Raid on Pabu

Around the time of 18 BBY, the Galactic Empire launched an attack on Pabu island with the goal of capturing Omega, a genetically defective clone. After Clone X trooper CX-2 located Omega by torturing her previous partner Ciddarin Scaleback for information and taking the island's location from Phee Genoa's starship, CX-2 located Omega, blew up Clone Force 99's ship the Marauder, and requested backup. The arriving forces blockaded the island by destroying all starships and sailing vessels in the docks and began a systematic search of every house in the city. After Hunter's attempt to seize an Imperial Low Altitude Assault Transport to break through the blockade failed, Omega was compelled to give herself up to the Imperials, hoping her friends could use her capture to find the location of Tantiss Base and save her. Upon her capture, TK stormtroopers found and took away her comlink, which would have allowed her to be tracked. Crosshair also tried, as an alternative plan, to attach a homing beacon to the ship transporting Omega, specifically CX-2's CX Dagger vessel. However, he failed in this attempt, and Omega was taken away, not knowing that her allies had no way to follow her. After Omega was captured, all Imperial forces left the planet.

