Clan Rook existed as a Mandalorian clan during the Galactic Empire's rule, serving as a subject of House Kast. Following a task carried out by Clan Wren, Clan Kryze, and Rebel Alliance individuals in 1 BBY amidst the Mandalorian Civil War, a warrior from the clan committed the clan to Lady Bo-Katan Kryze, simultaneously joining the Mandalorian resistance against the Galactic Empire, along with various other clans.
The warriors of Clan Rook were known to wear Mandalorian armor featuring a color scheme of purple, yellow, and silver. Their signet was the symbol of House Kast, which depicted a coiled vexis.
Clan Rook made its debut in the first episode of the fourth season of Star Wars Rebels, called Star Wars Rebels: Heroes of Mandalore, which was broadcast in 2017. While Rook Kast, a Mandalorian character in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and associated media, shares her given name with Clan Rook, their relationship has not been established.