Kalevala, a planet situated within the Mandalore system of the Mandalore sector, resided in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. It served as the ancestral homeworld for House Kryze, a prominent Mandalorian political dynasty that held the titles of Dukes and Duchesses of Kalevala. Consequently, it marked the birthplace of Duchess Satine Kryze, the leader of the New Mandalorians, and later acted as the center of authority for her sister, Bo-Katan Kryze, following the devastating Great Purge.
Within the Mandalore system, Kalevala was a terrestrial planet, sharing this star system with Mandalore, the central homeworld of the Mandalorians and the heart of Mandalorian Space. Its galactic position was marked by the coordinates O-7 on the Standard Galactic Grid, placing it in relative proximity to the Hydian Way trade route. This frequently rainy world was characterized by its grass-covered hills and expansive plains, punctuated by rocky outcroppings and its numerous oceans.
Before the era of the Clone Wars, ancient Kalevalan ocean vessels were employed to navigate the planet's diverse oceans. This historical maritime tradition influenced Kalevala Spaceworks, which constructed the Coronet, a custom Nau'ur-class yacht featuring an upper deck meticulously designed to emulate these ancient ships.

Kalevala served as the base of operations for House Kryze, and it later functioned as the homeworld of Duchess Satine Kryze, the leading figure of the New Mandalorians. Additionally, Kalevala was the native world of Prince Tal Merrik, who represented Kalevala in the Senate of the Galactic Republic until his death in 21 BBY. Soon after, the Death Watch, a traditionalist faction in opposition to the New Mandalorians, perpetrated a bombing on Kalevala resulting in the death of Deputy Minister Jerec. Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine exploited this bombing as a rationale for a proposed Republic intervention on Mandalore, a proposal that Duchess Satine contested before the Galactic Senate.
While Mandalore itself suffered immense destruction at the hands of the Galactic Empire during the Night of a Thousand Tears, other locations in Mandalorian space, such as Concordia and Kalevala, seemingly avoided such devastation. During the New Republic Era, Lady Bo-Katan Kryze retreated to Kryze Castle on Kalevala after relinquishing her attempts to reclaim the Mandalorian homeworld.

Circa 9 ABY, Din Djarin, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, accompanied by the Foundling Grogu, journeyed to Kryze on Kalevala seeking the coordinates of the Mines of Mandalore. Djarin hoped to redeem himself in the estimation of the Children of the Watch, a group of Mandalorian religious extremists, by immersing himself in the living waters of Mandalore. Upon returning from the living waters, Bo-Katan and Din Djarin discovered Kryze Castle under attack by TIE Interceptors and TIE Bombers. This assault was commanded by Moff Gideon, whose Imperial remnant was secretly headquartered on Mandalore. Working together, Bo-Katan and Din Djarin successfully repelled the attack, although Kryze Castle suffered complete destruction.

Kalevala was initially referenced in the introductory newsreel of "Voyage of Temptation," the thirteenth episode from the second season of the canon animated series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which was originally broadcast on February 5, 2010. The planet was originally established within the Star Wars Legends continuity in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, a three-volume reference book from 2008 edited by Bob Vitas. The world made its first visual appearance in "Chapter 17: The Apostate," the opening episode of season three of The Mandalorian, which was filmed at Neist Point on the Isle of Skye located in Scotland.
The name Kalevala is known to have two pronunciations. In "Voyage of Temptation," the world's name was spoken as "Kall-vah-lah," while in the subsequent episode, "Duchess of Mandalore," it was pronounced as "Kah-lay-vah-lah" instead. In "The Apostate," Din Djarin uses the latter pronunciation. A misspelling of Kalevala as "Kalavela" occurs in The Star Wars Book.