The initial episode of the live-action television program The Mandalorian's third season is titled "Chapter 17: The Apostate". Rick Famuyiwa served as the director, and it debuted on March 1, 2023 via the Disney+ streaming service.
On a planet that remains unknown, the Armorer is in the process of crafting a blue Mandalorian helmet. She carries the helmet to the riverbank where a Mandalorian initiation is about to take place. During this ceremony, a young individual named Ragnar recites the Creed before he attempts to don the helmet. Before the ritual can be completed, a dinosaur turtle launches an assault on their Mandalorian covert. The Armorer escorts Ragnar to safety, while Paz Vizsla takes the lead in defending the covert.
Several Mandalorians are consumed by the creature. The Mandalorians try to attach grav charges to the creature, but its thick hide proves impenetrable. They then attempt to use whipcords to bring it down, but the creature's immense size and power make them ineffective. Ragnar attempts to charge the creature's open mouth, but Vizsla intervenes, firing blaster shots at the creature. Din Djarin, accompanied by Grogu, arrives in his N-1 Starfighter and launches torpedoes into the creature's flank, resulting in its death.
After landing his spacecraft, Djarin seeks out the Armorer in her dwelling and inquires about how he can atone for his actions. The Armorer informs Djarin that he is no longer considered a Mandalorian because he willingly took off his helmet. Djarin reminds her that the Creed includes the concept of redemption. The Armorer expresses her belief that Djarin's redemption is impossible, as she is convinced that the mines and Living Waters were obliterated during the Great Purge of Mandalore.
Djarin presents her with a green Mandalorian inscription that he obtained from a Jawa, who in turn acquired it from someone who had visited Mandalore. The Armorer counters that the inscription only confirms that the entire surface of Mandalore has been crystalized by fusion rays. Djarin, however, believes that the traveler managed to reach the mines of Mandalore. Djarin aims to redeem himself by journeying to Mandalore and demonstrating that the mines and Living Waters still exist. The Armorer sanctions his mission, affirming "This is the way." Grogu vocalizes his agreement and watches with curiosity.
As they journey through hyperspace, Grogu is captivated by the hyperspace tunnel and observes several large entities (Purrgil) traveling alongside them. Djarin pilots the N-1 starfighter to Nevarro, where he receives a greeting from air traffic control. He announces his intention to visit an "old friend." Djarin strolls through the streets of Nevarro City, with Grogu riding in his repulsorlift cradle. Djarin notes the improved cleanliness and safety of the streets. Droids and beings from various species populate the area. Kowakian monkey-lizards perch in the trees, observing the scene.
As they pass a statue of IG-11, Djarin reminds Grogu about his former droid companion. Djarin then greets Greef Karga, who has risen to the position of High Magistrate of Nevarro. Inside his office, Karga informs Djarin that Nevarro has become an official trade route along the Hydian Way. Karga also mentions that Nevarro is experiencing a construction surge due to mining activities in the system's asteroid field. Karga extends an offer to Djarin and Grogu to settle on a plot of land on the outskirts of the city.
Djarin responds that he is not yet ready to settle down, as his quest is ongoing and he has become an apostate. Karga attempts to reassure Djarin that he would fit in as a member of the landed gentry. A protocol droid interrupts to inform Karga that a group of pirates, led by the Nikto named Vane, have arrived in the town square. Vane invites Karga for a drink, but Karga informs them that the establishment has been repurposed as a school run by a protocol droid teacher.
However, Vane insists on drinking at the school, citing its history as a bar. Karga refuses to yield, prompting Vane to remind Karga that he had paid them for acts of violence and chaos within the former bar, accusing Karga of becoming soft. Karga challenges Vane to a duel. Before Vane can reach for his holster, Karga shoots the blaster out of his hand. Karga instructs Vane to relay to Captain Gorian Shard that Nevarro is no longer a haven for pirates. He orders Vane to leave. When Vane's fellow pirates reach for their weapons, Djarin swiftly neutralizes them. Karga reiterates his warning to Vane, and the pirate flees. When Djarin questions his decision to spare Vane, Karga explains that Vane will carry the message that Nevarro is now a respectable place.
As service droids remove the fallen pirates, Karga informs Djarin that he is in need of a new marshal. He explains that Cara Dune was recruited by New Republic Special Forces after capturing Moff Gideon, who was then sent to a New Republic War Tribunal. Djarin is hesitant to accept the role of Karga's new marshal and suggests that he request assistance from the New Republic. Karga responds that he is unwilling to submit to another distant bureaucracy. Karga envisions Nevarro becoming the first truly independent trade hub in the sector. Djarin declines the offer, citing a pressing matter that requires his attention.
Karga inquires about what services he can provide. Djarin requests that he retrieve the late IG-11, as he requires a trustworthy droid to assist him in exploring Mandalore. Karga replies that the statue is constructed from the few salvaged parts of IG-11 following his self-destruction. Karga offers Djarin alternative droids, but Djarin persuades Karga to allow him to attempt to rebuild IG-11.
In a workshop, Djarin connects IG-11's mechanical body to a power source and succeeds in reviving the droid. However, Djarin inadvertently restores IG-11's memories to the point when he was programmed to eliminate Grogu. The legless IG-11 lunges at Djarin and Grogu. Djarin grabs Grogu and hands him to Karga before firing at IG-11. A bust of Karga falls onto IG-11's head. Later, Karga suggests that Djarin take the deactivated IG-11 to the Anzellan droidsmiths, whom he considers to be among the best in the galaxy.
However, the Anzellans are unable to repair IG-11's memory circuit due to its rarity. They suggest purchasing a new droid. Djarin offers to assist the Anzellans in locating a replacement part, which they accept. Grogu embraces one of the diminutive Anzellan mechanics, prompting the Anzellan to protest being squeezed before Djarin removes the mechanic from Grogu. Disappointed, Grogu attempts again, without success. Djarin and Grogu prepare to depart on their N-1 starfighter to find a memory circuit for IG-11. Karga wishes them safe travels.
As they travel through the space above Nevarro, Djarin explains to Grogu that being a Mandalorian involves more than just fighting. He adds that navigation skills are essential, as one never knows where one might end up. Djarin shows Grogu a hyperspace map and explains how to determine their range by observing the fuel gauge. The ship's proximity alert sounds, warning Djarin of the presence of pirate starfighters.

Vane seeks retribution for the deaths of four of his comrades and reminds Djarin that they serve the Pirate King Gorian Shard. Djarin retorts that Shard should stick to hijacking and ransoming before accelerating. Djarin leads the pirate starfighters on a pursuit through an asteroid field. One of the pirate ships collides with an asteroid, but the others continue their chase. Djarin gains the advantage and outmaneuvers his pursuers, shooting down several starfighters. One of the pirate ships crashes into a mining platform on an asteroid.
Despite these losses, Vane manages to steer Djarin's starfighter towards Captain Shard's warship. Pirate gunners target Djarin's N-1 starfighter. Shard warns Djarin that he has him in his sights. Djarin responds that he has no quarrel with him, but Shard reminds Djarin that he has just destroyed four of his starfighters. Shard demands Djarin's surrender in exchange for sparing his life. Djarin tells Grogu never to trust a pirate before accelerating, causing the N-1 starfighter to speed past the bridge of Shard's warship. Shard expresses his anger.
Djarin transports Grogu to Kalevala, another planet within the Mandalore system. Djarin lands his N-1 starfighter at Kryze Castle. Upon exiting the ship, he and Grogu are greeted by a blue footman droid. The two proceed through the castle hallway into a throne room, where they encounter a despondent Bo-Katan Kryze, who has abandoned her plans to retake Mandalore. Without the Darksaber, her forces dissipated. Kryze mentions that her fleet has reverted to its former role as mercenaries.
Kryze inquires whether Djarin possesses the Darksaber. Upon Djarin's confirmation, she urges him to wield it to lead their people. Djarin asks Kryze if she has relinquished her ambition to reclaim Mandalore. Kryze responds that Djarin's Children of the Watch cult abandoned Mandalore before the Purge. She questions Djarin's whereabouts during the Purge. Kryze asserts that the Children of the Watch and other factions divided their people. She advises Djarin to return home, as there is nothing left.
Djarin informs Kryze of his intention to return to Mandalore to bathe in the Living Waters and seek forgiveness for his transgressions. Kryze dismisses Djarin as foolish and asserts that there is nothing mystical about the Mines of Mandalore. She explains that they provided beskar ore to their ancestors, and the rest is mere superstition. When Kryze states that Mandalore has been poisoned, plundered, and polluted, Djarin reminds her that she had previously dismissed that curse as a falsehood and urges her to make up her mind. Kryze informs Djarin that the mines are located beneath the Civic Center in Sundari. Djarin pledges to ascertain whether Mandalore has truly been poisoned. Kryze bids Djarin farewell.
The external shots of Kryze Castle on the planet Kalevala were filmed at Neist Point on the Isle of Skye in Scotland.