Skinwolves was the designation for a pack of wolves inhabiting the planet of Parnassos. During an escort mission to return General Brendol Hux to his ship, a skirmish occurred in a desert environment between a skinwolf pack and a group consisting of Phasma's three Scyre warriors alongside three First Order stormtroopers.
These creatures possessed intensely [red](/article/color] eyes and a powerful, resonating growl. They lacked hair, exhibiting slick, grey-toned skin. Their legs were noted for their extended length, backward bend, and a surface covered in warts and bumps. The skinwolves' hide was exceptionally durable and coarse, lacking vulnerabilities, which provided resilience against numerous strikes from close-combat weapons. However, they showed significant vulnerability to blaster fire.
This animal was a carnivorous scavenger. They could move stealthily while hunting in packs, guided by a dominant individual. Their elongated legs enabled them to achieve high speeds in both short bursts and sustained runs.