Paz Vizsla, a male human from the planet Mandalore, was a Heavy Infantry Mandalorian who belonged to the Tribe, a group within the Children of the Watch, during the New Republic's reign. Residing in a concealed covert located on Nevarro, Vizsla was known for wearing a distinctive suit of heavy armor and wielding an M-55 Medium Repeating Blaster. His deep-seated animosity towards the defunct Galactic Empire and its associates stemmed from the Empire's involvement in the Great Purge of Mandalore that devastated the Mandalorians.
When Din Djarin, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, used beskar seized by the Empire and given to him by an Imperial remnant to forge his armor, Vizsla confronted him, battling Djarin for dealing with the Empire. The Armorer from the Tribe intervened, halting the conflict. Later, Vizsla and fellow Tribe members shielded Djarin from numerous bounty hunters, enabling his escape to his starship with a child he had rescued from the remnant. Consequent to the rescue, the Imperial remnant discovered and attacked the tribe, resulting in the deaths of most members, though Vizsla survived and managed to flee.
Vizsla, accompanied by the Armorer, established a fresh covert on the space station known as Glavis Ringworld. Eventually, Djarin, wounded by the Darksaber, joined them. Vizsla provided care for Djarin's injuries and observed his training sessions with the Armorer. Witnessing Djarin's struggles in training, Vizsla challenged him to a duel, seeking to reclaim the Darksaber, created by his ancestor Tarre Vizsla, for his clan. During the duel, Vizsla briefly seized the Darksaber from Djarin but was ultimately defeated. Upon learning of Djarin's helmet removal, Vizsla denounced him as an apostate and banished him, Djarin departing with the Darksaber still in his possession.
Following the unification of Lady Bo-Katan Kryze's unit and the Tribe, he became part of the scouting expedition to Mandalore, led by Kryze and Djarin. Tragically, he lost his life in combat, bravely defending against Moff Gideon's armored commandos and Imperial Praetorian Guards.

Originating from Mandalore, the Mandalorian warrior Paz Vizsla, of Clan Vizsla, possessed a natural talent for survival. He was a descendant of Mandalore Tarre Vizsla, the Jedi Mandalorian who established House Vizsla and forged the Darksaber, a unique black lightsaber that granted its holder a claim to Mandalore's throne, over a millennium prior to Vizsla's birth. During the Galactic Empire's rule, Bo-Katan Kryze asserted her right to rule Mandalore based on lineage and possession of the Darksaber, which had been gifted to her. Vizsla was a follower of the ancient creed known as the Way of the Mandalore, as a member of the Children of the Watch. Those who followed the Way rejected Kryze's claim, arguing she hadn't won the lightsaber in combat, but received it from Sabine Wren.
As Kryze and her Mandalorian supporters defied the Empire, the Empire launched the Great Purge of Mandalore, bombarding the planet's surface and massacring Mandalorians in the Night of a Thousand Tears. Vizsla and other adherents of the ancient ways were on Mandalore's moon Concordia, surviving the onslaught. The remaining Mandalorians dispersed across the galaxy, concealing themselves in Mandalorian coverts to preserve their numbers. During the New Republic's era, Vizsla resided with the Tribe in a covert on Nevarro. Due to the Purge, the Tribe remained hidden, with Vizsla guarding the armory as a heavy infantry Mandalorian. In 9 ABY, Vizsla saw Din Djarin arrive with a camtono of beskar. Vizsla and others watched Djarin give the beskar to The Armorer, the Tribe's leader, to forge armor.

Vizsla examined the beskar, taken by the Empire during the Purge and given to Djarin by an Imperial remnant for delivering Grogu. Accusing Djarin of cowardice, Vizsla confronted him, his anger escalating, leading to a fight. As Djarin and Vizsla brandished vibro-knives, the Armorer intervened, asking if they had removed their helmets and reminding them of the Way of the Mandalore. Vizsla relented, allowing the Armorer to forge armor for Djarin.
Shortly after, Djarin faced Bounty Hunters' Guild members led by Greef Karga after he rescued Grogu from the Imperial remnant. Karga intended to kill Djarin if he didn't surrender Grogu, but the Tribe arrived to protect him, descending with jetpacks. Vizsla landed near Djarin, forming a fire team.

He shot down bounty hunters with his blaster cannon, helping push back the Guild and create an escape for Djarin. Vizsla told Djarin to escape while the Tribe held off the hunters. Djarin said the enclave would need to move due to the Tribe's interference, which Vizsla acknowledged, citing the Way of the Mandalore. Vizsla provided cover as Djarin escaped to his starship, the Razor Crest, leaving Nevarro. As the Razor Crest departed, Vizsla flew alongside with his jetpack and saluted Djarin before turning back.
Due to the rescue, the Bounty Hunters' Guild lost control of Nevarro, and the Imperial remnant cracked down on the Tribe. The covert was attacked, and most members died. Vizsla escaped, and the Armorer stayed to gather resources, believing some Mandalorians like Vizsla had escaped.
Vizsla, a survivor of the Tribe, sought refuge on the Glavis Ringworld space station with the Armorer, rebuilding their forge and settlement from Nevarro's caverns. They left signs leading to their new covert along Glavis Ringworld's Kolzoc Alley, visible with a macrobinocular viewplate. Din Djarin found the signs and collapsed before the Armorer due to injuries. The Armorer had Vizsla tend to him, and he used bacta spray on Djarin's leg.

As Vizsla healed Djarin, Djarin thanked him for the Nevarro rescue and apologized for the covert's sacrifice. Vizsla replied that there were now three of them and promised Djarin would work soon. The Armorer inquired about the weapon that caused Djarin's wound, and Djarin revealed the Darksaber. Vizsla stared at his ancestor Tarre Vizsla's weapon, and the Armorer asked him to bring it to her. He watched as the Armorer examined the lightsaber and discussed its significance with Djarin.
After the Armorer confirmed Djarin had returned Grogu to the Jedi, she welcomed him back, and Vizsla and Djarin set up a new forge. Vizsla asked how Djarin acquired the Darksaber, and Djarin confirmed he defeated Moff Gideon, who was involved in the Purge. Vizsla asked if Gideon was killed, only to hear he was sent to the New Republic. Vizsla declared death was justice for Gideon, the Armorer agreeing as millions of Mandalorians had died because of him. Vizsla remained present as the Armorer and Djarin talked about the curse that led to the Purge.

Djarin later trained with the Darksaber under the Armorer, who criticized his lack of focus. Vizsla, yearning for the saber, challenged Djarin to a duel. Djarin accepted, and they removed their jetpacks and prepared to fight. Vizsla drew his vibro-knife and activated his shield projector while Djarin activated the Darksaber. In the fight, both clashed blades, and Vizsla's vibro-knife was cut in two.
Taking advantage of Djarin's sluggish movements, Vizsla forced his blade down and threw him to a lower level. Smacking his downed opponent into a wall, Vizsla picked up the Darksaber, proclaiming fate had returned it to his clan and decided Djarin's demise. Unfortunately, he too wielded the blade sluggishly, allowing Djarin to stab him. Djarin held his vibro-knife around his challenger's throat, and the Armorer concluded the duel, with Djarin winning.
The Armorer asked if any had removed their helmet. Vizsla hadn't, but Djarin admitted he had. Vizsla called Djarin an apostate and told him to leave. The Armorer said he could only find atonement in the Living Waters beneath the Mines of Mandalore, which Djarin believed was destroyed. Djarin left, taking the Darksaber.

Vizsla and the Armorer relocated to a new covert, residing in the caves of a rocky desert planet. There they regrew a tribe, including foundlings, one being Vizsla's son Ragnar Vizsla. One day, the tribe held a ceremony for Ragnar's swearing of the Mandalorian Creed. Vizsla stood with his comrades as the Armorer led a procession to take the helmet to the boy. Ragnar, in a lake, repeated the Armorer in reciting the creed, and he received his helmet, Vizsla and the tribe joining in saying "This is the Way."
As the recital continued, the Armorer stopped, detecting a threat. Vizsla stepped forward when a giant lake monster emerged, nearly eating Ragnar. The Mandalorians began firing on the beast, Vizsla telling the younger ones to get to the caves. Vizsla then opened fire. With the tribe keeping it at bay, Vizsla ordered some to the skies. He gave a trio coverfire while they planted detonators, which failed.

The lake monster continued to fight, knocking many about. When the beast turned to Ragnar, who hadn't fled, Vizsla flew down and knocked the boy out the way before firing on the creature. The creature attempted to eat Vizsla when Din Djarin arrived in his N-1 starfighter, striking the beast with cannonfire. As Vizsla recovered, Djarin launched two proton torpedos into the monster, killing it. Vizsla and his comrades regathered to watch their visitor land.

After speaking with the Armorer, Djarin found the Living Waters on Mandalore, discovering the world was survivable. With the help of Nite Owl and revolutionary Bo-Katan Kryze, Djarin bathed in the Waters, Kryze saving him when he fell too deep. The pair returned to Vizsla's covert, where Vizsla spotted their ships. Joined by other Mandalorians, Vizsla stopped Djarin and Kryze, calling Djarin an apostate. Djarin claimed he had been to the Mines, but Vizsla believed they were destroyed. Kryze declared herself as witness, Vizsla asking who the "Nite Owl" was.
Kryze revealed her identity, and Vizsla declared her an apostate as House Kryze had fallen from the Way. Djarin reaffirmed he had been to the Waters, bringing out a flask. Vizsla brought the two to the Armorer to test Djarin's proof. Vizsla explained Djarin's claims, and the Armorer tested the water, proving Djarin was truthful. As Kryze had also bathed, she was redeemed, and the Tribe welcomed the two, Vizsla watching.
Later, while the tribe trained, Ragnar was snatched by a shriek-hawk. Vizsla warned others about shooting it, as it could harm the foundling. Vizsla pursued the beast, but ran out of jetpack fuel. Kryze tracked it in her ship to its nest. The Armorer ordered a search party. Vizsla, Djarin and Kryze joined. Kryze landed the ship close by. Vizsla gave Kryze the honor of eating before the fire, as she was the leader of the search party, while the others had to look for places where they could eat privately.
The next morning they began their climb to the peak, and reached the shriek-hawk's nest. It was not there and they began to search for the foundling. Djarin detected a heat source, and Vizsla immediately ran towards it, despite Kryze's warning. Vizsla explaind his urgency by revealing that Ragnar is his son, and called out for him. However, the heat source was shriek-hawk's own offspring, and then it appeared, attempting to feed the foundling to them. When Vizsla scrambled to help Ragnar, the shriek-hawk picked Vizsla up in his mouth and Ragnar in his claws. Kryze used her jetpack to go after them, but was buffeted away by the shriek-hawk's wings. After she recovered, she was joined by Djarin, and together they were able to fire lariats into the shriek-hawk's body. Kryze used her cable to get to the shriek-hawk's head, where she stabbed it repeatedly in the eye until the the creature roared in pain and dropped Vizsla.
The other Mandalorians managed to get their lariats around the creature, and Djarin was able to get his lariat around one of its wings, sending it off balance. He rescued Ragnar from its claws, and the shriek-hawk plunged into the lake. As it struggles to take off again, a dinosaur turtle rised from beneath it and snapped it up in its jaws, pulling it down into the water. Djarin and Ragnar landed next to Vizsla, where Vizsla urgently asked if Ragnar is alright, and hugged him. Ragnar assured him that he is okay, and Vizsla thanked Djarin, to which Djarin replied, "This is the Way." Vizsla echoed it.

Later, Nevarro was attacked by pirates led by Pirate King Gorian Shard. High Magistrate Greef Karga called for help from Captain Carson Teva of the New Republic. Teva visited Coruscant, requesting resources, but was declined. Determined to aid Nevarro and prove the pirates were hired by Gideon, Teva visited the Mandalorians, having become acquainted with Djarin. As Teva landed, two Mandalorians aimed snipers at him. Vizsla, accompanied by a squad, confronted Teva, ordering him to leave, stating the New Republic wasn't welcome.
Djarin arrived, de-escalating the situation. Teva explained the situation, before Djarin stated the covert would need to move. Vizsla suggested killing Teva, but Djarin ordered him not to, as Teva had saved his life. The Captain went to give Djarin the message sent by Karga, before Vizsla and the other Mandalorians equipped their weapons. As a result, Teva moved much slower, before tossing the message over to Djarin. Eventually, Teva departed, promising to keep their location secret.
The covert returned to their cave, where Djarin convinced the Mandalorians to assist in the battle. Following this speech, the Armorer asked of anyone else wished to speak, which Vizsla accepted. Vizsla explained the history the Mandalorians had with Karga, and brought up the question of why they should help him, before stating that they were Mandalorians, and it was their duty. He then expressed his appreciation to Kryze and Djarin for saving his son Ragnar, before repeating the mantra of the Way. Eventually, the Mandalorians arrived on Nevarro, and defeated the pirate forces there. The battle resulted in the death of Gorian Shard, and Karga expressed his appreciations to the Mandalorians, offering them residence down by Bulloch Canyon. Following the battle, Vizsla spoke to Kryze, telling her the the Armorer wished to speak with her, before guiding her down to their former base down in the sewers. The Armorer allowed Kryze to remove her helmet, and asked her to recruit other Mandalorians. When Vizsla asked why she showed her face, the Armorer stated that Kryze walked both worlds.
When Kryze returned to Nevarro with her unit, she called for Mandalorians to reunite and formed a party to establish a foothold on their homeworld, with Paz being the first member of the Tribe after Djarin to volunteer. On Mandalore, Vizsla fought with Axe Woves, but Grogu stopped them. Upon finding the Great Forge, they were ambushed by Moff Gideon's forces, who led them into a trap. Discovering the Empire had a stronghold, Gideon captured Djarin and ordered the extermination of Mandalorians. Buying time for Kryze to escape with the Darksaber, Vizsla held off the Imperials until everyone escaped. With Kryze calling for him to escape with her, Vizsla instead sealed the doors behind him, and would give his life in a last stand to ensure the others were not followed. After defeating all the Imperial commandos, he was surrounded by three Imperial Praetorian Guards. While Paz was able to briefly put up a fight, they then killed him, holding true to the Creed to the very end.

Paz Vizsla, a massive humanoid male hailing from Mandalore, was a mysterious Mandalorian warrior holding the rank of Heavy Infantry. Due to the tragic events of the Great Purge that befell his people, he harbored a deep-seated hatred for the Galactic Empire and anyone associated with it. A natural survivor, he dedicated himself to safeguarding the Mandalorian legacy after the devastating event.
Vizsla accused Din Djarin, the Mandalorian bounty hunter, of lacking courage for accepting assignments from former Imperial personnel. Despite their contrasting views, Vizsla prioritized the Way of the Mandalore above all else, stepping in to defend Djarin when the Bounty Hunters' Guild launched an attack. Vizsla held unwavering loyalty to the Way and his ancestral lineage, asserting his rightful claim to the Darksaber based on his heritage and denouncing Djarin as an "apostate" for admitting to removing his helmet in the presence of others. Observing Djarin's struggles during Darksaber training, he became convinced of his own superiority and believed himself more deserving to wield the weapon. However, he was ultimately unable to defeat Djarin in battle.
Later, Vizsla was present for his son Ragnar's initiation into the Mandalorian Creed. When a predatory creature disrupted the ceremony with an attack, he commanded that the children be escorted to safety within the caves. When Bo-Katan Kryze joined the Mandalorian Covert, Vizsla initially regarded her with suspicion due to her past. Vizsla displayed immense care for his son, exhibiting fierce parental determination in his pursuit to locate and eliminate the creature responsible for Ragnar's abduction. Ultimately, the creature was slain with the assistance of Djarin and Kryze, who aided Vizsla in rescuing Ragnar. This act secured Vizsla's lasting respect for them. When Djarin sought aid from the Covert to defend the people of Navarro against invading pirates, Vizsla endorsed Djarin, advocating for their assistance and asserting that Djarin and Kryze were guiding them toward a more promising future. Vizsla was among the select few who volunteered to join Kryze in scouting Mandalore with the intention of reclaiming the planet. Vizsla made the ultimate sacrifice, giving his own life to provide the Mandalorians with the time needed to evade Gideon's trap, remaining true to his word and the Creed until his final moment.

Vizsla possessed considerable combat prowess, demonstrating proficiency in wielding a heavy blaster cannon and repelling numerous attackers simultaneously. During his duel with Djarin, he proved to be a formidable opponent, effectively utilizing his exceptional strength. Despite his efforts, he was ultimately defeated.
Paz Vizsla was equipped with a suit of Heavy Infantry Mandalorian Armor, a variant of standard beskar Mandalorian armor featuring reinforced plating. The armor's primary color was blue, accented with yellow components, and adorned with a mythosaur skull emblem on his pauldron. His left Mandalorian vambrace incorporated a sizable wrist-mounted flamethrower and a shield projector. He wore a kama and a jetpack with gravity stabilizers to maintain balance during flight. His helmet included a rangefinder. Furthermore, he carried an M-55 Medium Repeating Blaster and a vibro-knife.
Paz Vizsla made his debut in "Chapter 3: The Sin" of The Mandalorian, the live-action Disney+ series, which premiered on November 22, 2019. Although his name was not explicitly mentioned in the episode, Paz Vizsla was identified in the credits. Initially, the credits of "The Sin" listed him as "Paz Vizla," but they were subsequently corrected to "Paz Vizsla." The character's voice was provided by Jon Favreau, the series creator—a tribute to his initial collaboration with producer Dave Filoni as the voice of Pre Vizsla in the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Tait Fletcher portrayed the character physically, having previously appeared as a trawler in the series' first episode. In "Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian" from The Book of Boba Fett, another live-action series directed by Bryce Dallas Howard and released on January 26, 2022, Fletcher reprised his role as Vizsla, with Rich Cetrone serving as his stunt double. In "Chapter 17: The Apostate," which aired on March 1 2023, Jeremy Fitzgerald took on the role of the character's stunt double.
Fletcher learned about his selection for the part of Vizsla shortly after being informed of his casting as the trawler character, but the specifics of the role remained unknown until the suit's construction commenced. Fletcher expressed that portraying both characters was an extraordinary experience, emphasizing the inspiring nature of Vizsla's persona.

The concept of Paz Vizsla originated with Favreau, who desired the inclusion of a Mandalorian antagonist clad in heavy armor, resembling a heavily augmented Mandalorian warrior: a heavy-infantry Mandalorian. Concept artist Brian Matyas was tasked with visually realizing these ideas, producing numerous designs for the character. One design incorporated sandtrooper shoulder pauldrons to enhance the Mandalorian's bulk, which Matyas felt was excessive. Another design explored a more subdued color palette, favoring darker tones, and employed a barreled chest to project a more intimidating presence.
For Vizsla's helmet, Matyas aimed to create a more curvilinear visor, drawing inspiration from Nazi helmets. He also drew influence from the Brutalist and geometric forms of Art Deco, as well as the German Expressionist movement, to broaden the shoulders. The rangefinder was made more substantial to reinforce this concept, avoiding the slender, stalk-shaped designs that might appear fragile. The artist also reduced the visor's size to amplify the character's imposing stature and experimented with jetpack designs, encountering challenges in conceiving one for a character who seemed less agile in flight.

Regarding Vizsla's weapon, art director Doug Chiang sought something that would provide a contrast to Djarin's whistling birds and fork-shaped rifle. He envisioned a plasma laser that functioned similarly to a flamethrower, with molten lava-like residue upon deactivation. Artist Christian Alzmann created artwork based on Chiang's concept. Matyas imagined Vizsla as the type to wield a gatling gun rather than Western-style double pistols. The blaster cannon he ultimately designed was intended as a homage to the M56 Smartgun from the science fiction film Aliens.
Matyas received the suggestion to have the gun powered by the jetpack, an idea that reminded him of the character Baze Malbus from the 2016 film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Consequently, Matyas designed a robust hose that dictated the construction of the delivery system into the fuel canister. Chiang and John Park created artwork depicting a Mandalorian utilizing a jetpack to fly alongside the Razor Crest; however, the Mandalorian's armor in the illustration more closely resembles Djarin's than Vizsla's.
Din Djarin and Other Characters of the Underworld, a publication within De Agostini's Star Wars Encyclopedia series, asserts that Vizsla's homeworld was Concordia and that his height was 1.93 meters. The 2021 reference book Star Wars: Character Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition contradicts both of these details, identifying Mandalore as his homeworld and stating his height as 1.91 meters. This article adheres to the information provided in the latter source.