Elrik Vonreg

Lord Elrik Vonreg was a human male who served as a First Order TIE fighter pilot. During the New Republic era, Vonreg achieved the military rank of major within the First Order's armed forces. As a highly proficient starfighter pilot, he engaged in combat against a New Republic squadron of T-85 X-wing starfighters led by Kazuda Xiono, and also against a Resistance T-70 X-wing starfighter flown by Commander Poe Dameron.

Despite his best efforts, Major Vonreg was ultimately compelled to discontinue his assault and return to Starkiller Base, where he delivered a report to Captain Phasma. Consequently, the New Republic successfully transmitted intelligence to the Resistance, revealing the First Order's clandestine operations on the Outer Rim planet of Castilon. The Resistance then dispatched a spy, the recently recruited Kazuda Xiono, to conduct an investigation. Vonreg met his death at the hands of Xiono during the Battle of Castilon when his craft was shot down.


Battles Against New Republic Pilots

Vonreg's TIE Baron engages with a pair of New Republic T-85 X-wings

Sharing a family connection with Galactic Empire pilot Havina Vonreg and the Vonreg family, a family of aristocrats, the Major and Baron Elrik Vonreg held a high position as an officer and TIE fighter pilot serving in the First Order's military. Piloting his custom TIE/ba Baron Space Superiority Interceptor, Vonreg at one point in the final months of the Cold War engaged a squadron of New Republic T-85 X-wing starfighters. The New Republic pilots had obtained crucial data about the First Order's activities in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories, and New Republic Command had instructed them to deliver this information to the Resistance. Vonreg attempted to prevent them from succeeding, and managed to drive off two of the pilots, Mia Gabon and Hugh Sion, but Kazuda Xiono remained to await the Resistance's arrival at the designated meeting place.

When Resistance Commander Poe Dameron arrived, Vonreg was forced to abandon his pursuit of Xiono and instead engage the Resistance pilot in aerial combat. However, the combined efforts of Dameron and Xiono ultimately outmaneuvered him, resulting in damage to his starfighter. Consequently, the Major retreated into hyperspace, returning to Starkiller Base located in the Unknown Regions. Because he was unable to stop Xiono from completing his mission, the Resistance learned that the First Order was interested in the Colossus, an aircraft refueling station situated on the ocean planet of Castilon. Consequently, the Resistance recruited Xiono to act as their spy on the Colossus, hoping to gather more intelligence regarding the First Order.

Conspiracy with Pirates

Vonreg and Phasma contacting the pirates.

Vonreg, together with Commander Pyre, suggested hiring pirates to launch an attack on the Colossus, with the intention of compelling Captain Imanuel Doza, the platform's owner, to invite the First Order to provide security. However, following a failed attack by Kragan Gorr and his gang, Vonreg, along with Captain Phasma, voiced their disappointment with the outcome when the pirates reported back.

Meeting with Doza

Elrik Vonreg talks to Imanuel Doza

At some point after the attack, Vonreg visited the Colossus aboard a freighter delivering a much-needed shipment of fuel to the platform, for the purpose of speaking with Captain Doza. Vonreg insisted to Doza that the Colossus was susceptible to pirate attacks, and made several veiled threats. Doza rejected the First Order's offer, stating that more than a single fuel shipment would be required to sway him. Shortly after departing Doza's office, Vonreg realized that someone had been eavesdropping on their meeting using a pair of matching comlinks. The two comlinks, when brought into close proximity while active, generated feedback. Vonreg heard this and identified the spy as Xiono, unaware that this was the same pilot he had previously encountered in space. Vonreg instructed his stormtroopers to apprehend Xiono, who fled. After Xiono successfully evaded the troopers, Vonreg confronted Doza, who expressed disbelief at the notion of a spy operating on his platform. Following Doza's daughter Torra's claim that the intruder was merely a friend who had become lost while leaving Doza Tower, Doza ordered Vonreg to depart with his troopers.

All Aces Battle Royale

Later, Marnia Un'la'na, a First Order informant, was present on the Colossus before the All Aces Battle Royale. She was contacted by an Ugnaught associate who said they had an urgent message, and she met them in a hangar. After discussing Un'la'na transmitting the data, she told the Ugnaught that it would be a concealed transmission and that they could inform Vonreg that he would receive his information.

Mission to Station Theta Black

Vonreg accompanied Captain Phasma to Theta station and almost killed Dameron and Xiono, but was forced to fall back.

Following an intruder alert at the abandoned First Order dedlanite mine Station Theta Black, Major Vonreg accompanied a First Order demolition team led by Captain Phasma. The First Order's demolition mission was complicated by the presence of two Resistance pilots, Commander Dameron and Xiono, who were investigating First Order activities in the Unknown Regions.

Poe's substitute BB-series astromech droid, CB-23, was able to conceal Poe and Kazuda's T-70 X-wing starfighters within the asteroid field. Captain Phasma and her troops subsequently encountered the Resistance pilots but failed to capture or eliminate them. CB-23 managed to remotely pilot the two Resistance pilots' X-wings to the station, helping them to escape into space.

Flying his TIE Interceptor, Major Vonreg led his TIE squadron in pursuit of the Resistance pilots. Poe managed to shoot one of Vonreg's wingmates but was unable to shake off the pursuing First Order fighters. Before Major Vonreg could eliminate Poe and Xiono, Captain Phasma ordered Vonreg to break off the pursuit. Vonreg protested that he almost had his opponents but complied with Phasma's orders after she warned that he would die when she blew up the station.

Vonreg and his surviving pilots accompanied Phasma's shuttle out of the system. Though the destruction of Station Theta Black generated a massive explosive wave, Poe and Xiono survived the explosion and were able to warn General Leia Organa that the First Order was building many weapons.

The Doza Plot

On behalf of the First Order, Vonreg betrayed the Warbird gang.

After Commander Pyre hired the Warbirds gang to kidnap Torra, Major Vonreg was dispatched to meet with the pirates under the pretext of parleying with them. However, he and his stormtroopers instead opened fire on the pirates Drell and Skreek. Vonreg then rescued Torra and returned her to her father. He convinced a relieved Captain Doza to accept First Order protection, which led to a military occupation of the Colossus.

Intruders in the Dassal System

Thanks to a probe droid, Vonreg found Poe and Kaz in the Dassal system.

After a spider probe droid alerted the First Order to the presence of intruders in the Dassal system, Major Vonreg and his squadron pursued the Resistance pilots Poe and Xiono through the cored-out planet Najra-Va's core. The Resistance pilots managed to escape by flying through a gravity well, which claimed the lives of two of Vonreg's fellow pilots. Though Poe and Xiono managed to escape, Vonreg managed to obtain footage of Xiono's starfighter Fireball, which led the First Order to discover Xiono's identity as a spy for the Resistance.

Escape of the Colossus and Death

After Xiono and his Resistance cell submerged the Colossus to contact General Organa, Major Vonreg flew his TIE Interceptor with his squadron over the station.

After Xiono's Resistance cell retook control of the Colossus, Pyre and First Order Security Bureau Agent Tierny fled with Tamara Ryvora, who decided to join the First Order due to her bitterness towards Kaz and Jarek Yeager for keeping secrets. Following the launch of the Colossus's engines, Vonreg participated in the Battle of Castilon. However, multiple TIEs were destroyed, and, as he was about to shoot down Yeager, a surprise maneuver from Xiono led to Vonreg being killed in action.


Some time after Vonreg's death on Castilon, Sion, who also joined the Resistance, asked Xiono about their last encounter with Major Vonreg during a mission to rendezvous with the Resistance. Xiono claimed that he had taken care of the First Order ace, but fellow Resistance pilot Norath Kev responded that Commander Dameron had a different account. The trio then turned their conversation to the topic of evacuating Resistance recruits from First Order-occupied Dantooine.

Personality and Traits

Baron Vonreg in the cockpit of his personal interceptor.

Elrik Vonreg was a human male. As a military pilot, he readily engaged multiple enemies on his own. Even though Vonreg was prepared to eliminate opponents like Poe Dameron and Kazuda Xiono, he still followed the orders of his superior officer Captain Phasma to cease the pursuit, since she had initiated the detonation sequence to destroy Station Theta Black.

Skills and Abilities

Vonreg was an expert pilot

Serving within the First Order Navy, Major Vonreg was a highly skilled pilot whose talents were recognized by Mia Gabon and Poe Dameron. The major could engage multiple adversaries, such as an entire squadron of starfighters, without needing support from wingmates. He also demonstrated the ability to engage Dameron in a dogfight for a period of time.

He proved to be a capable shot with a blaster during a close-quarters encounter with pirates whom the First Order had betrayed. Vonreg also displayed some degree of political acumen, effectively negotiating with Captain Doza of the Colossus to allow a First Order security force to be stationed on the Colossus at Commander Pyre's suggestion.

Despite his prowess as a starfighter pilot, Major Vonreg was ultimately defeated by Xiono, who managed to shoot down his fighter, resulting in his death.


Major Vonreg wore a modified crimson version of the uniform and equipment used by First Order TIE fighter pilots. He also carried a custom RK-3 blaster that matched the color of his uniform.

Behind the Scenes

Elrik Vonreg in LEGO form

Elrik Vonreg was conceived and developed for Star Wars Resistance. Lex Lang provides his voice. His unique armor was designed to make him stand out from other First Order pilots, indicating his superior rank and abilities. His helmet draws inspiration from First Order TIE Fighter pilots, clone trooper pilots, and Imperial Guards helmets. The character was developed with the famous World War I German ace Red Baron in mind, from whom he inherited the red color and the title of baron.

