During the New Republic Era, a Quarren pirate named Kragan Gorr (a male) made his mark. He commanded the Warbird gang while secretly working for the First Order. Gorr and his pirate group ultimately betrayed their First Order paymasters. This occurred after the First Order deceived them into kidnapping Torra Doza, daughter of Captain Imanuel Doza. The goal of this kidnapping was to create a justification for the occupation of the Colossus refueling station, which they had raided on behalf of the First Order.
Later, Gorr and his pirate crew assisted Team Colossus, led by Kazuda Xiono and Jarek Yeager, in driving out the First Order from the Colossus. Following this, they fled into space alongside their former adversaries.
In the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, Kragan Gorr was a member of a pirate organization helmed by the Lasat named Grox. This group was employed to pilfer starships for the Tech Masters located within the Kiax Nebula. On one occasion, they successfully attracted the YT-1300 light freighter, the Millennium Falcon, and began to drain its power. Grox spearheaded a boarding party onto the freighter, which included himself, Gorr, the Nephran Mirack, and the assassin droid PALLAS-Eleven. Grox instructed Gorr and Mirack to search for any survivors, while he and Eleven went off separately. They found the light freighter empty and subsequently impounded it on Trionak with the intention of selling it. Unbeknownst to Gorr, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa were concealed within a hidden compartment.
By the year 34 ABY, Gorr had lost his left forearm and had risen to the position of leader within his own pirate gang. The First Order eventually made contact with them. They desired Gorr's gang to launch an attack on the Colossus refueling station, hoping to pressure its captain, Imanuel Doza, into relinquishing control to the First Order in exchange for protection. The First Order supplied them with the necessary equipment, and they initiated "Triple dark" assaults on the Colossus. Gorr and his Warbirds operated from a sail barge known as the Galleon, which served as their operational headquarters.
Gorr dispatched a Neimoidian named Hallion Nark to act as a spy and internal operative. Nark soon provided Gorr with confirmation for an assault on the Colossus. Under the cover of a "Triple Dark" storm, Kragan then led his pirates in an attack on the station. He instructed the other pilots to target the power generators and the fuel reserves. The Colossus's defenses were activated, and Ace Squadron engaged the pirates. Despite this, the pirates managed to destroy at least two defense turrets. However, a disruption occurred in their communications, stunning the pirates. Ace Squadron managed to shoot down one of the pirates, and Gorr ordered a retreat after a communications overload caused by Kazuda Xiono became too distracting, hindering the pirates' ability to communicate.

Following the battle, Gorr spoke with Major Elrik Vonreg and Captain Phasma, who expressed their displeasure with the pirates' performance. Gorr reassured them that Nark would be dealt with for his tactical error of losing his comlink, which allowed Xiono to thwart the pirates' attack.

Later on, some of Gorr's pirates, under the leadership of Synara San, attacked a Darius G-class freighter located in an asteroid field near Castilon. San was the only survivor; the remaining pirates were killed by a Kowakian ape-lizard. Poe Dameron, Kazuda Xiono, and two astromech droids, who were members of the Resistance, rescued her after picking up the freighter's distress signal and investigating. Xiono and Jarek Yeager brought the Mirialan pirate to the Colossus, believing her to be a member of the freighter's crew.
Once aboard the platform, San contacted Gorr and informed him of the situation, including the failed raid and the opportunity she had been given to spy on the platform. Gorr agreed that this situation was more advantageous than any profits they might have gained from the raid. He instructed San to blend in and informed her that he would contact her soon with an assignment, before ending the call. San contacted Gorr again shortly after, informing him that the Colossus's defense turrets were temporarily disabled. He told her to contact him again when Ace Squadron left the station for one of their missions. When this occurred, San informed Gorr, who then prepared his pirates for another assault.

Gorr spearheaded another attack on the Colossus with his pirate gang. As they wreaked havoc on the station, Gorr noticed Xiono and Yeager transporting a component for the turbolaser's targeting computer on a hoverlift. Gorr attacked them, but they evaded him and ascended to the targeting computer. As they attempted to install it, Gorr and two other pirates were dropped off to try and stop them. Gorr's two subordinates engaged the pair, but after Yeager knocked one of them off his hoverlift, he rammed his hoverlift into the other one, knocking them unconscious. Gorr shot at them, but Yeager shot back and disarmed him. Gorr then jumped onto the hoverlift and knocked Yeager's blaster out of his hand, before throwing Xiono off.
While Yeager and Gorr wrestled, Xiono tried to push the component into the targeting computer. He shouted for Yeager to help him and Yeager shook his hoverlift so Gorr was left hanging off. Gorr, though, climbed back to Yeager and he reared the hoverlift away before it could ram the component. Yeager flew his hoverlift in for another attempt and Gorr tried to knock him off. However, the hoverlift was already flying towards the targeting computer at high speed. They both jumped off both it hit the component, slotting it into the targeting computer. The turbolasers began working again and fired on the pirates. Gorr ordered a retreat and returned to his shuttle to leave.
Gorr eventually came to the realization that the pilots who had rescued San from the abandoned freighter were, in fact, members of the Resistance. During a subsequent, delayed check-in call with her, he informed her of this. He showed her a security camera image from the freighter, depicting Xiono, Dameron, and their droids inside the ship. However, due to smoke and poor lighting in the image, San was unable to identify anyone in the picture after studying it briefly, before she was forced to end the transmission due to hearing Xiono approaching.
Commander Pyre and Captain Phasma hired Gorr to kidnap Torra Doza, Captain Doza's daughter, as a pretext for occupying the Colossus. Initially, Kragan was hesitant to launch more attacks on the Colossus due to the losses incurred in the earlier raids. However, he agreed after Pyre and Phasma offered to triple the payment.
Kragan then contacted his spy Synara, scolding her for not sending frequent reports and warning her not to become too close to the Colossus inhabitants. Doubting her loyalty, Gorr did not reveal the specifics of his plan but ordered Synara to expect fellow pirates Valik and Drell in a shipping container and pass them through security into Doza Tower. Kragan reassured her that they would get paid and that she would get to come home that night.
Reluctantly following Kragan's orders, Synara socialized with Torra, Xiono, and Ryvora while gathering information on Doza Tower's layout. Later that night, she met Valik and Drell and helped them infiltrate Doza Tower. After realizing the true purpose of their mission, Synara experienced a change of heart and angrily confronted Gorr via holoprojector. Gorr dismissed Synara's concerns and chided her for becoming "too soft" and attached to the Colossus inhabitants. He also told her to rendezvous with Valik and Drell's skiff if she wanted to come home. Undaunted, Synara warned Xiono and Captain Doza, who dispatched the Aces after Valik and Drell, who had kidnapped Torra.

Valik, Drell, and the kidnapped Torra managed to rendezvous with Captain Gorr and the other Warbirds aboard the sail barge Galleon. Shortly later, Major Elrik Vonreg arrived aboard an Upsilon-class shuttle under the pretext of parleying with the Warbirds. However, Major Vonreg instead shot Drell and Skreek, and rescued Doza.
Following the First Order's betrayal of the Warbird gang, Gorr contacted Synara the following day to warn her that the First Order had betrayed them and that the deal was over. Synara ended the transmission after hearing Kaz and BB-8 approaching her quarters. Due to the Warbirds' kidnapping attempt, the First Order was able to convince Captain Doza to accept a military occupation of the Colossus.
The First Order established a substantial military garrison on the Colossus, which included TIE fighters and stormtroopers. This deterred the Warbirds from launching further attacks on the Colossus. While the First Order brought a sense of security to the station, this came at the cost of increased restrictions, including identity checks.
During the occupation, Synara San contacted Gorr in an attempt to seek help to escape the Colossus. However, Kragan was unable to assist her due to the First Order military presence and chided her for not escaping when she had the chance. Synara was ultimately able to escape the station with the help of Kaz. Kragan and his Warbirds later rendezvoused with Synara's escape pod at sea.
Later, Kragan and his pirates, including Synara and Valik, received a distress transmission from Kazuda Xiono calling the Resistance for help against the First Order. Kragan and his pirates answered Kaz's call for help and came to the aid of the Colossus. The pirates used the Galleon to drive away TIE fighters. They then boarded the Colossus and joined the residents as they fled into hyperspace.
At Aunt Z's Tavern, Kragan was about to take a drink when Gork, who Leoz had kicked, collided with him. This occurred without anyone realizing that the gravity generator had been deactivated by MB-13A. Kragan retaliated by punching Leoz. Once gravity was restored, Gork landed on top of Kragan.
He agreed with Kaz's plan to help salvage the Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought Fulminatrix in order to obtain coaxium. He instructed Valik to carefully guide the ship into the hangar and prepared to board, noting that there was still power. Once inside, the crew began salvaging. Kaz, Synara, Kragan, CB-23, and Neeku entered the hyperdrive chamber to extract the coaxium, until the First Order arrived. After Kaz secured the coaxium, Kragan ordered a return to the Galleon. As the Galleon exited the Siege Dreadnought, its engine was hit by TIE/fo space superiority fighters. He instructed Synara to fire the starboard cannons and Valik to fire the port cannons. As the Galleon approached the Colossus's hangar, he told her to bring it in gently. Valik responded that she was trying. Subsequently, Kaz, Synara, and Neeku headed to the hyperdrive chamber.
Kragan expressed his amusement regarding the situation of the people of Colossus due to the food shortage. Drell commented that Doza had "got a real mess on his hands," to which Kragan replied, "Which means an opportunity for us." Upon entering the tavern, he declared, "it might be difficult for you Aces, but not for me and my crew," prompting Aunt Z to offer free meals to him and his crew if they could bring her a jakoosk. He retorted, "Unlike Doza, at least I'm not afraid to try." Tora expressed her anger at Kragan, who responded, "That's the only smart thing he's done since we left Castilon." Kragan and his crew boarded the Galleon and approached the ice moon Celsor 3 to begin their hunt for the jakoosk. He was thrilled to spot the jakoosk and attempted to kill it, but failed. After Kaz defeated the jakoosk with the blaster cannon, he and his crew prepared to eat the jakoosk meat.
Kragan was taken aback when a blue Nikto named Nenavakasa Nalor accused the pirates of draining nearly half of the station's power into their sail barge, the Galleon. After Nalor was revealed to be the true culprit, Kaz requested that Gorr disconnect their power source. Although Gorr was reluctant, Kaz apologized for falsely accusing them of draining the ship's power but emphasized the urgency of the situation and warned that there would be nothing left if they didn't help. Kragan Gorr gave the order to disconnect the pirate's power source, allowing the Colossus to escape.

Shortly before the Battle of Exegol, his sail barge, the Galleon, arrived at the rendezvous point with the Meson Martinet, led by Sidon Ithano of his crew. He inquired about the Crimson Corsair's recent activities, but Sidon told him to skip the pleasantries. Kragan was pleased to see a battalion of B2-series super battle droids, but he noted that the merchandise appeared worn out and unsuccessfully attempted to haggle the arms dealer for a lower price. When Ithano raised his blaster rifle, he ordered Drell to give the credits to the Crimson Corsair and planned to use the battle droids to take over the Colossus.

Kragan Gorr, a Quarren male characterized by blue eyes and orange skin, possessed a cybernetic left forearm. He led a pirate gang and demonstrated a willingness to function as a mercenary for the First Order. Following the Warbirds' significant setbacks during two raids on the Colossus, Gorr demanded that his First Order employers triple their payments and supplies to compensate for his financial losses. In contrast to Synara, Gorr exhibited no qualms about kidnapping Doza and criticized her for becoming "soft" and developing attachments to the inhabitants of the Colossus. Commander Pyre exploited Gorr's financial motivations by deceiving him into kidnapping Torra Doza, thereby providing the First Order with a pretext to occupy the Colossus.
Kragan Gorr made his debut on October 2, 2018 in the canon junior novel Choose Your Destiny: A Luke & Leia Adventure, authored by Cavan Scott. This book allows readers to make choices as they read, leading to one official canon path. His first visual appearance was on October 14 in "The Triple Dark," the second episode of the Star Wars Resistance animated series. Gary Anthony Williams voiced the character, having previously voiced Riff Tamson in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Gron in Star Wars Rebels.