Arratu Station, a city located on the planet of Parnassos, was originally established by the Con Star Mining Corporation.
After the Devastation of Parnassos occurred and Con Star withdrew its presence, the inhabitants of the city experienced severe fragmentation. Individuals known as Arratu attempted to maintain order among the populace by utilizing the arena. They also organized expeditions to abduct additional combatants.
In approximately 24 ABY, the raiding parties managed to capture a group of Scyre raiders who were aiding the First Order. The warrior Phasma proved to be superior in the arena, which enabled her to eliminate the existing Arratu and assume the position herself. Subsequently, she deserted the city to proceed toward the dead lands in pursuit of her objective alongside General Brendol Hux, aiming to locate his downed starship.
Prior to his departure from Parnassos with Phasma and the Scyre child named Frey, Hux commanded the Finalizer to obliterate Arratu Station from space using its Turbolasers, intending it as a display of the First Order's might.