Moff Gideon's light cruiser was a Class 546 model belonging to the Arquitens-class command cruiser line, serving under the authority of Moff Gideon in the years following the Battle of Endor. During the rescue operation to save his foundling, Grogu, from Gideon's clutches, the Mandalorian Din Djarin, along with his allies, successfully captured the ship and apprehended the moff. This light cruiser housed a platoon of Phase-III Dark Troopers, who were ultimately defeated by Djarin and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Subsequent to this, control of the cruiser was transferred to Bo-Katan Kryze. Following the departure of Kryze's forces, stemming from her refusal to claim the Darksaber from Din Djarin, command of the vessel passed to Axe Woves. Woves utilized it for mercenary activities and later as the flagship for the Mandalorian garrison. Ultimately, the vessel met its demise during the conflict on Mandalore, as Woves deliberately piloted it into a collision with Gideon's Imperial base, resulting in the deaths of both the Moff and his remaining troops.
The Arquitens-class command cruiser was the Imperial control of the moff, and when it was taken by the Mandalorians, it has the symbol of the mythosaur underbelly, similar to the Thrawn's flagship the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Chimaera with the symbol of the chimaera underbelly.
The inaugural appearance of the light cruiser occurred in "Chapter 12: The Siege," an episode from the live-action television series The Mandalorian, which was broadcast in 2020. Its realization involved the construction of a meticulously crafted five-foot scale model.