A vibroblade, sometimes seen as vibro-blade, was a sword or knife type weapon used either for everyday tasks or as a close-combat weapon.
The vibroblade could serve as a tool or a weapon, capable of being driven forcefully into an enemy's defenses. When activated, the weapon emitted a buzzing sound and a hot glow, and it could be employed as a makeshift surgical tool for dissecting organic matter. Furthermore, it demonstrated the ability to penetrate the plastoid armor worn by stormtroopers, along with a variety of droids. These blades were frequently stored in either sheaths or scabbards.

Jango Fett, the bounty hunter, possessed retractable vibroblades concealed within his Mandalorian vambraces. Tsoklo, a Rodian, had a utility vibroblade for self-protection. Hera Syndulla, a Twi'lek, also had a vibroblade resembling a knife while she was on Gorse. BX-series droid commandos and their command units used Vibroswords. The Royal Guard of the Galactic Empire carried the blades secretly. Mister Bones had a hidden vibroblade installed at the end of one of his arms. Gallius Rax kept a pair of vibroblades shaped like a sickle, joined by a golden chain and decorated with elaborate carvings, in his chambers on the Ravager. Vibroblades of the newest designs were deemed advanced technology during the time of the Napkin Bombing. Scorza, a Weequay pirate, carried a vibroblade of high density in a scabbard, which he used in combat against Sidon Ithano. Hunter also frequently used a vibro-knife in battle. Many Mandalorians like Din Djarin and Paz Vizsla made use of handheld vibro-knives in close-quarters fighting.