CX-2, also called Sniper CloneX2, was a Clone X trooper in service to the Galactic Empire circa 18 BBY. He was dispatched to Teth with the mission to eliminate another clone assassin, namely CX-1. While successful in his primary objective, he also detected the presence of the Imperial high-value target Omega and initiated a secondary goal: her capture. To achieve this, the assassin repeatedly disobeyed orders from Imperial Clone Commander Wolffe and managed to pursue the remnants of Clone Force 99 and the Clone Underground through the jungles of Teth. After almost drowning the rogue clone Crosshair, he was stunned by another rogue clone, Howzer, and tumbled down a waterfall, ending his pursuit. However, he survived the fall, emerging from the river after Omega and her protectors had escaped.
CX-2 eventually located Omega by infiltrating Phee Genoa's ship and uncovering the location of Pabu. Upon finding Omega there, he spearheaded an invasion of the planet, compelling her surrender and subsequent return to Mount Tantiss. Clone Force 99 would later infiltrate the mountain base, hoping to liberate her and the other clone prisoners. However, they were apprehended by the newly activated CX squad, including CX-2, who severed Crosshair's hand using an electrosword. Following the prisoners' liberation by Omega and Echo, and their subsequent attack on the Imperial operatives, CX-2 met his death at the hands of Hunter, who impaled him with an electrospear.

Originally, the individual who would become CX-2, also known as Sniper CloneX2, was a clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett who had somehow fallen into Imperial hands. His identity was erased, and he was conditioned to become a Clone X trooper by approximately 18 BBY. Clone commando Scorch activated and deployed him to an abandoned B'omarr Order Monastery on Teth to eliminate fellow Clone X trooper CX-1 after CX-1 was unable to commit suicide as per protocol. While fulfilling his assignment, he informed Clone Commander Scorch that Omega, the primary target of Doctor Royce Hemlock, was also present on Teth. After assassinating CX-1, he attempted to capture Omega, which triggered the escape of Clone Force 99 and the Clone Underground forces present. An explosion, caused by the detonation of several thermal detonators, shook the facility, and CX-2 was trapped under debris, resulting in injuries to his arm and leg.
After the assassin freed himself from the rubble, a Recovery Strike Team under the command of Clone Commander Wolffe and clone commando Lieutenant Hilo arrived on Teth. Wolffe then took command, scolding the Clone X Trooper for jeopardizing Omega's safety, as Hemlock wanted her alive.

Despite Wolffe's command, the assassin continued his independent pursuit of the rogue clones and Omega, tracking them through hidden passages beneath the base. He eventually shot down their shuttle as they attempted to escape the monastery. Upon rejoining Wolffe's forces, he was once again reprimanded by the Clone Commander for endangering Omega's life. CX-2 then accompanied Wolffe's troops into the jungle of Teth to locate the rogue clones. Reaching the shuttle's crash site, the clone assassin once more separated from Wolffe's group to track Omega independently. Eventually, he tracked the rogue clones to a waterfall, where Crosshair of Clone Force 99 led the assassin away from Omega, initiating a fight.
The confrontation between Crosshair and the assassin escalated into a physical brawl, resulting in both falling into the river and down part of the waterfall. After landing, their fight continued, with the assassin criticizing Crosshair for betraying the Empire and failing to become a clone assassin. He nearly drowned Crosshair but was subsequently stunned by rogue clone Captain Howzer, causing him to fall further down the waterfall, unconscious. Following the escape of Clone Force 99 and the remaining forces of the Clone Underground—due to Wolffe's decision not to capture Omega—the assassin emerged from the river, having survived the fall.

Later, CX-2 persisted in his efforts to locate and capture Omega. To determine her whereabouts, he infiltrated the Providence, the ship of pirate Phee Genoa, and planted a computer spike into the ship's navigation computer. This allowed him to discover that she frequently visited Pabu, which he deduced was Omega's hiding place. After infiltrating the planet, he confirmed that Omega was hiding there with Clone Force 99 and notified Commander Scorch. Scorch ordered him to capture the girl unharmed, sternly warning him not to repeat his mistakes of disobeying orders and authorized him to eliminate anyone who interfered. Scorch then dispatched a force to invade Pabu and ensure CX-2 succeeded. To prevent Clone Force 99 from leaving the planet, CX-2 destroyed their ship, the Marauder, by launching three explosives on it. As TK stormtroopers were deployed onto the island from LAAT/i gunships, he ordered them to destroy all of the docks and skiffs and then begin searching the island's homes, which led to mayor Shep Hazard confronting him for the seemingly unprovoked attack and destruction of the local's livelihoods. CX-2 told the mayor that he knew that they were harboring a fugitive, and threatened that the island would burn until Omega was found.

Hunter, the leader of Clone Force 99, attempted to hijack a gunship. When the pilot alerted CX-2 that his gunship had been compromised, CX-2 simply shot the pilot, causing the gunship to crash into the ocean and preventing Hunter from commandeering it. Meanwhile, Omega, realizing that the island would continue to be destroyed as long as she remained hidden, suggested to Crosshair that she surrender herself as a distraction so that the sharpshooter could plant a tracking beacon on CX-2's CX Dagger vessel. The plan was executed, and CX-2 ordered a TK stormtrooper to scan Omega for tracking devices, confiscating a comlink from her before placing her on his vessel and departing the planet for Wayland. Crosshair ultimately failed to plant the tracker on the ship due to his hand injury. Later, CX-2 arrived at Tantiss Base with Omega and handed her off directly to Hemlock. After Hemlock led Omega inside, CX-2 departed on his vessel.
CX-2 was still stationed on Tantiss when he received orders to assist in capturing the Bad Batch, who had infiltrated the facility to rescue Omega. To aid in this task, Hemlock activated additional clone assassins from stasis. The CX squad confronted Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair in the compromised hangar breached by the escaped Zillo Beast. During the ensuing firefight, one of the assassins tossed CX-2 a vibroblade, which he used to sever Crosshair's shooting hand. The CX squad then escorted the incapacitated CT-99s to the training room for reconditioning, passing Doctor Emerie Karr and a disguised Echo.
CX-2 remained concealed in the laboratory when Omega attempted to sneak in and free her captured brothers, only to be caught by a CX trooper. At that point, CX-2 and Hemlock entered the room. As they observed the other CX troopers engaging Echo and the other escaped clone prisoners while Hemlock's toxin was pumped into the training room, they were unaware that Omega had already unlocked Wrecker's restraints. Suddenly, Wrecker threw a large piece of metal at the CX troopers, knocking CX-2 down. In the chaos, Hemlock cuffs Omega to himself and takes CX-2's RK-3 blaster and armband remote. Hemlock orders CX-2 to deal with the Bad Batch and flees with Scorch. As CX-2 was attempting to reorient himself, he spots Hunter, who likewise was recuperating, and attempted to shoot him, only for Crosshair to kick his rifle out of the way, causing him to miss. Hunter responded by throwing an electrospear at CX-2, impaling him into a machine and electrocuting him, killing him.
Following his death, Hunter handed CX-2's rifle to Crosshair before they both left the room to rescue Omega. On the landing pad, Hemlock used CX-2's remote to summon a CX Dagger vessel, but Crosshair shot down the engines using CX-2's rifle. Hunter and Crosshair then killed Scorch and later shot Omega's binders and Hemlock himself.
CX-2 was intensely focused on his mission, disregarding orders from high-ranking Imperials and even killing subordinates to achieve his objectives. He also held the rogue clone commando Crosshair in contempt for failing to become a clone assassin. During the Raid on Pabu, CX-2 was willing to harm innocent civilians and threatened to burn down the island in a cruel attempt to force its mayor to surrender Omega. Despite his mission-oriented nature, CX-2 displayed a twisted sense of humor, as demonstrated when he sarcastically suggested that Crosshair be careful with his shooting hand before severing it with a vibroblade.
CX-2 possessed proficiency in sharpshooting, hand-to-hand combat, the use of various vibroblades, and infiltration techniques. He demonstrated the ability to effectively utilize his skills even when injured, such as when he sustained injuries to both an arm and a leg—resulting in a limp—after being crushed by debris on Teth.
As a clone assassin, CX-2 was equipped with specialized black armor featuring numerous attachments, including a rangefinder connected to the helmet and a control panel brace attached to the right bicep for direct control of CX Dagger vessels. He was armed with a 773 Firepuncher sniper rifle, and later utilized a vibroblade captured from the Clone Underground.

The first glimpse of CX-2 was in the trailer for the third season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch. He made his debut in the season in "Infiltration" and "Extraction," the sixth and seventh episodes, respectively, both of which premiered on March 13, 2024 on Disney+. Initially identified as Sniper CloneX2 via Getty Images, the name CX-2 was subsequently adopted in the episode guide.