the main hangar. After evading the stormtroopers, Poe and Xiono arrived in the main hangar, where they encountered Phasma and her troops. Following an extended chase through the space station, Poe and Xiono managed to escape in their T-70 X-wing starfighters.
Vonreg and his TIE fighters engaged in a dogfight with the Resistance pilots. However, Phasma ordered Vonreg to cease the pursuit. Despite Vonreg's protests, Phasma asserted her authority by warning him that she intended to destroy Station Theta Black. Phasma and her remaining stormtroopers evacuated the station in a shuttle, accompanied by Vonreg and his wingmates. Despite the explosion, Poe and Xiono survived to warn General Leia Organa that the First Order was developing weapons.

Phasma directly supervised the training of stormtrooper FN-2187 and his FN Corps squadmates, FN-2000, FN-2003, and FN-2199. Following a training simulation, Phasma informed Hux that FN-2187 and his cohort possessed the potential to become the finest stormtroopers the First Order had ever produced. However, she also expressed concerns that FN-2187 was potentially too empathetic, despite having trained him and his class since their induction into the First Order, after he deviated from his objective to rescue FN-2003 before completing the simulation. Phasma later conveyed these concerns to FN-2187 himself, instructing him to abandon those who could potentially weaken the First Order, specifically referring to FN-2003.
After the previous training session, Phasma accelerated FN-2187 and his fellow cadets' training sessions, at times praising FN-2187 in front of many members of the First Order for his successes. However, Phasma once again reprimanded FN-2187 after observing his performance in a melee weapons exercise, during which the cadet once again demonstrated sympathy for FN-2003. Subsequently, Phasma dispatched FN-2187 and his squadmates on their first deployment to an asteroid field in the Pressylla system, providing them with a brief overview in which she explained that the cadets were to restore order. At the asteroid's mining facility, collectively known as Pressy's Tumble, Phasma stationed the cadets on guard duty. In the meantime, she gathered a group of stormtroopers with her and awaited to negotiate with the mining facility's miners that were on strike, whom had allegedly been riled up by infiltrating New Republic agents and had caused delays to the First Order's mining operations.

Once prepared, Phasma summoned FN-2187 and the cadets to her, informing them that they would be accompanying her for the negotiations. However, immediately in response to the miner's requests, Phasma ordered FN-2187 and the rest of the cadets to open fire on the miners. FN-2187 did not fire his weapon, but the rest of the squad did so, killing all of the miners. Despite his hesitation, FN-2187 and the cadets were officially promoted to full-fledged stormtroopers, but Phasma remained disappointed in FN-2187's lack of fulfillment. Phasma decided to give FN-2187 one last chance to show his worth by choosing him to be deployed on the First Order's next mission to the Western Reaches planet of Jakku, hoping a real battle would show him what it meant to be a stormtrooper.

At some point, Phasma and her troops, including a trooper called KM-8713, were dispatched to the planet Demir in the Unknown Regions to address the local population. During the battle, KM-8713 assisted an injured trooper named DB-7197 following an attack by a hostile spaceship. Phasma commanded KM-8713 to abandon the injured trooper. When KM-8713 hesitated and a thermal detonator was thrown in their direction, Phasma seized DB-7197 and hurled him at the detonator to trigger its detonation. Subsequently, she ordered her to meet her in her shuttle for a conversation, where she explained to her that the most important aspects of the battle are the will to survive and ambition. When KM-8713 asserted her loyalty, she promoted him to an officer and gave him the command at a base of the natives.
The following day, Phasma and her troops stood at the enemy's doorstep, where she emphasized the importance of unwavering combat. While KM-8713 led the attack, the number of casualties and wounded increased, the new officer ordered them to stay on the front, but soon realized that Phasma didn't fight with them. Shortly after Phasma commanded her to return, TIE Fighters appeared at the sky destroying both stormtroopers and enemies. KM-8713 realized that Phasma only used her troops to open up the stronghold so the TIE fighters could kill all of them. Swearing that the other troopers would get to know of her betrayal, she shot at Phasma, but her shot did not harm her. Just seconds later, Phasma killed her officer, telling her that she would be leading from where all the great leaders would do: from behind a disposable shield of patriotic idiots, that she was a survivor and KM-8713 what just another nameless gun.

Under Snoke's command, Captain Phasma organized an attack on Jakku, with Kylo Ren leading the operation. The dark warrior sought a galaxy map that held the key to finding the last Jedi, Luke Skywalker. Skywalker had spearheaded the Rebel Alliance's campaign against the Galactic Empire three decades earlier. The Supreme Leader's ultimate objective in the First Order's struggle against the Resistance and, consequently, the New Republic, was to eliminate Skywalker.
As preparation for their mission to Jakku, Phasma instructed the designated stormtroopers to gather at the docking bay. Once assembled, Phasma displayed a holographic representation of their target, Lor San Tekka, who was to be captured at all costs. When FN-2187 inquired about measures to minimize casualties, Phasma stated there would be none, as all villagers were considered collaborators aiding San Tekka's concealment. Phasma then advised the troopers to focus on their belief in the First Order's objectives, which would guarantee their success.
Phasma traveled to the village of Tuanul on Jakku with a minimum of 80 stormtroopers, including FN-2187 and FN-2003. Their mission was to locate San Tekka, believed to possess the map leading to Skywalker.
The instant her stormtrooper contingent landed on the planet, combat erupted between the First Order and the villagers. FN-2003, previously praised by Phasma for his performance at the Pressylla mining colony, was killed by Dameron during the conflict, an event witnessed by FN-2187. After Phasma's forces subdued the villagers and disabled Dameron's X-wing starfighter, San Tekka was brought before Kylo Ren for interrogation. San Tekka refused to reveal the map's location and was executed by Ren, while Dameron was taken as a prisoner. When Phasma asked about the remaining villagers, Ren ordered their extermination. Under Phasma's command, the surviving villagers were killed, but FN-2187 refused to participate, experiencing a moral awakening as a result.

Before returning to their command ship, the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Finalizer, Phasma and her troops conducted a thorough search of the village for any clues related to the map, as instructed by Ren. Finding nothing, the stormtroopers destroyed Dameron's X-wing and boarded the Finalizer. Once aboard, Phasma confronted FN-2187, demanding the submission of his blaster rifle for inspection and ordering him to report to her division for evaluation. She also berated the trooper for removing his helmet to vomit after witnessing the events on Jakku. Phasma concluded that FN-2187 required reconditioning.
Meanwhile, Ren employed the Force to probe Dameron's mind, discovering that the map to Skywalker was hidden within Dameron's astromech droid, BB-8, who was still on Jakku. However, before FN-2187 could be reconditioned and further action taken against the droid, the stormtrooper defected from the First Order and assisted the Resistance pilot in his escape. On the bridge of the battlecruiser, after FN-2187 and Dameron escaped, Ren identified FN-2187 as responsible for Dameron's rescue, and Phasma noted it was the stormtrooper's first transgression against the Order. Despite the First Order's pursuit of the traitorous stormtrooper and efforts to locate the droid, they escaped Jakku with the assistance of a scavenger aboard the light freighter known as the Millennium Falcon.

Following the initial failure to secure the droid from Jakku, Snoke sanctioned Hux's proposal to deploy the Starkiller superweapon against the New Republic. Phasma, accompanied by the military forces stationed at Starkiller Base, assembled for a speech by Hux prior to the weapon's activation. Phasma stood rigidly behind Hux during his address, where the passionate general lauded the First Order's achievement in constructing such a colossal superweapon. Phasma, along with the other First Order personnel present, then witnessed the inaugural activation of Starkiller Base as it launched its dark energy quintessence beams through hyperspace, reaching halfway across the galaxy and successfully destroying the entire Hosnian system, including the New Republic's capital, Hosnian Prime, the senate, and the majority of its fleet.
Subsequently, the First Order received intelligence that BB-8 was on Takodana, within the castle of the pirate Maz Kanata. Kylo Ren led an attack that, while failing to capture the droid, resulted in the capture of Rey, who also possessed knowledge of the map to Skywalker. This prompted FN-2187, now known as "Finn," to seek a means of returning to Starkiller Base to liberate his friend. Accompanied by the renowned smuggler Han Solo and the Wookiee Chewbacca, Finn successfully infiltrated Starkiller Base and sought out Phasma to disable the base's planetary shield. Besides rescuing Rey, Finn and Solo aimed to pave the way for a Resistance attack on the First Order superweapon. As Phasma diligently patrolled Starkiller Base, Chewbacca subdued the stormtrooper captain and brought her before Finn and Solo.

Finn mocked Phasma during her capture, asserting his command. When ordered to lead the group to the shield control room, Phasma initially resisted, but was persuaded by Chewbacca's threat to crush her within her armor and Finn's threat to shoot her at point-blank range. En route to the control room, Phasma realized that Starkiller's architects had never anticipated infiltration and had implemented minimal security. Upon reaching the shield console, Phasma made a final attempt to stall Finn's efforts by claiming she needed a second officer to lower the shield, a ruse Solo exposed. Failing that, Phasma reluctantly deactivated the shields under the threat of blasters. She regarded the group as delusional, assuring them that her stormtroopers would eliminate them and thwart their plans, remaining oblivious to the true extent of their operation.

Instead of killing Phasma, Solo inquired of Finn—who had worked in sanitation as a cadet—whether the base had a trash compactor, to which Finn confirmed. After the trio destroyed the consoles in the room beyond repair, they cast Phasma down a chute into Starkiller Base's sewage system. Ultimately, what Phasma deemed impossible came to pass; disabling the planetary shields enabled Resistance forces to attack Starkiller Base and—with assistance from the saboteurs—destroy its thermal oscillator, crippling the superweapon and causing the icy planet to collapse upon itself.

However, Phasma's imprisonment was short-lived. Managing to free herself using an anti-armor acidic compound to dissolve the compactor door, she returned to the shield console to erase any evidence of her treachery. Discovering that Lieutenant Sol Rivas had accessed the same computer mere minutes before her, Phasma decided to frame him. Spotting her scapegoat on Level Two, the captain attempted to shoot him from a distance, but missed due to the numerous explosions throughout Starkiller Base.
While pursuing her target, Phasma observed Kylo Ren engaged in lightsaber combat with an unknown assailant in the southeast woods. She aimed at Ren's opponent, but before she could fire, a chasm created by the disintegrating planet opened beneath her feet. She narrowly avoided falling in, leaping to the other side.
Phasma followed Rivas to an auxiliary hangar, but was unable to prevent the lieutenant from escaping in a TIE/fo space superiority fighter. At the auxiliary hangar, Phasma enlisted the TIE fighter pilot TN-3465 and the BB unit BB-K8 in the pursuit of Rivas. The three escaped Starkiller Base on a TIE/sf space superiority fighter moments before the planet exploded from the stored stellar energy.
Once in space, Phasma began recording notes on the final moments of Starkiller Base, rewriting history to her advantage.
While TN-3465 piloted the fighter, Phasma operated the starfighter's laser cannons, but was unable to shoot down Rivas' fighter as BB-K8 had not yet completed repairs to the ship's weaponry. After kicking BB-K8 in frustration, Phasma ordered TN-3465 to maintain a distance from Rivas. Shortly after, Rivas' TIE/fo fighter ran out of fuel and landed on the remote, rocky, oceanic world of Luprora. After landing their TIE/sf fighter, Phasma instructed TN-3465 to carry BB-K8 with straps due to the droid's difficulty navigating the terrain. Phasma and her team then tracked down Rivas' stolen fighter, discovering evidence of a struggle and noting that his captor was not human. As a precaution, Phasma disabled Rivas' fighter's communications, navigation, and distress beacon to prevent him from calling for help.
Phasma and TN-3465 discovered an abandoned dwelling where they changed into civilian attire. TN-3465 adopted the nickname "Pilot," while Phasma donned a helmet and called herself "Captain." Spotting a nearby village through her blaster rifle's gunsight, the three waded through a lake. However, the group was attacked by a Tsw'ells, a giant tentacled monster. The creature dragged Phasma underwater with its tentacles, but the captain managed to kill it with a knife. The trio were then greeted by members of a humanoid species known as the Lupr'or.
Phasma was able to understand the locals, who spoke a variation of Lupre'en. The First Order visitors were brought before Jair'i, the leader of the Lupr'or people, who was impressed by Phasma's bravery against the Tsw'ells. From Jair'i, Phasma learned that the Lupr'or were descendants of offworld migrants who rejected technology in favor of a primitive lifestyle based on farming and fishing. However, they had lost most of their lands due to rising sea levels and a deteriorating climate. The Lupr'or lived in fear of the Tsw'ells, other sea monsters, and an aquatic people known as the R'ora.
Jair'i also informed Phasma and her team that Rivas had been captured by the R'ora. However, Phasma was unwilling to abandon her mission to eliminate Rivas. In response, Jair'i sent his guide Dar'en to show Phasma and TN-3465 the R'ora stronghold in an attempt to dissuade them from their mission. While examining the site, Phasma discovered that the water in the lake was less salty and learned from Dar'en that the Tsw'ells slept at dawn. Despite the odds against them, Phasma remained determined to continue her mission.

Returning to the Lupr'or village, Phasma questioned a young Lupr'or girl about her necklace. The girl led Phasma, TN-3465, and Dar'en to her great-grandmother Ali'ane, the oldest Lupr'or in the village. She told Phasma and her great-granddaughter that the necklace came from an abandoned Lupr'or ship, which the Lupr'or considered forbidden and a "soul killer." The girl agreed to show Phasma and her companions the way to the ship in exchange for not telling her great-grandmother.
Guided by the Lupr'or girl, Phasma, TN-3465, and Dar'en climbed a high mountain to where a Lupr'or starship rested on the summit. To salvage the technology aboard, Phasma and her team returned to the village to recruit the villagers. Captain Phasma impressed the villagers by donning her armor and blaster rifle, claiming she had been sent to lead them to victory. Since the Lupr'or faced extinction, she urged them to take up arms and utilize the technology their ancestors had built. Under her leadership, the villagers salvaged several generators from the abandoned ship.
While assembling the generators, Phasma briefed TN-3465 on her plan to kill the Tsw'ells surrounding the R'ora stronghold by electrocuting the water. Phasma told TN-3465 that the Lupr'or assault on the R'ora stronghold was a diversion to allow them to hunt and eliminate Rivas. When TN-3465 complimented Phasma on her oratory skills, the captain responded that she was merely using them as cannon fodder.

Three days later, Captain Phasma led the Lupr'or assault. After electrocuting the Tsw'ells in the lake, Phasma, TN-3465, and the Lupr'or rowed across the lake. While climbing the cliffs beneath the R'ora stronghold, Phasma briefly experienced a flashback of climbing on Parnassos with Torben, Frey, and Siv, causing her to mistakenly refer to TN-3465 as Siv. When TN-3465 asked who Siv was, Phasma dismissed her as someone no longer of concern and instructed TN-3465 to move faster.
At the top of the cliff, Phasma and TN-3465 looked down as the R'ora gathered to meet their assault. Phasma and TN-3465 plunged into battle with the R'ora, but were quickly overwhelmed. Fortunately, the Lupr'or force joined the battle. While the two armies clashed, Phasma and TN-3465 headed towards the tower at the center of the R'ora stronghold. Phasma entered to confront Rivas, instructing TN-3465 to guard their exit. When TN-3465 inquired about the battle, Phasma reminded her that their only objective was Rivas.
Inside the tower, Phasma encountered a bruised Rivas, who had sustained a black eye and several scratches. He feigned joy at seeing her and attempted to persuade her to free him from his shackles. Phasma demanded that Rivas confess to causing Starkiller Base's destruction. However, Rivas instead pointed out that she was the one who had lowered the shields, making her responsible for the superweapon's destruction. Rivas pleaded for Phasma to spare his life in exchange for keeping her secret. To conceal her malfeasance, Phasma executed Rivas with her blaster.
However, Rivas' execution was witnessed by a horrified TN-3465. When Phasma emerged, TN-3465 claimed to have been fighting a group of R'ora to keep their exit clear. When she attempted to feign concern for the Lupr'or, Phasma dismissed her former allies as colonists attempting to seize Luprora from its indigenous population. She also argued that the Lupr'or were unsuitable for the planet's evolution and that their intervention had only accelerated the species' imminent extinction. With rising sea levels, Phasma believed that the Lupr'or would be supplanted by the R'ora, who were more adapted to underwater life.

Returning to their TIE/sf fighter, Phasma ordered TN-3465 to prepare the ship. While watching the sea engulf the Lupr'or, she fired upon BB-K8 with her blaster, disintegrating the droid. Phasma then ordered a shocked TN-3465 to raise her hands and turn around. When TN-3465 feigned ignorance, Phasma countered that the younger woman had failed to realize she was a survivor determined to eliminate all loose ends. TN-3465 claimed she posed no threat, but Phasma remained unconcerned and shot her in the chest with her blaster.
While laying TN-3465 down, Phasma reassured the dying pilot that she had provided a quick death, but that one loose end was too many. Before returning to join the First Order fleet, Phasma filed a report claiming she had delivered justice to Rivas for his alleged "treason." Phasma also alleged that TN-3465 and BB-K8 had perished during the mission. Arriving aboard the Finalizer, Phasma landed her TIE/sf fighter and reported to General Hux.
When Hux questioned her deviation from protocol, Phasma reassured him that her recorded notes from her journey were being downloaded from the fighter. Phasma then informed Hux that she had personally hunted down and eliminated the "traitor" Rivas for lowering Starkiller Base's shields. Satisfied, Hux allowed Phasma to return to her division following a full debrief. Unaware of Phasma's true loyalties and motivations, Hux remarked that even an exploding planet could not impede her devotion to the First Order. Phasma then observed the gathering First Order Navy.
Around this period, Phasma contacted Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny, instructing them to destroy the Colossus to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Resistance's leader, General Leia Organa. She warned them that failure would result in their execution, which she would personally oversee.
Phasma later commanded troopers aboard Snoke's command ship, the Supremacy. She stood in one of the hangars as the Supremacy destroyed the Resistance medical frigate Anodyne, issuing an order to her second-in-command to maintain high alert.
Subsequently, Phasma was alerted by BB-9E to a suspicious group of individuals in a nearby section of the ship. She led a squad of stormtroopers and officers to the location of the hacking, where Finn, Rose Tico, and DJ were about to sabotage. She welcomed Finn back as she and the squad surrounded the rebels.

Phasma detained Finn and Rose in the hangar bay, revealing that their accomplice DJ had traded information with the First Order, enabling the targeting and destruction of the escaping shuttles from the Raddus. Phasma summoned executioner troopers, deeming death by blaster too merciful. She was about to order their execution when the harbor bay exploded in light and fire, killing most of the personnel stationed in the hangar.
In the aftermath of Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo splitting the Supremacy by sending the Raddus into hyperspace through the ship, Phasma recovered, marching through the flames with a squad of stormtroopers, blocking the rebels' path to the Xi-class light shuttle. Abandoning the executioners, she and her soldiers targeted the rebels. Before they could open fire, an AT-ST piloted by BB-8 began attacking them.

While her stormtroopers were occupied by the rogue walker, Phasma confronted Finn, calling him a "bug in the system." Finn attacked her with a Z6 baton, and after a brief duel, Phasma knocked Finn into an open pit, seemingly killing him. Turning her attention to Rose, Phasma fired at her with her blaster, pinning the Resistance mechanic down, only for Finn to reappear on an elevator occupying the open pit, delivering a debilitating blow to Phasma's helmet, knocking her to the floor and revealing one of her eyes through the damaged helmet. Phasma glared at Finn, calling him "always scum," to which he proudly replied that he was "rebel scum," before the floor beneath her gave way, sending the captain plummeting to her death into the burning remains of the ship's interior.
Some time after the Battle of Crait, Vi Moradi returned to Parnassos to retrieve Siv and Torbi as promised. Upon informing them of Phasma's death, Siv expressed skepticism about her fate.
By 35 ABY, General Amret Engell of First Order High Command had assumed Phasma's responsibilities, commanding a significant portion of Hux's stormtrooper training program. Engell successfully doubled recruitment during that period.
While escaping from the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Steadfast with Chewbacca and Poe Dameron, aided by General Hux, who had betrayed the First Order to ensure Supreme Leader Kylo Ren's defeat, Finn reflected that he did not enjoy killing Phasma or anyone else when Hux asked him to shoot his arm to make it appear they had coerced him to help them escape.

Standing at an impressive 2.0 meters, Phasma was a human female. Her features included fair skin, striking blue eyes, and light golden hair. Cardinal found her to be "deadly attractive." Identified as a member of the Scyre clan, she distinguished herself with dark green stripes painted beneath her eyes. Phasma was a formidable and highly capable warrior, renowned for her exceptional skills as a military commander and instructor.
From an early age, Phasma prioritized her own survival above all else, even to the point of being willing to betray her own family and clan. However, she made an exception for her older brother, Keldo, whom she admired for his intelligence and leadership. While Keldo was the leader of the Scyre clan, Phasma held the position of commander of the tribe's warriors. Their relationship deteriorated when Keldo refused to endorse Phasma's proposal to eliminate the rival Claw clan, opting instead to establish a peace treaty with them. Their alliance was further strained when Keldo declined to support Phasma's scheme to assist Brendol in reaching his ship in exchange for a better life beyond their world.
Although Phasma had a devoted group of warriors, one of her subordinates, Siv, began to question Phasma's leadership due to her willingness to violate a truce and murder Balder, defy her brother Keldo, and abandon her tribe. Phasma ultimately abandoned Siv after the latter disobeyed her order to execute the enemy gladiator Wranderous. Driven by her determination to find a better life away from her desolate homeworld of Parnassos, Phasma embarked on a journey through the radioactive dead lands and resorted to killing members of her clan, including Keldo.

Upon enlisting in the First Order, Phasma made public declarations of allegiance. She firmly believed that a stormtrooper's loyalty should be exclusively directed towards the First Order as a unified entity, rather than any specific group or individual. Phasma considered herself and her stormtrooper divisions to be extensions of Supreme Leader Snoke's will and disdained any display of sympathy within her ranks. In her private thoughts, Phasma also attributed the ineffectiveness of the former Galactic Empire's stormtroopers to political interference and sought to ensure that only the most qualified soldiers were permitted to join the stormtrooper ranks. She held the conviction that the First Order surpassed the Empire in strength and took pride in the rigorous trials that she and her comrades had endured to achieve that strength. Phasma disapproved of Terex's excesses, which included the keeping of alien slaves and the consumption of Wookiee-brewed brandy infused with Kessel spice.
However, despite her apparent dedication to the First Order and her unit, her true loyalty lay solely with herself, and her history was marked by betraying those who placed their trust in her, including her own family and clan. Therefore, she was fully prepared to exploit her reputation as the "mother" of the First Order's Stormtrooper Corps to safeguard her own survival, and she leveraged her ability to memorize the serial numbers of all stormtroopers under her direct command to identify those she would need to eliminate in the future.
Before his disappearance, Captain Cardinal even speculated that Phasma would not hesitate to betray the organization once the First Order's objectives diverged from her own. This was most evident during the destruction of Starkiller Base, where she not only deactivated Starkiller's shields beforehand—despite doubting the Resistance's chances of success—but also promptly eliminated anyone who might have suspected her involvement and even framed another officer, Lieutenant Rivas, for the act.
Captain Phasma also possessed exceptional oratory skills, which she used to manipulate the Lupr'or colonists on Luprora into attacking the aggressive indigenous R'ora species, framing it as a fight for their survival as a species. In private, Phasma viewed her Lupr'or followers as expendable cannon fodder who would enable her to distract the R'ora so that she could eliminate Rivas, who was being held captive by the R'ora. Phasma also held the Lupr'or in contempt as colonists who were attempting to displace the native R'ora. She further believed that the Lupr'or were ill-suited to Luprora's evolution because they were unable to adapt to the rising sea levels, unlike the aquatic R'ora.
Driven solely by self-interest, Phasma regarded the TIE fighter pilot TN-3465 and the BB unit BB-K8 as mere tools in her campaign to hunt down and kill Rivas, in order to conceal her secret role in weakening Starkiller Base's defenses. After eliminating Rivas, Phasma also eliminated TN-3465 and BB-K8 to eliminate any loose ends. By portraying herself as a diligent member of the First Order who had eliminated a traitor, Phasma successfully avoided arousing General Hux's suspicion. Unaware that Phasma was primarily motivated by survival, Hux mistakenly believed that Phasma was entirely committed to the First Order, even in times of crisis.

If there was one thing that Phasma cherished more than survival, it may have been revenge. She was determined to make Finn pay for forcing her to participate in Starkiller Base's destruction. She regarded the young stormtrooper's defection as a personal affront and felt humiliated by their encounter on Starkiller Base. Upon his capture, Phasma could not resist offering Finn a sarcastic greeting regarding the Supremacy. When the time came for the traitor's execution, she wanted to witness his pain and terror as he faced the BL-155 Laser ax before his beheading.
Kylo Ren observed that, despite Phasma's usual alignment with Hux, he was pleased that she had not perished on Starkiller. He also commented that if the rumors of her being thrown into a trash compactor by saboteurs on Starkiller were true, a trash compactor would never have ended the career of a soldier of Phasma's caliber. Her death would have created a void in the First Order in terms of recruitment, which was eventually filled and excelled at by Amret Engell.

As the military leader of the Scyre clan, Phasma was a highly skilled warrior who had killed numerous enemies. She was also a fearsome military leader who commanded her clan's warriors. Phasma was shaped by the harsh environment of her barren homeworld of Parnassos, where food was scarce and constant fighting for limited resources was the norm. Phasma's martial prowess and leadership abilities led General Brendol Hux to recruit her into the First Order.
The captain considered herself a perfectionist and maintained herself in peak physical condition. She routinely walked dozens of kilometers while on patrol on Starkiller Base on a typical day and was an expert in combat, particularly with all First Order small arms. Phasma also always insisted on fighting alongside her stormtroopers on the forefront instead of remaining in the comfort that could have come with her elevated rank. As well, Phasma took it upon herself to memorize all of the serial numbers of the stormtroopers under her direct command, such as FN-2187. Terex complimented her on always being accurate to a fault.

In her role as the Scyre military leader, Phasma wore a rust-red war mask crafted from hardened pinniped skin, adorned with black slashes and surrounded by scavenged feathers and fur. The eyeholes were covered with fine mesh, giving her mask a monstrous appearance. Her gloves and boots were equipped with climbing claws, which also gave her an advantage in combat. She also wore leather and spikes. Phasma also laced her knives with a toxic lichen. While accompanying Brendol on his journey to his ship, Phasma also donned stormtrooper armor.
Phasma's armor was coated in chromium salvaged from a Naboo yacht that once belonged to the Galactic Empire's Emperor Palpatine. Its polished surface helped reflect harmful radiation and could deflect weak blaster bolts, but it could not withstand a hit from a Z6 baton, although the chromium served primarily as a symbol of past power. Phasma also believed that stormtrooper armor provided anonymity to an individual's gender, disregarding the outdated notion that female stormtroopers were a novelty.
Phasma also wore a traditional First Order command armorweave cape in black and red, the colors of the First Order. Her primary weapon, a personalised Sonn-Blas F-11D blaster rifle, was also polished in chromium. She was also known to wield a command staff and a sliver backup SE-44C blaster pistol, again also with a chromium finish, which she used in her duel with Finn aboard the Supremacy.

Gwendoline Christie played Phasma in the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. The character was initially intended for a male actor, but Christie was cast in response to online criticism regarding a perceived lack of female cast members. Phasma became the first leading female villain in the Star Wars theatrical film franchise, and the third female villain in live-action Star Wars films overall, following Charal in Ewoks: The Battle for Endor and Zam Wesell in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. According to J.J. Abrams, Phasma's name was inspired by the Phantasm horror film franchise, due to the reflective chrome of her armor resembling the Tall Man's spheres. Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy confirmed that Christie was scheduled to reprise her role as Phasma in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, which was released in 2017. Subsequent reports indicated that the Phasma character would return in a "bigger role," with Christie expressing her hope that the role would create more opportunities for other women like her in such films. She has stated that she "campaigned hard" to be in The Force Awakens; the role appealed to her because Phasma was a female character defined by her actions rather than her physical appearance. Christie appreciated that Phasma wore armor that was not sexualized and that her face was never revealed, which she considered a modern and exciting concept. She has described Phasma as a very progressive female character, which she believes is a major factor in her appeal to fans.
The character of Phasma was first unveiled in the second teaser trailer for The Force Awakens on April 16, 2015. Phasma's costume was designed by Michael Kaplan, who believed that silver armor would be a good choice for the character. He initially intended the silver armor for Kylo Ren, whom he envisioned as "Lord of the Stormtroopers." Abrams felt that the costume design was unsuitable for Ren, and the artwork remained pinned to the costume department's wall until Kathleen Kennedy saw it and decided to use it for Phasma. Dermot Power created some of the concept art for Phasma, which was featured in the reference book The Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens as "Stormtrooper Cloak Front Red Stripe." The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams stated the costume design reminded him of the 1979 horror film Phantasm, in which the antagonist used a murderous silver sphere as his weapon, and as such believed it sounded "really cool" to name the character Phasma. Phasma has been compared to the bounty hunter Boba Fett, of the Star Wars original trilogy, for appearing as an armored and masked villain in a supporting role.
For Phasma's role in The Last Jedi, Christie and director Rian Johnson discussed the character and exchanged ideas. In fact, Phasma was originally not intended to be part of the film's story, as she was supposedly killed off in The Force Awakens, but Marvel Comics' comic book series Star Wars: Captain Phasma brought her back in order to use her in the film. Johnson originally wrote a line for Finn's battle with Phasma in which Phasma was to reveal that she spent three weeks in the Starkiller Base's trash bin, so Finn was to ask her how she ate, but the line was cut because it would have been impossible as the base exploded the same day in which Phasma was thrown into the garbage. Daisy Ridley suggested the idea of Phasma's eye being exposed by her fight with Finn in the film, and Johnson agreed, feeling it would be disturbing to show that someone as cruel as Phasma was actually physically beautiful. Costume designer Michael Kaplan originally wanted to take off Phasma's entire helmet, but Johnson insisted to only show Phasma's eye, stating that Phasma's face was showing too much, needing to be mysterious.
The duel between Phasma and Finn was to originally end differently: Finn ended up revealing in front of her surviving stormtrooper escort that Phasma "squealed like a whoop hog" about the base defenses for Starkiller Base, thus making her responsible for the base's destruction. The stormtroopers show doubt in their Captain when confronted with evidence of her treason, causing her to kill them, while Finn capitalized on the distraction by cutting her hand off. Phasma would have met her end when Finn blasted her with one of the stormtroopers blasters after the "scum" exchange between the two. Despite the character's death, Johnson, Kaplan, Mark Hamill and Christie implied the possibility that Phasma might have survived her duel with Finn and could return in Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, with Johnson jokingly adding that "Phasma is the Kenny from South Park of this series." However, Christie then began to worry about not being able to explore Phasma's backstory in the ninth installment given the strong possibility that Phasma would not return. The casting list for Episode IX released on July 27, 2018 didn't report Christie as returning.
In an interview conducted with J.J. Abrams regarding The Rise of Skywalker, Abrams was asked what the most surprising thing Johnson did in the The Last Jedi. Abrams responded by stating "No one wants a character to die, and yet, I know that when we had Kylo Ren kill Han Solo, that was done because Harrison always knew that there needed to be utility for the character, and he had famously always wanted Han to die and serve that purpose. But it felt like this was a way to begin to define Kylo Ren, not just a way to kill a character. So I can see why Rian chose to do that with some of these characters. But I guess for me the biggest surprise, weirdly, was Phasma dying the way she did." Reflecting on Phasma at Star Wars Celebration 2023, Christie theorized that Phasma's hate for Finn was rooted in a repressed lust for the man who had defied the First Order.
Ellen Dubin lends her voice to Phasma in the LEGO Star Wars: The Resistance Rises series. Captain Phasma made her debut as a playable character of the same name in the 2015 mobile game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes in 2015, which showcases characters and ships from both the canon and Legends continuities.