Gar Saxon, a Mandalorian human male, held positions of power throughout significant galactic conflicts. During the Clone Wars, he was a commander within Maul's Shadow Collective, leading the Mandalorian super commandos. Later, under the Galactic Empire, he became the Imperial Viceroy and Governor of his homeworld, Mandalore, during its reign.
During the Clone Wars era, Saxon participated in the rescue of Maul from the Spire located on Stygeon Prime as part of a two-man team. He subsequently commanded Maul's ground troops during General Grievous' invasion of the Shadow Collective's base on Ord Mantell. Furthermore, Saxon was present at the Siege of Mandalore, where he, along with Rook Kast, led Maul's invading forces. During this siege, on Maul's orders, he executed Almec, the Mandalorian Prime Minister. Post-rise of the Empire, Saxon became an Emperor's Hand serving Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine. He also commanded the Imperial Super Commandos until his death on Krownest in 2 BBY.

Gar Saxon was affiliated with both Clan Saxon and the Death Watch, a Mandalorian group opposing the pacifist government governing Mandalore. He initially served under Pre Vizsla until Vizsla's death in a duel with Maul for Mandalore's control. Following this, Saxon pledged his allegiance to Maul.
After Darth Sidious captured Maul, Almec, the Prime Minister of Mandalore, dispatched Saxon and Rook Kast to free Maul from the Spire on Stygeon Prime. Successfully accomplishing their mission, they escaped aboard a Mandalorian Gauntlet fighter, heading towards Zanbar as per Almec's instructions.
Following Maul's liberation, Saxon escorted him to the clandestine Shadow Collective base on Zanbar. Subsequently, General Grievous, acting on orders from Count Dooku, launched an assault on the planet utilizing his droid army. During this conflict, Saxon engaged in combat alongside his fellow Shadow Collective members. After Grievous's droids overwhelmed the majority of the soldiers, Saxon, accompanied by Maul, Kast, and other Shadow Collective members, retreated from the intense battle and proceeded to Ord Mantell. There, they planned to rendezvous with members of the Pyke Syndicate and Black Sun at their base.

On Ord Mantell, Saxon, along with the Shadow Collective, organized the next offensive against Separatist forces. Saxon was assigned command of the ground forces tasked with combating the droid army. Unfortunately, Saxon and his troops were defeated and captured, with the intention of being eliminated by the droids. Fortunately, Maul compelled Grievous to deactivate the droids' command signal, sparing Saxon and his men. With the droids rendered inactive, Saxon and his forces decimated the droid army. Subsequently, Saxon and his men rescued the Zabrak Viscus and captured Count Dooku, who was on the verge of killing the Nightbrother.

Following the events on Ord Mantell, Saxon and the remaining members of the Shadow Collective relocated to Vizsla Keep 09, a Mandalorian supply depot situated near Ord Mantell. By this time, the Republic had been informed about the events on Ord Mantell and launched an assault on the outpost. Saxon was present when Maul informed Sidious of his apprentice's and general's failure. Later, he escorted Grievous to a high-security cell while Maul attempted to persuade Dooku to become his new apprentice. Soon after, Saxon was compelled to assume command of his forces when a Republic assault, led by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Master Tiplee, attacked the outpost. Simultaneously, Maul and his new ally, Count Dooku, joined the battle alongside Mace Windu and the Twi'lek Aayla Secura. Maul engaged in combat with Secura and Windu, while Dooku fought Kenobi and Tiplee. During this conflict, Saxon instructed Kast to fire a missile at Secura before she could defeat Maul. With Secura distracted, Saxon, Kast, Maul, and later Dooku boarded a Gauntlet fighter and escaped, leaving Kenobi, Secura, Windu, and the deceased Tiplee at the outpost.
Subsequently, while en route to Dathomir, Maul communicated with Ziton Moj and Fife via hologram. The two threatened to withdraw from the Shadow Collective if they were not compensated as promised. After the leaders departed, Maul contacted Saxon and instructed him to maintain control over the two. However, these efforts proved futile, as the Shadow Collective soon dissolved when Separatist fleets attacked the Black Sun and Pyke Syndicate.

Eventually, Saxon and the remaining super commandos reunited on Mandalore within the domed city of Sundari. During the final days of the Clone Wars, the Mandalore resistance and the Galactic Republic launched a joint invasion of Mandalore. After concluding a transmission with the invaders, Prime Minister Almec instructed Saxon to prepare their forces for the impending invasion. Before departing to engage the invaders, Saxon inquired of Almec whether he was prepared for such a large-scale conflict, given their prolonged period of inactivity.
Later, Saxon defended the area surrounding the Sundari Royal Palace, engaging and eliminating a clone with a single shot from his WESTAR-35 blaster pistol. He then launched a rocket into a group of clone troopers and deflected a shot with his Personal Combat Shield while continuing to fire upon the enemy with his blaster. Seeking cover, Saxon contacted Almec and informed him of the strong resistance they faced outside the palace and the capture of the Sundari shipping docks by the enemy. In response, Almec ordered him to retreat into the undercity, where he would rendezvous with Maul. Saxon concluded the transmission and continued firing his blaster at the troopers before using his jetpack to fly into the undercity with several other super commandos, pursued by several clone troopers. Upon reaching the undercity, he retreated into the sewage ports to set a trap for the former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano.
As the Republic forces entered the sewage ports, Saxon, Kast, and several other super commandos lay in wait to spring their trap. Recognizing their advantageous position, Kast initiated the trap, firing an explosive at the Republic forces, disorienting them briefly before they charged towards the super commandos. The super commandos easily overwhelmed the clones, and as Tano reached a clearing in the ports, attempting to regroup with her forces, the super commandos surrounded her, and Maul emerged from hiding to confront her.
However, Tano escaped with the aid of clone trooper reinforcements, forcing Maul and his forces to retreat. Subsequently, they launched a counterattack, resulting in the capture of ARC trooper Jesse. During the interrogation, Maul instructed Saxon to eliminate Almec. Upon arriving at the prison, Saxon fatally shot Almec in his cell while he was being interrogated by Tano and Bo-Katan Kryze. Saxon then fled, pursued by Kryze, as Almec died after revealing the name "Skywalker" to Ahsoka. Saxon ultimately used a falling elevator to damage Kryze's jetpack, allowing him to escape the prison by air, leaving his pursuer unable to follow.

Saxon regrouped with Maul in the Undercity, where Maul was conversing with other members of the Shadow Collective, including Black Sun and the Pykes, who had rejoined after their earlier departure. Kast informed Saxon that Maul was instructing the various criminal leaders to go into hiding, to await the chaos that was soon to engulf the galaxy.
Saxon later participated in a battle against the 332nd Company, commanding the Mandalorian forces in the city center in what initially appeared to be a promising victory. However, Bo-Katan's forces arrived to reinforce the clones, ultimately defeating Saxon's forces. As the super commandos were pushed back by the clones and Bo-Katan's troops, he requested backup from Maul, who was attempting to flee the battle with Tano in pursuit. Despite Saxon's pleas for assistance, Maul refused to provide any support, instructing Saxon to die honorably before attempting to escape, only to be intercepted by Tano. Saxon was subsequently captured by Commander CT-7567 "Rex" and the clones of the 332nd Company before Rex ordered gunships to assist Ahsoka in her fight against Maul.
Following Maul's capture by Tano, Saxon was among the surviving Mandalorians taken into custody by the Republic forces and Bo-Katan.

After the Shadow Collective dissolved, Gar Saxon aligned himself with the Galactic Empire. Seeking personal power, Saxon collaborated with the Empire and, around 6 BBY, was pardoned and appointed as Governor of Mandalore by Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine. He also became the leader of the Imperial Super Commandos, Mandalorians serving the Empire. As representatives of the Empire, Saxon and his Imperial Super Commandos enforced the Empire's authority on Mandalore. As Viceroy, Saxon wore a distinctive variant of the Super Commando armor, characterized by large red patches on the suit and helmet.
Saxon also had a contentious relationship with Fenn Rau, the leader of the Mandalorian Protectors, a rival Mandalorian faction based in the Concord Dawn system. In 2 BBY, Saxon saw an opportunity to act against Rau when he learned that the Protectors were allowing the rebellion to use the Concord Dawn system as a route to evade Imperial sector patrols. To lure Rau back to Concord Dawn, and to eliminate his rivals, Saxon and his Imperial Super Commandos attacked the Protectors Camp on the third moon of Concord Dawn, leaving no survivors.
As anticipated, Rau returned to the third moon of Concord Dawn after learning of the loss of contact with his fellow Protectors. Saxon's plan was complicated by Rau's accompaniment by three of his rebel captors: the Mandalorian girl Sabine Wren, a member of House Vizsla; the Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger; and the astromech droid Chopper. After the rebels attacked and destroyed an Imperial dwarf probe droid, Saxon and his men disembarked from their starship and proceeded to the Protectors Camp. Rau and Sabine managed to escape, but Saxon and his men captured Ezra and Chopper.

Saxon had Ezra taken to an empty hut where he began to interrogate the boy. He also ordered his men to search for Ezra's companions. Saxon then removed his red helmet and introduced himself. Shortly after, another Super Commando entered the hut with Chopper. Ezra claimed that he and Chopper were scavengers associated with Hondo Ohnaka's scavenging gang. A third Super Commando entered the room to report that he and his men had found no trace of the other rebels. However, Saxon was dissatisfied and continued to interrogate Ezra.
When Ezra pretended to be unaware of the rebellion, Saxon reminded him that he was an experienced Mandalorian warrior, not a naive Imperial Academy graduate. Despite Saxon's attempts to intimidate him, Ezra continued to feign ignorance about Mandalore and the Empire. Growing impatient, Saxon and one of his Super Commandos fired blaster bolts at Chopper, startling the droid and Ezra. Ezra then claimed that he was Lando Calrissian. Saxon sensed that the boy was lying and told Ezra that he was revealing information whether he realized it or not. After Saxon threatened to extract information from Chopper's memory circuits, Ezra claimed that Fenn Rau had sent him.
Saxon then questioned Ezra about Rau's location, but the boy claimed ignorance. Losing patience, Saxon grabbed "Lando" by the throat before throwing him against the wall. Saxon then attempted to shoot Chopper to access the droid's memory circuits. However, Ezra used the Force to deflect Saxon's blaster bolts. At that point, Saxon realized that Ezra was a Jedi and would be a valuable captive. Before he could deal with Ezra, Sabine threw smoke grenades into the building and managed to rescue Ezra and Chopper. However, Rau stole the Phantom II and escaped, leaving them stranded.

Saxon and his Super Commandos then surrounded the three rebels outside of the encampment. Saxon recognized Sabine and stated that her mother had reconciled after Sabine abandoned her studies at the Imperial Academy of Mandalore. He also criticized her for disgracing her family name. Out of respect for Sabine, he offered her a chance to rejoin by pledging allegiance to him. Outnumbered, Sabine pretended to cooperate. When Saxon approached Sabine to demand her fealty, she called him a fool before instructing Chopper to upload Frequency 337 feedback into Saxon and his commandos' helmets.
While Saxon and his men were temporarily incapacitated, Sabine and her rebel companions fled into the canyon. Sabine and Ezra shared a stolen jetpack while Chopper activated his own rocket thrusters. Saxon and his men pursued the rebels through the canyon on their jetpacks. However, the rebels managed to evade their blasts and even managed to down one of his Super Commandos. As they approached a narrower part of the canyon, Saxon ordered his men to cut off their quarry by splitting up. Sabine managed to delay one Super Commando by collapsing rocks in their path. She then managed to kill or incapacitate another by detonating his jetpack.
Eventually, Sabine and the rebels reached Saxon's starship. However, Saxon and the remaining Imperial Super Commando caught up with them. Saxon prepared to execute Sabine and ordered his super commando to kill Ezra. Before they could act, Fenn Rau returned in the Phantom II after having a change of heart. He destroyed Saxon's starship and knocked down Saxon's remaining super commando. Saxon struggled with Sabine and attempted to kill her, but she escaped aboard the ship with Ezra's help. Saxon could only watch his burning ship as the rebels and Rau fled into space.

Saxon was in Sundari, the Mandalorian capital city, when he received a holo communication from Ursa Wren, the leader of Clan Wren. Ursa informed him of her daughter's arrival along with two Jedi. Saxon, realizing he could avenge his previous failure to capture Sabine, advised her that she was fulfilling her duty to Mandalore and instructed her to hold the Jedi until he and his super commandos arrived.
Saxon traveled with a contingent of super commandos to the Wren Stronghold on the planet Krownest, where Clan Wren members had surrounded Sabine and the two Jedi, one of whom was Ezra Bridger, whom he had previously fought, and the other being Bridger's master, Kanan Jarrus. Saxon demanded that Ursa hand over the Darksaber, which she had retrieved from her daughter to bargain for her life, seeking the ancient weapon to solidify his rule over Mandalore. With the Darksaber in hand, Saxon declared that Ursa and Clan Wren had upheld their end of the bargain, but in doing so had associated with traitors, making them guilty of treason, for which he intended to eliminate the entire clan as an example. When Tristan Wren, Ursa's son and Sabine's brother, protested, arguing that they were all Mandalorian and that such a betrayal was unreasonable, Saxon realized he could still use him and offered him a place with the Empire over his family. To Saxon's satisfaction, Tristan initially appeared to side with him before declaring his loyalty to his family. Unconcerned, Saxon declared the end of Clan Wren and ignited the Darksaber as a signal to his men.
Before the massacre could occur, Rau infiltrated the stronghold, surprising everyone and providing the Jedi with their lightsabers, leading to a fierce firefight. As his men fell, Gar Saxon attempted to assassinate Ursa from behind but was stopped by Sabine, who was wielding Bridger's lightsaber. Enraged, Saxon activated his jetpack, sending them both crashing through a window onto a nearby frozen lake.

The two Mandalorians engaged in a lightsaber duel, with Saxon attempting to kill Sabine using the Darksaber, his blaster pistol, and his jetpack. Wren temporarily incapacitated him with a flamethrower, disabling his jetpack. Forced to land, the duel intensified, with the ice cracking beneath their feet. Despite Saxon's efforts, he was defeated when Sabine disarmed him of the Darksaber and held both the black and green blades to his throat, demanding his surrender. Saxon refused and insisted she kill him. However, instead of executing him as was traditional Mandalorian custom, Sabine chose to spare him, angering Saxon. Unwilling to accept defeat, Saxon prepared to shoot Sabine in the back but was shot through the heart by Ursa, who refused to allow him to kill her daughter. Shocked, Saxon gave Sabine one last hateful glare before collapsing, dead.
Following Gar Saxon's death, Rau stated that Mandalore would descend into chaos without his leadership. In contrast, Ursa believed that the chaos was necessary to rebuild the planet's strength. Rau also suggested that Sabine could succeed Saxon, as she now possessed the Darksaber. However, she declined, believing that staying with her family would allow her to find a true leader. Saxon was succeeded by his brother Tiber Saxon. During the testing of The Duchess, Grand Admiral Thrawn observed that Tiber was unlike Gar and questioned how his brother would feel about Tiber's rejection of Mandalorian tradition, to which Tiber replied that his brother no longer felt anything.

Gar Saxon was known as a Mandalorian of immense brutality, ruthlessness, and aggression. He demonstrated strong dedication to Maul's cause, even though Maul was an outsider and a Force-user, during their time together. Following Maul's downfall, Saxon once more pledged his allegiance to an outsider, this time the Empire. This led individuals like Sabine Wren to question whether his true loyalty resided with Mandalore or with himself. Consequently, his honor was brought into question, preventing him from claiming the title of Mand'alor. Saxon distinguished himself as a fierce and brutal warrior and commander. He proudly murdered the Protectors for their collaboration with the rebellion and was determined to eliminate their leader, Fenn Rau. Saxon was a ruthless and impatient interrogator, not hesitant to employ violence to obtain information. He also proved to be an extremely cunning and manipulative leader.
As the Empire's appointed ruler of Mandalore, Saxon aimed to eradicate and punish those who defied the Empire. He exploited Sabine's desertion from the Empire to exert pressure on Clan Wren. Saxon imprisoned Sabine's father as a hostage and compelled Countess Ursa Wren to enlist her son Tristan Wren as a member of the Imperial Super Commandos. Saxon harbored animosity towards Clan Wren and sought every opportunity to destroy the rival clan. To bolster his claim to rule Mandalore, Saxon attempted to seize the Darksaber from Sabine, despite lacking any legitimate claim to the ancient weapon.

Saxon's desire for power and dominance made it difficult for him to accept defeat gracefully. After being defeated by Sabine in single combat, Saxon demanded that she execute him to spare him the humiliation of submitting to her. When Sabine defied Mandalorian tradition by sparing his life, Saxon attempted to kill her with his blaster but was fatally shot by Ursa. Saxon also displayed extreme dishonor and self-serving behavior, breaking a promise to Clan Wren to protect them and twice attempting to assassinate his opponents from behind while they were distracted. The latter act ultimately led to his death and exposed him as a self-serving traitor. Despite his persistent disloyalty to Mandalore by serving external powers, Saxon, unlike his brother Tiber, did not completely abandon his heritage, as his armor, though Imperial in design, was crafted from beskar rather than plastoid.
Saxon craved power and was prepared to do anything to be on the winning side. While serving under Maul, he anticipated rising through the ranks of the Mandalorian leadership, but he was ultimately betrayed by the former Sith apprentice.
Saxon was a human male with a height of 1.89 meters (6 feet, 2 inches), fair skin, and gray eyes. By the time he became governor, his hair had transitioned from blond to gray.

Saxon was a fierce and merciless warrior on the battlefield. His proficiency with blasters and a jetpack surpassed that of his fellow soldiers. Maul's lieutenant was also adept at hand-to-hand combat, landing several significant blows on Bo-Katan Kryze, the leader of the Nite Owls (resulting in a stalemate in a fistfight). Saxon engaged Sabine Wren in a lightsaber duel but was outmaneuvered by the younger warrior, who had received lightsaber training from Kanan and Ezra.

During his time with the Shadow Collective's Mandalorian super commandos, Saxon's armor featured horns on his helmet and was painted black and red to signify his loyalty to Maul. His jetpack was equipped with Z-3X rockets, and his armor included a ZX flame projector. He also utilized a Galar-90 rifle in combat.
As the leader of the Empire's Super Commandos, Saxon wore their Super Commando armor in the color red.

Gar Saxon's initial appearance was in the 2014 Dark Horse Comics series Star Wars: Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir, which drew inspiration from four unproduced Star Wars: The Clone Wars episodes. Saxon later appeared in Star Wars Rebels, voiced by Ray Stevenson, who later reprised his role in the seventh season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
In the "Imperial Supercommandos" Rebels Recon video, Pablo Hidalgo characterized Saxon as the ultimate sellout, governing Mandalore on behalf of the Empire.