Ali'ane's great granddaughter

The descendant of Ali'ane of Lupr'or lineage, specifically her great granddaughter, existed during the time of the conflict between the First Order-Resistance War. She was in possession of a necklace, a relic recovered from a derelict Lupr'or spacecraft. To locate this Lupr'or vessel, Captain Phasma sought the girl's assistance, aiming to acquire technology crucial for an assault on the Tsw'ells who were guarding the R'ora stronghold. Phasma's underlying motive was the elimination of Lieutenant Sol Rivas, the only individual aware of her actions in lowering the shields of Starkiller Base, which ultimately led to the superweapon's demise.


This girl from Lupr'or was the great granddaughter of Ali'ane, the eldest Lupr'or alive, who had her origins among the stars. The girl inherited a necklace from her great grandmother, a piece of salvage from an abandoned Lupr'or starship. After Captain Phasma, a visitor from the First Order, examined the R'ora stronghold, she approached Ali'ane to inquire about the necklace's source. The child then escorted Phasma, along with the TIE fighter pilot TN-3465, and their Lupr'or guide Dar'en, to Ali'ane's residence.

The girl presented Ali'ane to Captain Phasma, who then questioned her about the necklace's history. Ali'ane responded that it came from the "old world". When Phasma pressed her for more information, Ali'ane stated it was forbidden knowledge. At Phasma's urging, the girl attempted to persuade her great grandmother that Phasma's arrival was to rescue them from the R'ora and the Tsw'ells, referencing Jair'i's belief that the gods had dispatched Phasma to aid them. However, Ali'ane, viewing technology with suspicion, refused to disclose the ship's location.

Later on, the girl asserted to Phasma that she possessed superior rock-climbing skills compared to TN-3465. Phasma responded by mentioning that she had witnessed a world similar to Luprora and that life there was difficult. The girl then offered to guide Phasma to the ship, provided Ali'ane remained uninformed. For several hours, the Lupr'or girl guided Phasma, TN-3465, and Da'ren to the final Lupr'or vessel, situated on a cliffside untouched by the sea.

Utilizing the salvaged technology from the ship, Phasma launched an offensive against the R'ora stronghold. The Lupr'or employed electrocution against the Tsw'ells and navigated across the lake towards the R'ora stronghold. Amidst the Lupr'or's engagement with the R'ora, Phasma seized the opportunity to hunt down and assassinate Lieutenant Sol Rivas, thereby concealing her involvement in the destruction of Starkiller Base. Having served their purpose, Phasma then abandoned the Lupr'or to face the R'ora and the encroaching sea levels.

Personality and traits

Ali'ane's great granddaughter was a young Lupr'or girl characterized by green skin, black hair, and gray eyes. She held Captain Phasma in high regard, perceiving her as a divinely sent hero destined to liberate them from the R'ora and the Tsw'ells. Her faith and admiration for Phasma motivated her to reveal the location of the last Lupr'or ship. The girl was dressed in a blue tunic, white trousers, and a white scarf.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of Ali'ane's great granddaughter was in Star Wars: Captain Phasma, a four-part 2017 comic series released by Marvel Comics as part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi promotional campaign. She was brought to life by Kelly Thompson, visually depicted by Marco Checchetto, and colored by Andres Mossa.

