An Imperial starfighter base, serving as the primary headquarters and operational center for Moff Gideon and his Imperial remnant, was constructed underground on the planet Mandalore. This base, situated within a spacious cavern accessible through an opening on the surface, featured numerous hangar bays accommodating TIE/IN interceptors and TIE/sa bombers. Additionally, it included landing platforms where TIE/ln space superiority starfighters were docked. The facility also housed a command center utilized by Moff Gideon, a debriefing area, and a cloning lab dedicated to the production and storage of Force-sensitive clones intended for Gideon's forces. A corridor protected by four shield barriers provided access to both the command center and the cloning lab. Imperial armored commandos guarded the base, while droids such as R-series astromech droids, power droids, and MSE-6 series repair droids performed operational tasks.
Following his extraction from New Republic detention, Moff Gideon made his way back to the base. Gideon was present at the base during a session with the Shadow Council, where he voiced his anxieties and unveiled his strategies for eliminating the Mandalorians.
After the Mandalorians returned to the planet with the intention of retaking their homeworld, they were ambushed and drawn into the Imperial base by Imperial armored commandos. Gideon deployed TIE interceptors and bombers that were stationed at the base. Din Djarin was taken prisoner by Gideon, yet the remaining Mandalorians managed to flee thanks to the selflessness of Paz Vizsla.
Later, the remaining Mandalorians launched an assault on the Imperial base, inflicting significant losses on the Imperials, until Axe Woves crashed their captured light cruiser into the base, resulting in its total destruction.