
Serving the Galactic Empire, Clone Lieutenant Hilo was a clone commando under the command of Clone Commander Wolffe within the Recovery Strike Team. Hilo, a human clone originating from Jango Fett and previously aligned with the Galactic Republic, participated in the battle on the B'Omarr Order Monastery circa 18 BBY, fighting against the Clone Underground movement.


Born on the planet [Kamino](/article/kamino], located in an extragalactic region, Hilo was a genetic clone of the renowned bounty hunter Jango Fett. He underwent training as a soldier for the Galactic Republic's military forces. Eventually, he transitioned into service for the Galactic Empire as a clone commando, achieving the rank of Lieutenant. Around 18 BBY, Hilo was deployed to Teth as part of an Imperial Recovery Strike Team with the mission of retrieving Omega after she had escaped from Mount Tantiss. They were informed that Omega was hiding with anti-Imperial insurgents, but Hilo and his fellow Imperial troopers were unaware that these insurgents were actually rogue clones belonging to the Clone Underground.

Hilo, along with Clone Commander Wolffe and a unit composed of both clone and non-clone stormtroopers, arrived on Teth aboard two Rho-class transport shuttles. They discovered the B'omarr Order Monastery engulfed in flames, surrounded by the dead bodies of rogue clone insurgents, a result of an attack by the Imperial clone assassin CX-2. Commander Wolffe reprimanded the assassin for his excessive use of lethal force and instructed him to follow orders. As the Imperials entered the monastery, Hilo and a stormtrooper located a concealed passage and reported it to Wolffe, who ordered it sealed to trap any remaining insurgents. Hilo then joined Wolffe and a group of troopers in attacking the insurgents from an exit point beneath the facility, although the rogue clones managed to escape the monastery in a leech vessel. The clone assassin, acting independently, shot down the vessel, causing the rogue clones to crash in the jungle surrounding the monastery. Wolffe again scolded the assassin for nearly killing Omega and ordered Hilo and his troopers to switch their blasters to stun.

Hilo and the Imperials boarded their shuttles and pursued the rogue clones into the jungle. Upon spotting the rogue clones in a clearing, Hilo and a group of stormtroopers rappelled from their shuttle and engaged the Clone Underground forces in a intense firefight. The Imperials, using stun rounds, suffered significant casualties during the firefight against the rogue clones, who were using lethal rounds. Eventually, Hilo, Wolffe, and the remaining clone stormtroopers managed to corner the insurgent clones near a cliffside. Hilo observed as the rogue clone Rex, who had served alongside Wolffe during the Clone Wars, pleaded with Wolffe to allow them to escape, which the Clone Commander reluctantly agreed to. As the surviving rogue clones escaped in their ship, the Remora, Wolffe instructed the Recovery Strike Team to recover the bodies of the Clone Underground's fallen before leaving Teth. Hilo objected to this, arguing that the rogue clones were traitors to the Empire. However, Wolffe explained that, as fellow clones, they deserved basic respect in death. Hilo nodded in compliance and followed Wolffe's instructions, returning to their shuttle with the surviving members of the strike team.

Personality and traits

Being a clone of Jango Fett, Hilo possessed the same fundamental physiological characteristics as his genetic source, standing at a height of 1.83 meters. Hilo's training instilled in him unwavering loyalty to the Galactic Empire. He questioned Wolffe's sympathies when his commanding officer allowed the Clone Underground forces to escape, but he conceded after the Clone Commander provided his reasoning and complied with the order to recover the fallen bodies of the rogue clones. Furthermore, Hilo was a dedicated and efficient soldier, promptly relaying information and executing orders with precision.


Hilo, as a clone commando, was equipped with white Katarn-class Commando Armor, a backpack, and a DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System.

Behind the scenes

Hilo's first appearance was in "Infiltration," the sixth episode of the third season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, which debuted on Disney+ on March 13, 2024.

