Mandalorian resistance

The Mandalorian resistance was a group of dissenting Mandalorians, under the leadership of Lady Bo-Katan Kryze, who was the head of Clan Kryze and formerly the regent of the planet Mandalore. This group emerged during the Imperial Era. After the death of Imperial Governor Tiber Saxon, Kryze obtained the Darksaber and used it to unite the Mandalorian clans against the Empire. Their rebellion, however, led to the devastating Great Purge. Kryze's inability to regain the Darksaber during the strike on Gideon's light cruiser caused her followers to lose faith in her leadership, and the resistance splintered into a mercenary company. They were employed to protect Plazir-15, where they functioned as a Mandalorian garrison defending the planet. This lasted until Bo-Katan returned, and with the assistance of Din Djarin, she regained control of her forces and also the Darksaber.



Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars and the transformation of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire, Lady Bo-Katan Kryze held the position of Regent on Mandalore. Appointed to the role by the Jedi, she refused to accept the Imperial occupation of Mandalore, which triggered renewed conflict. She was then betrayed by Clan Saxon, who sided with the Galactic Empire, resulting in Gar Saxon being appointed as Viceroy and Governor of the planet.

Civil war erupts

Around two decades later, within the Age of the Empire, a skirmish on Krownest occurred between Imperial Super Commandos under Saxon's command and members of Clan Wren. This conflict resulted in the viceroy's death and the defeat of his forces. Consequently, a civil war broke out among the Mandalorians. By 1 BBY, Clan Kryze and the Nite Owls had allied with Clan Wren, the Mandalorian Protectors represented by Fenn Rau, and members of the Rebel Alliance in combatting Clan Saxon and the Empire. After Governor Tiber Saxon used the AT-DP Arc Cannon Prototype against Mandalorians and subsequently perished, Clan Eldar, Clan Vizsla, Clan Rook, and other clans pledged their loyalty to Kryze. This occurred after she received the Darksaber and assumed the title of Mand'alor. As the leader of the Mandalorians, Kryze spearheaded the newly established Mandalorian resistance, striving to free Mandalore from the Galactic Empire.

Great Purge of Mandalore

Bo-Katan Kryze commanded a squad within the Mandalorian resistance following the Galactic Civil War.

Following two bombings and the Empire's destruction of departing ships, many Mandalorian recruits were killed during the Night of a Thousand Tears by Imperial gunships equipped with E-Web heavy repeating blaster cannons. Kryze decided to parley with ISB officer, Moff Gideon, aiming for a cease-fire. The agreement was that if Mandalore disarmed, the Mandalorians and their cities would be spared. However, Gideon seized the Darksaber from her.

Realizing they couldn't effectively control Mandalore, the Empire initiated the Great Purge of Mandalore targeting the Mandalorians. Kryze and her people resisted this attempted genocide, but the Imperial campaign resulted in the deaths of the majority of Mandalorians. Some scattered groups survived, including a unit led by Kryze, who sought to reunite her people, reclaim the Darksaber from Imperial Moff Gideon, and regain her throne and world. Having received the saber as a gift and then overseen Mandalore's downfall, Kryze was determined to win the blade in combat, proving herself as a worthy leader.

While Kryze and her companions, Axe Woves and Koska Reeves, were hunting Gideon on the planet Trask, they encountered Din Djarin, a Mandalorian Child of the Watch, who had been tasked by his people to return the Force-sensitive foundling Grogu to the Jedi. They also saved him from a gang of Quarrens. Kryze offered to assist Djarin with his mission in exchange for his help in hijacking a Gozanti-class Assault Carrier. Kryze tried to recruit him into their ranks, but Djarin declined, as he was searching for a Jedi to train Grogu. Kryze directed him to Corvus, where he could find Ahsoka Tano.

After Grogu was captured by Gideon, Djarin, accompanied by Boba Fett, sought out Kryze and Koska on Lafete and requested their help to rescue Grogu. They agreed, motivated by Djarin's information about the coordinates of Gideon's light cruiser, hoping Kryze could reclaim the Darksaber. Kryze, Reeves, Carasynthia Dune, and Fennec Shand infiltrated Gideon's cruiser and fought their way to the bridge, battling stormtroopers along the way. Meanwhile, Djarin stealthily reached Grogu's cell, only to be ambushed by Gideon wielding the Darksaber. After defeating Gideon, Djarin became the new owner of the Darksaber, inadvertently thwarting Kryze's plans. Subsequently, the Dark Troopers, previously ejected into space by Djarin, returned to the ship, trapping them on the bridge. Just as the Dark Troopers were about to breach the blast doors, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker arrived and rescued the Mandalorians, taking Grogu to train him as his Padawan.


Due to Kryze's failure to reclaim the Darksaber, her forces deserted her, causing the Mandalorian resistance to temporarily dissolve. These forces, taking the Mandalorian fleet with them, became mercenaries traversing the galaxy and accepting lucrative contracts. Kryze retreated to Kalevala, residing in Kryze Castle in solitude. After being convinced to leave Kalevala and assist Djarin once more, she returned to find her castle being destroyed by a massive force of TIE starfighters.


Kryze managed to bring the Mandalorian privateers back under her banner with the Darksaber.

The fleet gathered on Plazir-15, where they were employed as the planet's standing army. While garrisoned on Plazir-15, they remained open to taking on additional assignments. Some Mandalorians left the planet to locate and capture a Quarren freighter captained by Shuggoth to retrieve a Mon Calamari viceroy's son. When Kryze arrived on Plazir-15 to reclaim her fleet, she fought Woves in single combat and emerged victorious. With Djarin relinquishing the Darksaber because of his defeat by a cyborg on Mandalore, whom Kryze then defeated, Kryze was able to reclaim the blade and her forces.

The Mandalorian resistance joined forces with the Tribe on Nevarro before heading to Mandalore. Upon their arrival, the Mandalorians discovered a group of survivors on a Langskib who led them to the Great Forge. They also uncovered Gideon's secret base. After a battle with Imperial forces, the Mandalorians successfully reclaimed their homeworld.

