The WESTAR-35 blaster pistol, alternatively known as the MandalTech Jai'galaar model blaster, represented a blaster pistol design produced by Concordian Crescent Technologies. Notably, Mandalorians belonging to Death Watch frequently employed them throughout the Clone Wars, and their usage persisted among Mandalorians well into the Imperial Era and beyond.
The WESTAR-35 was highly regarded by humans with Mandalorian ancestry, who often engaged in dual-wielding these weapons during combat scenarios. In addition to its formal designation, it was also known as the "MandalTech Jai'galaar model." This pistol incorporated a stun setting alongside a sealed, low-maintenance build. The weapon's sharp-angled aesthetics aligned with typical Mandalorian artistic preferences. The blasters belonging to the Mandalorian Sabine Wren were equipped with a precision barrel, a cooling mechanism, a rapid burst power cache, a combined gas and power cell cartridge slot, a magnetic-grip handle, a low-power pulse indicator, a pressure-sensitive trigger, and a flash suppressor. Similar to other Mandalorian blasters, the WESTAR-35 possessed the capability to discharge blaster bolts of both yellow and blue colors.

During the Clone Wars period, Death Watch extensively utilized these blasters, alongside GALAAR-15 blaster carbines. Their leader, Pre Vizsla, possessed a minimum of two of these pistols, employing them as his primary armaments in combat situations, including his ultimate confrontation against the rogue Sith Lord Maul, who challenged him for control of the group. Cad Bane acquired one such blaster following his escape from a Republic prison alongside Moralo Eval and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was disguised as Rako Hardeen. The Duros then entrusted the blaster to Hardeen.
During the Age of the Empire, the Mandalorian and rebel Sabine Wren also owned a pair of WESTAR-35s that were customized, which she modified and adorned with various colors. She carried one blue and one yellow pistol in her thigh holsters. Her pistols could interface with her helmet's heads-up display, furnishing data regarding a target's distance and the remaining ammunition count in the blaster. Furthermore, her blaster pistols emitted vibrations when ammunition was depleted, even without her helmet. On one instance, the Weequay pirate captain Hondo Ohnaka commented that such weapons were highly prized among black market dealers. Notably, this particular pair of blasters was capable of functioning underwater.
In the New Republic Era, members of the Tribe, an organization comprising Mandalorian survivors of the Great Purge of Mandalore, utilized WESTAR-35 blaster pistols. In 9 ABY, several members of the Tribe employed these blaster pistols during engagements against members of the Bounty Hunters' Guild while rescuing a child. Simultaneously, they were also used by members of the Mandalorian resistance.