A specific type of Mandalorian armor was donned by the Imperial Super Commandos. Just like standard Mandalorian armor, it was constructed from beskar alloy. Typically, it was white, bringing to mind stormtrooper armor. Nevertheless, it could be accented with different colors to signify rank: Gar Saxon, in his role as the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore, included red paint; and Tristan Wren, while serving as a member of the Imperial Super Commandos, sported yellow shoulder tips. Mandalorians loyal to the Empire, clad in the super commando armor, fought against anti-Imperial Mandalorians throughout the subsequent Mandalorian Civil War, a conflict that saw anti-Imperial Mandalorian clans unite to form the Mandalorian resistance under the command of the legitimate Mand'alor Bo-Katan Kryze.
Ultimately, failing to maintain control of Mandalore, the Empire initiated a genocidal Great Purge targeting the Mandalorian population. Aran Tal, a Mandalorian who survived the Empire's purge, possessed a set of Imperial Super Commando armor known as the "Imperial Justice" suit, which he was able to use during his time as a Hunter in the Grand Arena. Tal felt that wearing the armor was a way to remember things he would prefer to forget.