The RK-3 blaster pistol was a model of blaster pistol that was manufactured by Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. and subsequently by the Sonn-Blas Corporation. It saw usage by entities such as the Galactic Empire, the First Order, and the crime lord named Azmorigan. Numerous Imperial officers, including Imperial Security Bureau Agent Alexsandr Kallus, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart, Captain Mann, and Governor Arihnda Pryce, employed the RK-3. The RK-3 was also used as a backup weapon by Clone X trooper CX-2. Furthermore, Bounty hunter Bossk'wassak'Cradossk utilized the RK-3 during a raid on the Halcyon in order to capture Stolak Vandello, previously a member of the Black Sun. First Order TIE Fighter Pilot Major Elrik Vonreg carried his own red RK-3. Two RK-3s were used by First Order Security Bureau Agent Tierny.
This particular blaster was equipped with a stun setting, proving its effectiveness in close quarters engagements; however, it was less effective against heavily armored opponents, making it less powerful compared to standard blaster pistols.