
The Lupr'or were a sentient humanoid species who migrated to the planet Luprora. This relocation occurred from their original home a significant number of years prior to the Battle of Starkiller Base. During the hunt for Lieutenant Sol Rivas, Captain Phasma, along with TN-3465, and the BB unit BB-K8, encountered the Lupr'or. They then secured the Lupr'or's assistance in assaulting the R'ora stronghold where Rivas was being detained. Following Rivas' elimination, Phasma callously abandoned the Lupr'or, leaving them to face the wrath of the R'ora.

Biology and appearance

The Lupr'or exhibited a humanoid form, characterized by pale green skin, a combination of black and gray hair, and eyes that were gray and green in color. Their language was known as Lupre'en.



The Lupr'or descended from migrants originating from another world, having escaped their previous home system centuries before the First Order-Resistance War began. Upon establishing themselves on the world of Luprora, they rejected technology, viewing it as a destructive force that had led to the downfall of their original planet. The Lupr'or embraced a more basic way of life, relying on fishing and farming on the surface of their new world. However, the climate on Luprora deteriorated, with rising sea levels engulfing much of the land they cultivated.

As water levels rose, the Lupr'or were plagued by the monstrous Tsw'ells and the R'ora, a sentient species that originated from the seas. By the time of the Battle of Starkiller Base in 34 ABY, the Lupr'or population had dwindled to a small group residing in a village. They were under the leadership of Jair'i, who proclaimed himself as the "leader of the great Lupr'or peoples."

First Order entanglements

During that year, First Order personnel consisting of Captain Phasma, TN-3465, and the droid BB-K8 encountered the Lupr'or while in pursuit of the fugitive Lieutenant Sol Rivas, whom Phasma had falsely accused of destroying Starkiller Base. Phasma impressed the Lupr'or by killing a tsw'ell. The First Order party was then brought before Jair'i, the leader of the Lupr'or people. He shared the tragic history of his people before revealing that Rivas had been captured by the R'ora. Because Phasma remained determined to capture Rivas, Jair'i dispatched the female guide Dar'en to accompany the offworlders to the R'ora stronghold in an attempt to dissuade them from their mission.

After examining the area, Phasma returned to the village and met a young Lupr'or girl who was wearing a necklace. Phasma inquired about the origin of the necklace. The girl led her to her great grandmother Ali'ane, who disclosed that she had acquired the necklace from a starship. Ali'ane refused to reveal the location of the ship, considering it the "soul killer." However, the girl secretly agreed to guide Phasma, TN-3465, and Dar'en to the mountain where the ship was located.

With assistance from BB-K8 and Dar'en, Phasma convinced the Lupr'or that she had been sent to lead them to victory over the R'ora. She also persuaded them to recover generators from the starship. In reality, Phasma only intended to use the Lupr'or as expendable troops to reach Rivas. Under Phasma's command, the Lupr'or launched an attack on the R'ora three days later at dawn. After electrifying the lake, the Lupr'or, led by Phasma and TN-3465, crossed the lake by boat and scaled the cliff to the stronghold.

While the Lupr'or and R'ora engaged in combat, Captain Phasma seized the opportunity to hunt down and eliminate Rivas, concealing her role in the destruction of Starkiller Base. However, TN-3465 discovered the truth behind Starkiller Base. She tried to avoid attracting Phasma's attention by pretending to care about the Lupr'or. Phasma showed no concern for the Lupr'or's situation, viewing them as colonizers attempting to displace the native R'ora. Phasma also argued that the species was not suited for the planet's evolution and was being eliminated through natural selection. Before departing Luprora, Phasma destroyed BB-K8 and murdered TN-3465 to keep her involvement in the destruction of Starkiller Base a secret.

Behind the scenes

The Lupr'or made their debut in Star Wars: Captain Phasma, a 2017 four-issue comic series published by Marvel Comics as part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi promotional campaign. The species was conceived by Kelly Thompson, with illustrations by Marco Checchetto, and colors by Andres Mossa.

