A gravity well represented the attractive force of gravity emanating from a substantial object in space, for instance, a planet. These wells could also be artificially produced; utilizing a gravity well projector, the creation of an "interdiction field" became feasible, with the capability to disrupt a starship's hyperspace travel.

Many millennia prior to the demise of the Galactic Republic, the technologically sophisticated Predori engineered starships that could endure the immense pressure exerted by a gravity well. One such craft, a prison vessel named Ashmead's Lock, remained concealed within a gravity well until it imploded.
The Millennium Falcon, with Han Solo at the controls, while navigating the Kessel Run after escaping Kessel, was chased by a summa-verminoth and almost drawn into the gravitational pull of The Maw, a black hole situated in the Maw Cluster; however, it managed to escape with the assistance of coaxium.
The Executor-class Star Dreadnought Arbitrator, due to faulty hyperspace calculations, was pulled into a gravity well while attempting to evade capture by the forces of the New Republic.
Rey deduced that, during the Battle of Jakku, the Imperial captains used their warships' tractor beams to lock onto nearby New Republic vessels, dragging them into Jakku's gravity well, resulting in crashes that lacked visible signs of combat damage.