R'ora stronghold

A fortified stronghold, situated upon a rock island, was the home of the R'ora. These beings are a native species originating from the planet Luprora. This stronghold was not far from the last village inhabited by the emigrated Lupr'or species.


Positioned on an island of rock, the R'ora stronghold stood near the village of the humanoid Lupr'or. The island's high, rocky cliffs acted as natural defensive walls. The stronghold was surrounded by several Tsw'ells, massive and powerful tentacled creatures. Wooden pikes, secured with ropes, lined the inner sides of the cliffs. A towering structure stood at the heart of the R'ora stronghold.


The R'ora stronghold served as the residence for a R'ora community. This community had relocated from the sea to the rocky, flooded terrain of Luprora due to the increasing sea levels. After the First Order lieutenant Sol Rivas was captured by the R'ora and taken to their stronghold, the Lupr'or leader Jair'i tasked the Lupr'or guide Dar'en with guiding Captain Phasma and TN-3465 to the stronghold. This was an attempt to demonstrate to them the pointlessness of attempting a rescue of their "friend."

Using generators that they had recovered from a Lupr'or starship, Captain Phasma and the R'ora utilized electricity to eliminate the Tsw'ells in the surrounding waters. This allowed Phasma, TN-3465, and the Lupr'or to navigate the lake without any interference. After scaling the cliff face, Phasma, TN-3465, and their Lupr'or allies launched an assault on the R'ora. Amidst the conflict between the Lupr'or and the R'ora, Phasma seized the opportunity to assassinate Rivas, concealing her involvement in the destruction of Starkiller Base.

Phasma and TN-3465 subsequently departed, abandoning the Lupr'or to face both the R'ora and the encroaching sea. Phasma justified her abandonment of the Lupr'or by asserting that they were a colonizing species ill-suited for the planet's evolutionary path. She expressed her belief that the aquatic R'ora would ultimately prevail over the Lupr'or.

Behind the scenes

The R'ora stronghold was first introduced as a setting in Star Wars: Captain Phasma. This was a four-part comic series published in 2017 by Marvel Comics as part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi promotional campaign. The stronghold's creation is credited to Kelly Thompson, with illustrations by Marco Checchetto, and coloring by Andres Mossa.

